Politics of Memory
Recent papers in Politics of Memory
Following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, the country has been transformed. Among these transformations was the creation of a series of memorials to document, preserve, and commemorate the genocide. In 2016, the National Commission for the... more
Innerhalb der radikalen Rechten in Europa lässt sich zunehmend eine ideologische Verschiebung weg von exklusiven Nationalismen hin zum exklusiven ‚Zivilisationismus‘ feststellen. Dabei werden im Rückgriff auf historische Ereignisse und... more
The monograph dedicated to the analysis of the politics of history in Ukraine, 'Eastern Europe', and 'Western Europe' in the 1980s - 2010s. Rich empirical material, detailed analysis of roles and performances of state (President,... more
This article deals with the Ukrainian-Russian encounters in the field of school history education in 1990s-2010s. The theme investigates the context of the state-and nation-building processes in both countries. Three major topics are... more
In the first half of 1944, tens of thousand Ukrainians left their country together with the withdrawing German occupiers in order to avoid confrontation with the approaching Red Army and the Soviet authorities. Between the summer of 1941... more
Even though scholars have made substantial contributions in connecting the fields of transitional justice and memory studies, important questions remain unanswered. The question of sequencing is one of them. How does a certain TJ... more
In: Imke Hansen, Enrico Heitzer, Katarzyna Nowak (Hg.): Ereignis & Gedächtnis. Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte der nationalsozialistischen Konzentrationslager. Berlin 2014, S. 217-253; Zweitveröffentlichung in: Daniela Allmeier u.a.... more
The Empire Strikes Back. Russian National Cinema After 2005The paper provides critical analysis of the latest wave of Russian national cinema (2005-2013), considered one of key instruments of Vladimir Putin’s nation-building cultural... more
Iconoclasm as an iconic event. Notes on the destruction of Muslim mosques in globalizing India On the 6th of December 1992 Ayodhya, a Hindu-majority city located in the Northern Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, witnessed the destruction... more
Written in an anecdotal manner, the paper blends the story of the author's growing up as a refugee boy and the refugee habitat's own transformation from wasteland in the southern outskirts of the city into an integral part of Calcutta's... more
The article discusses two Polish alternate history novels: Orzeł bielszy niż gołębica (An Eagle Whiter than a Dove) by Konrad T. Lewandowski and Gambit Wielopolskiego (Wielopolski's Gambit) by Adam Przechrzta in the context of the... more
Interview for Il Manifesto about Ukrainian far right nationalists done by Yuri Colombo. Published on June 24, 2017, p. 8.
This presentation deals with the difficult and traumatic period of the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) from the perspective of subsequent periods of history. The use of a variety of sociological methods allows for the... more
This paper examines how Toni Morrison's God Help the Child is structured around the paradox of memory; that is, the need to remember and to disremember the past. On the one hand, Bride has to relive her memory in order to confess her lies... more
History has got the monopoly of legitimate representation of the past, above all due to its privileged academic position. Its accounts operate as true and valid and often label all the rest as fiction. There are nevertheless some other... more
Огієнко В.І. ІСТОРИЧНА ТРАВМА ГОЛОДОМОРУ: МЕТОДОЛОГІЯ ДОСЛІДЖЕННЯ У статті розглянуто проблему впливу Голодомору на поведінку та психіку індивідуумів. Дано визначення понять «колективна травма» Голодомору, та «культурна травма»... more
Da un anno a questa parte le relazioni fra Giappone e Corea del Sud sono ai minimi storici. Le divergenze fra i governi giapponese e coreano intorno a una sentenza della Corte Suprema della Corea sono degenerate in una spirale di... more
Christopher Nolan’s films are narratives of alternative realities and metamorphosing multiple subjectivities. His films include Following (1998), Memento (2000), Insomnia (2002), Batman Begins (2005), The Prestige (2006), The Dark Knight... more
Roman Shukhevych conducted his first political assassination in 1926 at age 19. In 1934, he was jailed for his role in killing Poland’s Interior Minister. By 1940, he was attending a Nazi military intelligence (Abwehr) academy in... more
The Revolt in the Netherlands erupted in 1566 and tore apart the Low Countries. In Memory Wars in the Low Countries, 1566-1700 Jasper van der Steen explains how public memories of the Revolt in the Habsburg Netherlands in the South and... more
in: Elke Scherstjanoi/Detlev Brunner (Hgg.): Moskaus Spuren in Ostdeutschland 1945 bis 1949: Aktenerschließung und Forschungspläne, München 2015, S. 109–119.
Legal governance of memory has played a central role in establishing hegemony of monumental history, and has forged national identities and integration processes in Europe and beyond. In this book, a range of contributors explore both the... more
The paper presents draft results of the comparative research project on transitional politics of memory and its role in construction of a new political identity. It primarily investigates the case of South Africa's transition to... more
Partition of India in 1947, or to be more specific the division of Punjab is one of the darkest human tragedies mankind has ever experienced. Its impact was so deep and penetrating that it continues to haunt the psyche of those uprooted... more
Este trabajo se centra en las prácticas de memoria según tiempos y espacios heterogéneos que son articulados a partir de contextos históricos y contingentes. Específicamente, se relevan las diferentes trayectorias locales en torno a... more
Chinese version below! The eastward expansion of the European Union has shifted its geographical centre to the East, and called into question the Union’s previous commemorative consensus, which was based on the Holocaust. In order to... more
In the past few years, the South Korean film industry has released a growing number of Korean movies set in the colonial period. This essay focuses on how these films deal with the painful memory of occupation. More specifically, the... more
[Table of Contents and Introduction] Bringing together contributions from top specialists in Hispanic studies –both Peninsular and Latin American– this volume explores a variety of critical issues related to the historical, political,... more
Vortrag online: https://youtu.be/s3EA_uww0iQ Die Proteste von "Querdenken" und anderen gegen die Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen haben nicht nur zu einer massiven Verbreitung von im Kern häufig antisemitischen Verschwörungslegenden geführt,... more
“There is no continuity for age-long street names in Hungary.” The repeated renaming of street names since the 19th century confirms this remark of the linguist Magda T. Somogyi. More and more, the political players realized the... more
The way in which societies institutionalize “collective memory” is one of the most important aspects of contemporary politics, feeding directly into the constitution of individual and communal identities, and creating sources of discord... more
This article analyses how, in Poland, the populist political orientation of the ruling party (Law and Justice—PiS) has coloured the historical discourse of the government and has affected, in turn, its foreign policy and diplomatic... more
Ausgehend von dem Dokumentarfilm "Der Polizeistaatsbesuch" befasst sich der Essay mit dem Überschreiben des iranisch-migrantischen Aktivismus der Confederation Iranischer Studenten (CISNU) im Erinnern an 1968 und ihrer Rolle in der... more
La historia de vida de Esther Montoto, que viajó en 2003 desde EEUU a Valdediós (Asturias) para estar presente en la exhumación del cuerpo de su padre, fusilado por tropas franquistas el 27 de octubre de 1937, sirve como eje para el... more
The term “heterotopia” has been in the center to understand the modern and also the post-modern space for various scholars ever since Foucault riddled it into the space terminology. However, there has always been an uncertainty when... more
Based on the discussions around the proposed establishment of the Institute of National Memory in the Czech Republic, the article aims to surpass the narrow political conflict and instead to analyze what does this mean for the... more
Each year less and less survivors arrive in Auschwitz to commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. In 2005, almost 1500 survivors attended the anniversary; in 2015, only 300 survivors came to Auschwitz. Therefore, as the... more