Philosophy of Cosmology
Recent papers in Philosophy of Cosmology
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
We firstly find traces of systematical and comprehensive thought related to existence of the universe in Plato and Aristotle. Plato, by the doctrine of ideas which is the basis of his whole philosophy, accepted that the objective world... more
Another recent paper 'Mach's Principle and its connection with Inertia, Gravitation and Dark Matter' described how dark matter is more likely to be a gravitational effect rather than brought about by a halo of dark particles surrounding... more
Publicação na Revista Ideação, v.1, n.40, 2019. Tradução para o português de Expositio in libros De caelo et mundo I, l.6, onde Tomás de Aquino comenta um trecho do De caelo I, 3, sobre a ausência de geração e corrupção nos corpos... more
In the analysis of Anaxagoras' physics in view of the relation between his teachings on multitude and heterogeneity, two central questions emerge: 1) How can the structure of the universe considered purely mereo-topologically help us... more
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
The literature surrounding the Kalam cosmological argument for the existence of God (KCA) is immense. As Quentin Smith points out, in a passage quoted by Paul Copan in the introduction: ‘A count of the articles in the philosophy journals... more
Cet article propose une analyse de la constellation dans le Coup de dés de Stéphane Mallarmé. Il s'agit d'étudier dans quelle mesure celle-ci peut constituer un modèle pour la forme poétique de l'oeuvre et son intelligibilité. Partant du... more
Ensoulment is a cosmological perspective that integrates personal, interpersonal, collective and cosmic dimensions which allows us to connect with our soul and the Soul of the World. Ensoulment consist of 24 primary gateways, sacred... more
The Grolier Codex (Codice Maya de Mexico, CMM) is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B.... more
This book investigates the cosmological work of Stephen Hawking — the famous British scientist in a wheelchair — and Thomas Hertog — his Flemish disciple — between 2006 and 2018. In 2006, Hawking and Hertog put forward a new framework... more
Kozmos je jedan od temeljnih čovjekovih interesa, a suvremena kozmologija jedna od najizazovnijih znanstveno-filozofijskih disciplina današnjice koja čini spoznajni okvir svim drugim znanostima. Naime, suvremena kozmologija, iako se danas... more
It is not possible to speak of a single systems approach. There are rather of a number of systems approaches, each loosely drawing on different aspects of a family composed mainly of, general system theory, cybernetics, information... more
Great strides have been made in the neurosciences over the past few years, especially in the areas of neurophysiology and neurophysics. In fact, the area of research called neurophysics has only emerged as a viable branch of physics in... more
To understand Yoga in its historical context it is necessary to understand the Hindu concept of time which is incredibly expansive and infinitesimal, at the same time. The ancient Hindus conceived of Time as a great sweeping movement,... more
Focusing on the Western intellectual lineage, this essay traces the human archetypal metaphor for the universe as it shifts three times, from that of a great mind, to a great machine, to the modern-day transition toward an organismic view... more
Negli ultimi decenni si è assistito a un ritorno della questione dell'universo sulla scena filosofica, accompagnato dalla ripresa di autori, come Whitehead e Bergson, che hanno cercato di farsi carico della pluralità degli esseri che... more
"Selected proceedings of the “First International Conference on Ethnoastronomy: Indigenous Astronomical and Cosmological Traditions of the World”held at the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., 5-9 September 1983." Available on... more
تتناول هذه الدراسة واحدة من أهم نظريات الفيلسوف اليهودي ليفي بن جرشوم(1288 – 1344) وهي خلق العالم. إن العالم عند بن جرشوم مخلوق، لكن لا من العدم بل من مادة أولى قديمة غير متعينة. وعلى الرغم من أنه مخلوق إلا أنه أبدي من جهة المستقبل،... more
La revolución científica y filosófica de los siglos XVI y XVII fue descrita por Alexandre Koyré como el paso «del mundo cerrado al universo infinito», lo que supuso la unificación de lo celeste y lo terrestre bajo unas mismas leyes... more
