Philosophical Hermeneutics and Music
Recent papers in Philosophical Hermeneutics and Music
Linda Maria Koldau (Frankfurt am Main) Der Vortrag Filmmusik als "Baukastenprinzip": Kompositorische Traditionen und ihre Wirkung im Film, der das 2. Kieler Symposium zur Filmmusikforschung am 11. Juli 2008 in Kiel eröffnete, gab Anlass... more
I saggi raccolti in questo volume discutono alcuni temi della filosofia della musica nel Novecento : dalla presenza del mito di Beethoven nella cultura centroeuropea, all’interpretazione delle rapide metamorfosi dei materiali sonori... more
The Helicopter String Quartet (1993) by German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928–2007) is one of the most notorious works of classical music of the past decades. The work is scored for a traditional string quartet, four helicopters... more
We have two ways of knowing. Our mind knows forms, things, both subtle and gross. Faces, hands, buildings, trees, math formulas, mind knows subject and the mind knows otherness. The mind knows dualities, the mind knows me and you, us and... more
Musicae Scientiae 13/1 (Spring 2009), 172-178
This paper seeks to understand Schleiermacher's contribution to philosophical hermeneutics by studying (1) the historical context that shaped him, (2) the philosophical thought that undergirds his system, (3) Schleiermacher's... more
Due to the 20th century mathematical and scientific developments of Georg Cantor, Max Karl Planck, Albert Einstein, and Werner Heisenberg, concepts once relegated to obscurity, such as irrationality, infinity, insolvability, and chaos,... more
The word Emptiness has many various meanings. The experience of awareness becoming aware of its own self opens the experience of emptiness in a most direct manner. Experientially emptiness has many faces. Sometimes the face of emptiness... more
This article examines the paradoxical coexistence of metaphorical and analytical language in Hoffmann’s Beethoven criticism. The ambivalence of Hoffmann’s critical language is approached through recent writings on musical analysis and... more
A treatise concerning the philosophy of Greek music
Musical imagery that somehow references the environment is extremely common in works by Nordic composers, both past and present. Some pieces are given titles, programmes or performance contexts that directly refer to the local... more
The life to Earth came from the Universe: the part is alive due to the Entire, this world is alive thanks to the Whole. The first tribe of our Earth w ere Scythians, people from the Moon; their selenic language was the root to earthly... more
Musicae Scientiae Discussion Forum 2 (2001), 51-60
Une étude des typologies musicales du motet politique.
(extrait ouvrage en cours de publication, "Musique et Sociéte en Avignon", Harmattan édition, Paris, 2015 (tous droits réservés).
(extrait ouvrage en cours de publication, "Musique et Sociéte en Avignon", Harmattan édition, Paris, 2015 (tous droits réservés).
The experience of awareness is embodied. This unfolding of the awareness field is an embodied unfoldment. This lived experience of awareness is centered in our body that opens immediately out into the world. Perception and the perceived... more
Strict and irrefutable evidence of the lunar (feminine, heart) essence of all the oldest kingdoms of the Earth. // Строгое и неопровержимое доказательство лунной (женской, сердечной) сути всех древнейших царств Земли.
Music and Letters 92/3 (August 2011), 501-504
Prelude to the Unified Field Theory created by me. // Прелюдия к созданной мною Единой теории Поля. _____________________ Приход наш в сей мир — не рожденье, но шаг к нему: к Целому — часть, к Полноте — половина. Мир, Дом наш —... more
Building on the notational principles of C. S. Peirce’s graphical logic, Pietarinen has tried to develop a propositional logic unfolding in the medium of sound. Apart from its intrinsic interest, this project serves as a concrete test of... more
Metaphysics of the Feminine. // Метафизика Женского начала.
In the teens and twenties of the 20th century, a variety of composers were exploring approaches to twelve-tone composition. In this paper I focus on the early twelve-tone music of Schoenberg, Hauer, and Golyscheff, viewing their... more
Суть Креста, ключа Жизни — загадка страданья и Радости, мрака и Света, греха и Спасения. Крест Египтян Анх, венчаемый пéтлей врат в Небо как ýшком иглы для готовых пролезть — явь тому.
The Helicopter String Quartet (1993) by German composer Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928–2007) is one of the most notorious works of classical music of the past decades. The work is scored for a traditional string quartet, four helicopters... more
Since the early writings of Hermann Kretzschmar and Arnold Schering, the project of a musical hermeneutics has faced a major hurdle, that of identifying a key to the relationship between musical structure and its verbal description; their... more
Resumen: Enrico Fubini lanzó hace algunos años una pregunta inquietante “¿Qué estética musical hay después de Adorno?” . A la saga de esta pregunta se han lanzado pensadores como Ernst Simon Bloch, Emmanuelle Severino, Vladimir... more
Music and Letters 100/1 (February 2019), 145-150
Resumo: A presente comunicação tem como objetivo estabelecer um diálogo entre duas perspectivas sobre significado em Música: O modelo de cruzamento de domínios de Lawrence Zbikowski e o conceito de Janelas Hermenêuticas de Lawrence... more
The problem of creation of Unitary Field theory, or the Theory of Everything, which the Einstein was so eager to solve by means of physics, remained unsolved since it is solvable only by means of the Word: because the Word, according to... more
Sacral cause of death of cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov. According to the scrolls of ancient times, Eight is the number of death. Vladimir Komarow, the cosmonaut no.8, shouldn't have tease it by the second flight: sacral law prohibits... more
Is Hans Zender a follower of John Cage? The title of Zender’s 1991 book, Happy New Ears, and many of his overtly Zen-inspired works and essays could seem to indicate just that. But a closer look at Zender’s aesthetics reveals that his... more
Music played a central part in the thinking of Ernst Bloch. He first engaged with it in "Geist der Utopie", which contains large sections entirely dedicated to music, while it also occupies a central position in his later magnum opus "Das... more
Human as Fire. // Человек как Огонь.
The Allgemeines Handbuch der Film-Musik was published by Hans Erdmann, Ludwig Brav, and Giuseppe Becce in 1927 by the Berlin-based publisher Schlesinger. It represents the most comprehensive and undoubtedly most significant document... more
В начале было Слово. А бывшее — есть и пребудет: Исток не преходит. Поистине Слово есть главный Закон наш: знать Слово — знать всё. С тем, эллинское «логос» есть рáвно и «слово» и «закон», а Элевсинские таинства Вакха как Слова, Лозы лоз... more
Sacred essence of the surname Pushkin and metaphysics of Poetry. // Сакральная сущность фамилии Пушкин и метафизика Поэзии.
La musicologie de l'interprétation vise à une étude critique de la réception et du vécu de l'oeuvre musicale. Cette orientation permet de réunir et de confronter les travaux de théoriciens et de praticiens de la musique. Le présent volume... more
The conviction that music is a kind of autonomous occurrence – more than a mere function of outer events – became familiar in the European thought since the latter began considering music as an independent art. According to Hanslick,... more
Vladimir Putin's Russia as a militant void. // Россия Владимира Путина как воинствующая пустота.
Dedicamos nuestro artículo a Notas de un método (Mondadori, 1989), uno de los textos de María Zambrano menos tratados por los especialistas, publicado al año siguiente de ser laureada con el Premio Cervantes (1988), y vinculado... more
In the course of this article I shall put into perspective the Allgemeines Handbuch der Film-Musik of Erdmann, Brav and Becce in relation to Hermann Kretzschmar’s musical hermeneutics. The Handbuchs’s proximity to musical hermeneutics is... more