
Social Demography Research Papers -
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistorical DemographyAfghanistan
In controtendenza con gli attuali orientamenti della storiografia italiana sull’Età moderna, questo libro ripropone una ricerca di prima mano su aspetti e problemi di argomento economico e sociale. Esso si segnala inoltre per l’area di... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistorical DemographyNobility
(Cet exposé n'est qu'une esquisse sans pretention) (This presentation is simply an unpretentious sketch) ---The term "Métis" used in this research is not associated to the Métis Nation or to any "Métis organisms," it was simply used to... more
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      HistorySocial DemographyNative American StudiesNative American Anthropology
(Cet exposé n'est qu'une esquisse sans pretention) (This presentation is simply an unpretentious sketch) (revisé/Revised 2024) Métis Unions & Weddings in Quebec; is an analysis of researches conducted from 2006 to 2009 containing the... more
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      SociologySocial DemographyDemographySociology of Education
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      Social DemographySosyoloji
Bangladesh is one of the third world countries as well as the seventh most populous country in the world. Its population is growing at an alarming rate beyond its capacity. A large portion of children are involved in various work in our... more
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      Social DemographyGender and SexualityReproductive rightsChildbearing
Abstract: Each year, increasing numbers of international students enroll in Chinese universities, yet no literature is available on their intercultural communication competences (ICC) and acculturation status. The study aimed at... more
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      Social DemographyIntercultural CommunicationForensic LinguisticsInternational Students
Tratar este tema requiere cierta audacia ya que las posiciones están cruzadas por principios y fanatismos.
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      Social DemographyInmigracionDelincuencia y migracionesTrafico De Drogas
This paper is an overview of the shifts in the internal migration patterns in Romania for the last six decades. In the first part a literature-based brief overview of the trends and patterns of internal migration during communism will be... more
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      Social DemographyGeographyHuman GeographySocial Geography
Same-sex families are a recent legal reality in Europe. Socially and politically, they have been recognized only since 1989. Legal recognition spread over Europe in a two-phase process. At first, a specific and separated status... more
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      Social DemographyEuropean StudiesDebate over Same-Sex MarriageSame-sex families
Kuakata, a world heritage of Bangladesh has vast water bodies with a huge source of fisheries production. Thus, Kuakata has great influence on livelihoods status of fishermen in the southern district of Bangladesh. Hence, an investigation... more
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      Social DemographyFisheriesAquaculture
A survey of more than 4,700 executives conducted by The Boston Consulting Group and World Federation of Personnel Management Associations showed that executives consider talent management as the most important human resource challenge.... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyLabor EconomicsStrategic Management
Представлен анализ последних статистических данных основных показателей социально-экономического развития и демографических процессов, в частности миграции в регионах Дальневосточного федерального округа. Приведена дифференциация... more
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      Social DemographyMigrationMigration StudiesFar East
Rapid depopulation, which affected vast regions of Central and Eastern Europe, has long-term consequences not only for their socioeconomic, but also political development. For the unrecognized polities, the ability to retain the... more
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      Social DemographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsMoldovaTransnistria
"Review Buku Teori Transisi Demografi" Transisi demografi, sesuai dengan namanya yaitu "TRANSISI" yang berarti "perubahan", dan DEMOGRAFI artinya ilmu yang mempelajari tentang masalah kependudukan. Jadi transisi demografi adalah teori... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyUrban PlanningDemographic Transition
O estudo visa mostrar a importância dos conhecimentos antropológicos sobre as diferentes sociedades indígenas nas análises de suas dinâmicas demográficas.
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      Social DemographyDemographyAnthropologyHistorical Demography
Aspetti demografici e sociali delle famiglie di Brescia.
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    • Social Demography
Ajay Gandhi in his study titled "Porous Boundaries: Hindu-Muslim Demarcation and Crossings in Delhi My personal experiences" provides interesting accounts of the constituents of Hindu Muslim relationship in Delhi. He argues that though... more
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      Social DemographyCultural AnthropologySocio-Cultural Anthropology
Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission.
