Research & Development
Recent papers in Research & Development
Traditionally regarded as the Cinderella sector, further education (FE) is not yet recognized for its research potential and, if researched at all, tends to be 'researched on' rather than proactively enabled to carry out research itself.... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan probabilitas distribusi Gaussian untuk membantu menentukan kualitas rangkaian penyearah gelombang penuh. Sebagai sampel digunakan dioda IN4002 dan IN4007 yang dihubungkan secara seri dengan... more
In this article, we employ a Veblenian framework to analyze three dimensions of corporate financialization: the expansion of the balance sheet, the rising importance of intangible assets and the growing levels of financial payouts. Our... more
Purpose The objectives of the study are to analyze to the opportunities created for the new entrepreneurs through the In-Country Value (ICV) scheme; to analyze the benefits earned by the entrepreneurs through ICV in the selected companies... more
The study sought to examine the relationship between cost control system and profitability of the Jema mineral water Company. It was conducted under three specific objectives namely; (i) To examine the relationship between budgetary... more
Türkiye'nin inovasyon ve AR-GE ekosistemi ve kurulması gereken platform ile ilgili öneriler paylaşılmaktadır.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media pembelajaran berupa alat dan pedoman praktikum gerak jatuh bebas dengan stopwatch otomatis sederhana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian dan pengembangan... more
In the line of Schumpeterian fully endogenous growth theory, this study attempts to investigate whether differences in research intensity as well as absorptive capacity help to explain cross-country differences in productivity growth in a... more
English teachers have difficulty in education character, especially in internalising character values into instructional materials, because they have to explore the materials and also integrate character values into the teaching... more
Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Kelas X (Sepuluh) ini adalah membangun dan meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan memahami Kitab Kuning bagi siswa Kelas X (sepuluh) Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama Karangploso.... more
This article is mainly aimed to monitor behaviors and policies governing science and technology systems in Turkey in comparison with that of Iran. Any interpretation offered here is based on research questions applying comparative... more
Europe 2020 Strategy was adopted in 2010 as key strategy for boosting the potential of European ‘smart, sustainable and inclusive economy’ in the global multi-polar world. The adoption of this strategy acknowledged the limitations of the... more
Pusat Radioisotop dan Radiofarmaka telah berhasil melakukan uji produksi iodium-125 menggunakan target xenon diperkaya. Namun, pengotor radionuklida iodium-126 mulai terdeteksi pada uji produksi ke-7. Radionuklida iodium-126 terbentuk di... more
Intellectual property (IP) scholars propose replacing IP rights with tax subsidies for firms that invest in research and development (R&D). Economic models that presume full access to perfect information, and that assume the intentions... more
Investments in research and development (R&D) are one of the most crucial decisions that senior leadership teams can make in the management of media firms. An extensive body of research indicates that some firms are more ‘culturally... more
This paper presents the sectoral and geographic distribution of R&D-related activities, in comparison with manufacturing activities, by analysing data (from the fDi Markets database) on the number of cross-border greenfield investment... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa dalam menganalisis data antara yang menggunakan metode manual dan metode SPSS. Perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa... more
Aim: To explore socioeconomic, educational and research factors associated with dental research productivity at the state level in Brazil. Methods: The authors used the Scopus database to identify dental articles published from 2006 to... more
There is growing consensus that the goal of antitrust enforcement should be to manage for dynamic efficiency, that is, an appropriate balance between short-run static efficiencies such as reducing costs and maximizing consumer surplus,... more
This presentation points to the importance of doing research on the profession, and consequently on all those who work in it, in today’s research management and administration (RMA). Institutions, directors of divisions, heads of office,... more
The paper aims at understanding the impact of the Make in India initiative on factors related to Marketing strategy, technology transfer, and RandD organizations in India. India is considered as one of the possible emerging super power of... more
English teachers have difficulty in education character, because they have to explore the materials and to integrate character values [1]. A number of studies have reported on internalizing the character values into instruction materials... more
La investigación es catalogada como uno de los pilares fundamentales en el modelo de gestión de la universidad ecuatoriana, ya que aporta significativamente al desarrollo científico, económico y social, de manera que los actores de la... more
Since 1980 universities have been able to commercialize inventions that their faculty researchers create as per the 1980 Bayh-Dole Act (P.L. 96-517). Research universities can now own and license these inventions to small and well... more
QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS, FROM INTERVIEW TO RESULTS | MASTER, PHD & PROFESSIONALS 500-800€ | 3 ECTS | ONLINE •10-14 JANUARY 2022 | This course will help students hone their analysis skills and teach them how to take their own qualitative data... more
I t can be time consuming to use decision analysis to allocate resources over a portfolio of projects. It may be possible to attain most of the value added by decision analysis in significantly less time. This paper defines and compares... more
This chapter provides a conceptual approach to social science research ethics emerging during the COVID-19 pandemic, examining parallel issues which arose during the crisis around morality and economics. This juxtaposition between these... more
Chronicle of Higher Education article on positioning yourself as a successful investigator.
The paper deals with the problem of innovation support and economic development at the regional level. The innovation potential still differs significantly among the EU regions. Perhaps the key factor determining innovation potential and... more
The vast majority of R&D organizations face the problem of holding valuable knowledge embodied in highly educated and specialized employees in house. Previous research describes social structure in which employees are embedded as one of... more
Previous research describes social structure in which employees are embedded as one of the important determinants of intra-organizational career expectations. There are two contradictory arguments in the literature, however. First, social... more
Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Kelas X (Sepuluh) ini adalah membangun dan meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan memahami Kitab Kuning bagi siswa Kelas X (sepuluh) Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama Karangploso.... more
The present analysis proposed a model to explain the impact of corporate intangible resources, such as research & development (R&D), human capital, and corporate reputation on corporate financial performance. The corporate financial... more
its about the chaotic land reform program that instead of freeing and liberating Zimbabweans, has impoverished them.
Education is the first and foremost priority for national development primarily because of its returns to the nation, to the society and to the individuals. Nepal and her underdevelopment is often attributed to the relative low indicators... more
Remittances are a very important source of income for many Nicaraguan families. More than 40% of all households receive remittances that on average amount to 12-15% of total household income in these households. More than 30% of these... more
Chronicle of Higher Education article on how to better position your grant proposal.