
Political Rhetoric Research Papers -
This book provides an introduction to political psychology through a focus on European politics and topics. It describes a style of doing political psychology in Europe that has developed out of dialogue with as well as critique of North... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial MovementsPersonality PsychologyPersonality Psychology
The article discusses uses of xiu shen, one among a number of terms referring to practices of moral and mental discipline in early China. It sketches out the contexts and discourses in which the term appears and hopes thus to contribute,... more
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      Chinese PhilosophyDaoist PhilosophyDaoismPolitical Rhetoric
There is a particular urgency in this political moment to understand children's experiences with current events. Drawing from data generated following the 2016 presidential election, this paper focuses on three racially and linguistically... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesEducationRhetoric
Book chapter in: Studies in Australian Political Rhetoric. John Uhr & Ryan Walter (eds). ANU Press. 2014 . Full text of book available for free from attached link. From introduction: (In this chapter) I seek to examine the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisIndigenous or Aboriginal StudiesColonialismPolitical Rhetoric
In this essay, I argue through analysis of the genre of campaign announcements that third-party presidential candidates have rhetorical norms of their own that address their unique challenges as political outsiders. Specifically, I... more
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      Genre studiesPublic AddressGenrePolitical Campaigns
In this chapter we explore the role of humorous memes in co-constructing polarized positions in contemporary US political discourse. Such polarized positioning, we argue, is mostly based on a disregard for the other that draws heavily on... more
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      CommunicationCritical Discourse StudiesRhetoricHumor
Britons viewed speculative thinking as a primary cause of the French Revolution and the disorders that followed. In this context, Edmund Burke and others identified a form of enthusiasm that was not religious but theoretical in nature,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical EconomyPolitical TheoryPolitical Rhetoric
This article revisits Jeffrey Tulis’s The Rhetorical Presidency in the age of Trump, discussing the debates to which it originally responded, its core thesis and empirical evidence, as well as its impact on political science in the last... more
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      RhetoricPresidency (American Politics)American Political DevelopmentPolitical Rhetoric
This analysis seeks to draw connections between Roland Barthes' conception of semiotics and myths, the concept and use of jeremiads, and epidictic rhetoric within President Trump's speech made at a political rally held in Lexington,... more
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      CommunicationLanguages and LinguisticsRhetorical AnalysisPolitical Rhetoric
The United States has long grappled with the question of how to maintain an appropriate combination of religion and politics in the public sphere. The current electoral cycle is no different, as Presidential candidates attempt to... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)ReligionSociologyCultural Studies
This book provides a comprehensive investigation of the political dimensions of civil religion in the United States. By employing an original social-psychological theory rooted in semiotics, it offers a qualitative and quantitative... more
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      American PoliticsPresidency (American Politics)Political RhetoricSacred (Religion)
This paper proposes an analytical framework for the classification of political rhetoric as fear inducing and applies this framework to the different rhetorical approaches adopted by the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu versus
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      FearPolitical RhetoricIsraelHillary Clinton
This is the syllabus for CAS 201, Introduction to Rhetorical Theory, taught to Penn State undergraduates and CAS majors. Approximately 100 students are enrolled in this lecture course.