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      Social DemographyIndo-Fijian cultureCaste system
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      HistorySocial DemographyDemographyOttoman History
SUMARIO: I. INTRODUCCIÓN. II. HIPÓTESIS Y OBJETIVOS. III. FUENTES Y DATOS. IV. ANÁLISIS. 1. Contextualización histórica. 2. Narrativas demográficas enfrentadas en el conflicto. 3. Evolución demográfica en el Estado de Palestina y del... more
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      SociologySocial DemographyDemographyIsrael/Palestine
THE PURPOSE OF this paper is to first, confront the notion of “rural decline” at the village level and second, to illustrate how a more immersive approach to demographic research can further our understanding of rural and remote... more
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      Rural SociologySocial DemographyRural AnthropologyPlace Based Economic Development Strategy
De Yuppies van de jaren negentig zijn Yupps (young urban professional parents) geworden, en velen van hen wonen met hun kinderen nog steeds in de stad. In dit hoofdstuk nemen we Amsterdam als voorbeeld, maar het verschijnsel is niet... more
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      Social DemographySociology of FamiliesGentrification
The rapid depopulation that covered vast regions of Central and Eastern Europe has had long-lasting consequences not only for their socioeconomic, but also political development. For unrecognized polities, the ability to retain population... more
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      Social DemographyMoldovaTransnistriaDemography and Population Studies
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      Social DemographyMigration StudiesIsraelGermany
Lucrarea prezintă analiza comprehensivă a dinamicii populației Republicii Moldova ca stat independent în lumina tendințelor de dezvoltare socioeconomică în perioada 1991-2021. În lucrare sunt evidențiate schimbările importante în dinamica... more
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    • Social Demography
After a period of steady growth from the early 1990s, when numbers doubled from 1993 to 2004, the annual number of intercountry adoptions fell by more than fifty per cent between 2004 and 2013. The aim of this chapter is to explore this... more
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    • Social Demography
In this article, we have described to what extent migration and secularization undermined the traditional views of Islamic complementary gender roles and determined various forms of gender-related attitudes among migrants coming in Italy... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyMuslimsEcclesiastical Law
En el contexto de una presión creciente sobre el recurso hídrico en nuestro país, en este trabajo hemos optado por distinguir territorialmente dicha presión y explorar el potencial impacto que en ésta puede tener la movilidad de la... more
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      Social DemographyForced MigrationMigration StudiesCambio climático
¡ Hola a todos! Aquí seguimos, en la brecha, con vosotros y presentando nuestro séptimo número de la revista. Pues sí, los problemas superados y con muchas ganas de continuar, juntando fi las y cargando sobre el enemigo, todo por el bien... more
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryEconomic History
Obiectivul acestui articol este de a prezenta descriptiv și prospectiv situația resurselor umane din agricultura din România având în vedere și premisa că starea cantitativă, a calității și motivației populației ocupate în agricultură... more
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      Social DemographyRural DevelopmentAgriculture
Zhvillimet e popullsisë janë të ndërlidhur me zhvillimet ekonomike e sociale. Analizat e popullsisë synojnë t'u përgjigjen nevojave konkrete, aktuale e prespektive të zhvillimit në cdo zonë. Migracioni i brendshëm solli mbipopullim të... more
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      Social DemographySocial GeographyDemography
The populace of Bangladesh has always been a hot topic of every social and demographic research in relation with this nation. The digits of this particular factor had an impact on each factors of socio-economic life of Bangladeshis, in... more
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      Social DemographyBangladeshDemographic Dividend
The paper reviews migration processes in Poland, both emigration and immigration from late 1980s to 2018 in the context of country’s European integration, demography and labour market shifts. Also it tracks the evolution of Poland’s... more
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      Social DemographyMigration LawMigrationPoland
The tribals are, by and large, children of nature, their life style being conditioned by their ecosystem. At present there are approximately 250 million tribal people, roughly five percent of the global population. The paper is aimed to... more
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      Social DemographySocio-Economic StatusTribal studiesHealth and Social Care
This article analyzes correlation between demographic bonus within economic growth in Indonesia. Demographic bonus assumed to be able to pushing up national economic through growth of productive manpower. In the case of Indonesia,... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyIndonesian StudiesSociology of the Middle Classes
Tuberculosis (TB) mortality declined after the 1918 pandemic, suggesting that influenza killed those who would have died from TB. Few studies have analyzed TB as a direct risk factor for 1918 influenza morbidity and mortality by age and... more
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      HistorySocial DemographyDemographyHistorical Demography
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      Social DemographyLeadershipSocial Development in developing countriesPublic Policy - Social Welfare Policy
About 15% of Nigerian women are reportedly practising any form of contraception despite widespread knowledge and ongoing efforts to increase its usage. Whereas the prevalence of lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) for contraceptive... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyFertility and Family Planning, Population and EnvironmentADOLESCENT PREGNANCY AND FAMILY PLANNING
Taking the example of Germany as a demographically ageing country, this paper starts with the assumption that international migration and a sound long-term integration of international migrants are crucial for sustainable population... more
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      Social DemographyGeographyHuman GeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
A dolgozat a születésszabályozás magyarországi társadalomtörténetét feltárni célzó disszertációm Vajszlóra és Besencére vonatkozó eredményeit ismerteti. A kiválasztást az Andorka Rudolf eredményeire adott, Benda Gyulától származó kritika... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistorical DemographySocial History
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      Critical TheoryEngineeringSociologyPolitical Sociology
Abstract. Our research focuses on the problems of modern spatial, social and economic marginalization of the Belgrade slum population, as well as on the measures of improving the living conditions in them. The slums on the territory of... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyCultural SociologyRace and Ethnicity
ב-21.12.2017 פורסמו בביירות תוצאות של המפקד הרשמי הראשון של הפלסטינים בלבנון. מפקד אוכלוסין הראה כי בלבנון חיים רק 174,422 פלסטינים ולא 469,331 או 600,000 פלסטינים כפי שהציגו אומדנים הקודמים של אונרר"א והגורמים האחרים. מדיניות הניפוח של... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistorical DemographyIsrael Studies
Na temelju službenih vrela, posebno spisa Kaznenog suda i drugih izvora, istražuje se svakodnevica obitelji doseljenika Nikole Boškovića, podrijetlom iz Orahova Dola u Popovu. Povijest obitelji sagledava se u širem povijesnodemografskom... more
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      HistorySocial Demography
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      Social DemographySocial DevelopmentPublic Policy
En este artículo desarrollo el concepto de necrocapitalismo, definido como las formas contemporáneas de acumulación organizativa que implican la desposesión y el sometimiento de la vida al poder de la muerte. Examino cómo las diferentes... more
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      Social DemographyCapitalismGestión de Recursos HumanosPolitical Econmy
Ferhunde Özbay Anısına hazırlanan bu kitap, 9 Mart 2018'de Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Bölümü ev sahipliğinde düzenlenen “Birinci Ferhunde Özbay Anma Konferansı: Türkiye’de Aile, Evlilik ve Kadın İstihdamı” başlıklı konferansta... more
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      SociologySocial DemographyGender StudiesWomen and Gender Studies