In this essay, I contend that Plato’s notion of the Divine or God is companionable – in a telling sense of the word, rather than comparable – with a Christian notion of God in three ways. Firstly, Plato provided proofs for the Divine in... more
A new, consciousness-first scientific paradigm, incorporating Supreme Consciousness, Cosmic Mind and subtle sub-atomic cosmic intelligence agents called microvita, can replace the present materialist paradigm. The new paradigm can provide... more
The golden ring to which most physicists aspire is a unified field theory that incorporates all of modern and classical physics. Some scientists and others call this a TOE or ‘theory of everything’, but it is no more than false hubris to... more
The conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC) is a cosmological model proposed by Roger Penrose and Vahe Gurzadyan. CCC is a cyclic Universe theory in which a Universe consists of a infinite succession of aeons where each aeon originates with its... more
A vida sensível propõe uma mudança radical no modo de entender não só os objetos culturais, mas toda a série de “fenômenos”, de aparições, desde a linguagem até a moda, ao que o pensamento medieval chamava de “formas intencionais”, de... more
In 1887, Paul Tannery suggested that some ancient Pythagoreans defended a form of atomism against which Eleatic philosophers such as Zeno of Elea reacted. Later, Democritus and Leucippus on one hand, Plato on the other, developed... more
¿Es la cosmología realmente una ciencia? ¿Cuál es su objeto? ¿Es acaso el Cosmos? Pero, ¿los modelos cosmológicos actuales, como el del Big Bang, nos desvelan la estructura última del Universo o simplemente agrupan una serie de datos... more
Many scientists believe that any true unification theory of physics must include a concept of consciousness as well as a model for the mind that interprets our three-dimensionally biased and limited sensations of the external... more
Hindu philosophy views the cosmos to be holonomic and self-similar in nature. The procedures and methods used in the construction of Hindu temples bear a striking resemblance to the procedures of fractal geometry, including... more
The author refers to my article "Stephen Hawking, the Foolish Wise, the Extraterrestrials, and Today´s Criminal Elites´ Main Fear", republishing long excerpts from it; he also mentions several of my publications about Assyrian -... more
The idea that space is three-dimensional is just a convention. This essay presents reasons related to optimality that require that it have dimensions slightly less than three. It is an introduction to the theory of noninteger... more
The fourth known pre-Columbian Maya codex, the only one discovered in the twentieth century, was found by looters in the mid-1960s. First exhibited in New York in 1971, what has come to be known as the Grolier Codex is half of a 20-page,... more
Scan of a chapter from Religions of India in Practice, edited by Donald S. Lopez, Jr., Princeton Readings in Religions, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995: 333-351. A basic survey of the beliefs and practices of a medieval... more
A study of Andean cosmology and astronomy focusing on the Incas and with an account of the origins and evolution of the ceque system of the Inca capital Cuzco.
¿Es factible para la ciencia una teoría como la del "Eterno Retorno" de Nietzsche? ¿Y qué implicaciones éticas y vitalistas implicaría esto? La ciencia clásica y la relativista podrían dar cuenta de ella
This article addresses the Orthodox Christian representation of reality, or doctrine of creation, and the possible need to rephrase and communicate its meaning within the parameters of contemporary scientific culture. To redraft the... more
This study explores the multifaceted Maya Deluge Myth, from its pre-Columbian origins to current fantasies about a great world-destroying flood at the 13 Baktun period ending of the Maya Long Count on 21 (or 23) December 2012. No such... more
The remarkable contributions of Father Dumitru Stăniloae (1903-1993) ranged from traditional theology to patristics, from spiritual anthropology to asceticism, and from apologetics to mystical theology. Although his attentiveness to... more
The causal relationship between cymatic pattern and Hindu-Yantra exposes the essential pattern underlying the universe. Phenomena that confirm this blueprint are convergent evolution, stigmergy (swarm-intelligence), chaos/complexity... more