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Cultural StudiesAmerican PoliticsPhilosophy
William F. Buckley afforded conservatives of all stripes a provocative rhetorical style, a gladiatorial style, as I term it. The gladiatorial style is a flashy, combative style whose ultimate aim is the creation of inflammatory drama. I... more
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      Social MovementsRhetoricHistory of IdeasPolitical Theory
This study explores depictions of Islam in Senate rhetoric across the 106 th (1999–2000) and 111 th (2009–2010) Congresses. These two periods are compared to consider overall patterns in congressional discourse on Islam and to explore how... more
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      Discourse AnalysisRhetoricCongress (American Politics)Mixed Methods
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      Languages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyPolitical communicationOral Traditions
This article draws attention to how the ethics of democratic representation operates as a discreet factor in a crisis of representation afflicting Western democracies by identifying the ways a disregard for truthfulness can harm... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCritical Discourse StudiesRhetoricDemocratic Theory
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      Information SystemsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)SociologyCultural Studies
У збірці есеїв авторка пропонує читачеві аналіз понад вось- мисот слоганів українського спротиву – у фокус потрапляє пе- ріод Євромайдану 2013–2014 рр. та подальший розвиток по- дій в сучасній Україні. В есеях, котрі мають і наукове... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociolinguisticsUkrainian StudiesPolitical Rhetoric
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      RhetoricPublic AddressAmerican Foreign PolicyPolitical communication
Tom składa się z 18 artykułów poświęconych różnym rozumieniom wartości w retoryce, wartości retorycznych oraz wartości widzianych z perspektywy retoryki: - w przemówieniach głów państw (amerykańskich i polskich), - w gatunkach... more
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      RhetoricValuesRhetorical AnalysisVisual Rhetoric
В первой главе "Советская идеология и посоветский дискурс" рассматривается природа языка идеологии как воспитательного средства, обсуждается устройство идеологемы, очерчиваются методы исследования языка идеологии. Главы II "Идеологема -... more
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      Russian StudiesLanguage and IdeologyRussian PoliticsPost-Soviet Politics
When I mention my shotgun, some people nod knowingly and say, “Good home defense gun.” And I explain, “No, not exactly,” or “Really, no, not at all.” I keep it locked up, unloaded, inaccessible. If somebody wants to break into my home... more
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      Rhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Political PhilosophyEducationRhetoric
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      TerrorismPolitical Rhetoric
Данная статья посвящена нарративу как риторической стратегии и важнейшему междисциплинарному феномену, устанавливающему связь между языком, мышлением, культурой и политическим воздействием. Стратегия нарратива рассмотрена на примере... more
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      Conceptual MetaphorPolitical RhetoricCritical Discourse AnalysisNarrative Theory
Frederick Douglass spoke to a multiracial public sphere by engaging in "antagonistic cooperation" with white and black abolitionists. He served as an "integrative ancestor" for all those trying to help build a multiracial democracy.... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
In this article, I examine Barack Obama’s use of collective memory during his 2007 campaign speech in Selma, Alabama. Specifically, I argue that Obama appeals to collective memory to challenge the Black community’s relationship to the... more
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      RhetoricHistory and MemoryRhetoric and Public CultureRhetorical Criticism
The present thesis deals with the famous Gorgias's Encomium of Helen. In particular, it aims to underline its moral meaning, above all in relation to the power of rhetoric. Contrary to the common view which considers Gorgias's Helen a... more
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      Political RhetoricAncient PhilosophySophistsGorgias
Schneider and Ingram's theory of policy design (1997) states that policymaking is a process through which knowledge is socially constructed and is a domain in which power elites manipulate symbols, rhetoric, images, and distort logical... more
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      Political ParticipationImmigration StudiesPolitical RhetoricLatinx Studies
This article brings together and contextualises some ostensibly disparate ‘readings’ of political speeches from Australia and the United States, both good examples and not-so-good examples, to examine a characteristic that prevails in all... more
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricMedia RhetoricPoetics
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      LiberalismSecurity StudiesPolitical RhetoricChina
The most original and shocking interpretation of Lucretius in the last 40 years. Thomas Nail argues convincingly and systematically that Lucretius was not an atomist, but a thinker of kinetic flux. In doing so, he completely overthrows... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Religion
Wie weit reicht Rhetorik? Wie weit reicht die Macht des Rhetorischen, wenn kulturelle Diskurse, wenn Lebenswelten von der Systematik und den Techniken der ars oratoria überformt und strukturiert werden? Die in diesem Band versammelten... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesMedia StudiesRhetoric
Che Gevara as a commercial brend Некоммерческих символов не бывает. Как не бывает коммерции без символов — концентратов обмена — информационного, товарного, телесного. При этом самыми дорогими в коммерческом отношении являются торговые... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesPost-Soviet RegimesPost-Soviet PoliticsSymbolic Interaction
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      Discourse AnalysisSocial PsychologyRhetoricPolitical Psychology
In the Russian context deliberative speech, i.e. an open and free exchange of arguments that leads to political consensus, developed rather late, and it existed only for short periods of time, namely after the revolution of 1905 and the... more
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      Russian StudiesRhetoricRussian PoliticsPolitical Rhetoric
This is a review essay of recent books on American Exceptionalism.  It provides a basic outline of the contours of the debate surrounding whether America is an "exceptional" nation and how that exceptionalism can/should be enacted.
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      RhetoricPublic AddressAmerican Foreign PolicyPolitical communication
This essay argues that the insurrection at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, can be partially explained by the rise of what we call presidential eschatology, a religious master narrative that represents a historic shift from... more
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      Political Violence and TerrorismConspiracy TheoriesPolitical communicationEschatology and Apocalypticism
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      Political RhetoricSpeech genresPresidential concession speeches
This chapter discusses the place of metaphor in ancient and modern political rhetoric. It starts with the idea of metaphor in classical rhetorical and stylistic theories and juxtaposes it with modern cognitive theories, to note that the... more
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      AristotleConceptual MetaphorClassical rhetoricTheory of Metaphor and Rhetorics
The present dissertation demonstrates how the utilization of language is always manipulated to convey the purposes of the speaker in order to have an effect on the listener. Politicians, in particular, comprehend the power of words to... more
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    • Political Rhetoric
Эта книга — дневник наблюдений над речевым поведением
нулевых годов XXI века, представленный в форме словарных
Для специалистов и тех, кто изучает русский язык.
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      Russian StudiesPostcolonial StudiesRussian PoliticsPolitical Rhetoric
Turkey's state discourse and rhetoric about Armenia and Armenians have changed dramatically in recent years. Given the specifics of Turkish political culture, the main theses of the new discourse are formed primarily through the rhetoric... more
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      Discourse AnalysisHate SpeechPolitical RhetoricTurkish Foreign Policy
he power and danger of great political ideas cannot be overestimated. Philosophers from Locke to Montesquieu to Jefferson essentially designed the modern democratic state. A moral philosopher, Adam Smith, formulated the “invisible hand”... more
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      Political RhetoricPolitical IdeologyHabermas
In this article, I explore presidential candidate Trump’s rhetoric concerning America’s role in the world. I argue Trump’s rhetoric broke with the post-World War II consensus of maintaining and extending U.S. globalism. I further assert... more
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      American Foreign PolicyPolitical RhetoricPresidential StudiesAmerican Exceptionalism
Upon the Trojans' landing in Latium, the many distinct peoples inhabiting the Aeneid's fictionalized Italy show little evidence of national solidarity as "Italians"; rather, they identify primarily with their local communities. But... more
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      Latin LiteratureRace and EthnicityPolitical RhetoricNational Identity
A Retórica é a disciplina que estuda o modo como comunicamos persuasivamente com os outros e está presente em tudo o que fazemos, desde comprar um seguro automóvel, passado pelos anúncios de publicidade até à deliberação política. Não... more
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      RhetoricVisual RhetoricDigital RhetoricsPolitical Rhetoric
Frederick Douglass' reframing of monuments about American slavery is prophetic. This revisionist view applies an “interracial turn” lens to Douglass’ 1876 Freedmen's Monument Speech. After sketching interracial dynamics in Douglass'... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesPolitical PhilosophyVisual Studies
The rise of populist leaders like Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has arguably revived public interest in political rhetoric—that is, what political leaders say and how they say it. However, this revived interest is often oriented... more
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      Public DeliberationRhetorical CriticismPolitical RhetoricCritical Discourse Analysis