
Paleometallurgy Research Papers -
The 18th century water-powered ironworks at Agoreggi, in the Basque country, was reconstructed based on contemporary historical records and archaeological investigations. In 1994-1999 three campaigns of experiments were carried out with... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyIndustrial HistoryIndustrial Heritage
In 1987 to 1989 15 experiments were carried out, smelting bog-iron ores in a low shaft furnace. The data from XP13 to XP28 are presented, with quantifications of the smelting and of the refining to billets and bars. Analyses of the bog... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArchaeometryArchaeometallurgyPaleometallurgy
This PPT was presented at the 2009 'World of Iron' conference. It is a comparative study of bloomery iron made from different ores, refined to bars and forged to knives, looking at the metallography and the slag inclusions. This... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyPaleometallurgyIronworking
Full excavation of this small hillfort produced remarkable evidence for ironworking, both smelting and refining, in the late Iron Age, with a second phase of activity in the 2nd/3rd century AD. At the time the 1200kg of slag was the... more
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      ArchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentIron Age Britain (Archaeology)Archaeometallurgy
En Lorraine, les fouilles des ferriers de Ludres-Chaudeau, Ludres-Village, Messein-Les Noires Terres et Frouard-Nerbevaux ont permis de mettre au jour des fragments de blocs-tuyères. En Suisse, les sites de Boécourt-Les Boulies, de la... more
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      Merovingian periodPaleometallurgyAncient MetallurgyMerovingian and Carolingian
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      Roman ReligionPaleometallurgyGallo-roman archaeologyGallo-roman sanctuaries
This abstract presents pollen diagrams from peat bogs near to the Llwyn Du and Gelli Goch medieval bloomeries. They show variation in the tree pollen assemblages and microscopic charcoal, which can be linked to the ironworking activity at... more
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      PalaeoenvironmentEnvironmental ArchaeologyMedieval WalesPaleometallurgy
Danebury is one of the more extensively excavated hillforts in Britain and the nearly 500 iron objects found are one of the largest assemblages from a single Iron Age site in Britain. Both currency bars and pieces of bulk iron, in the... more
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      Iron Age Britain (Archaeology)Metal Finds (Archaeology)ArchaeometallurgyPaleometallurgy
This paper covers the archaeological research carried out in the settlement of Gasteiz (Vitoria-Gasteiz) and the abandoned Alavese village of Bagoeta (Arrazua-Ubarrundia), since these two places are essential in understanding the... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyPaleometallurgy
LIEN pour la lecture / LINK to read it Etude archéologique des techniques d’acquisition et de transformation du métal dans le cadre de la production... more
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      Japanese StudiesExperimental ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryHistory of Japan
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      PaleometallurgyGallo-roman archaeologyVotive offeringsGallo-roman sanctuaries
Radomír Pleiner’s death in January 2015 marked the end of an era. For sixty years he was one of the key figures in the study of early iron working, as demonstrated by his remarkable publication record of 12 books and over 250 papers. He... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyIndustrial HistoryIndustrial ArchaeologyMetallurgy
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyEnvironmental Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Ceramic Technology
Current research on a wide range of ironworking topics was summarised in 47 papers from 13 European countries, with other papers on Africa, India, Israel and Jordan. Topics include excavations, experiments, archeometallurgy,... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentEarly Medieval Archaeology
Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României MUSTAŢĂ, SILVIA The Roman metal vessels from Dacia Porolissensis / Silvia Mustaţă. -Cluj-Napoca : Mega, 2017 Conţine bibliografie ISBN 978-606-543-843-9 902 Contents FOREWORD 9... more
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      Roman IconographyRoman DaciaPaleometallurgyRoman Bronze Vessels
Current research on a wide range of ironworking topics were presented in 51 papers from 15 European countries, with other papers from Estonia and Africa. Topics include excavations, surveys, experiments and archaeometallurgy, with a date... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyIndustrial ArchaeologyEarly Medieval Archaeology
Nous étudions dans cet ouvrage les archers dans l'armée romaine. Nous établissons leur visage de la fin de la République romaine jusqu'à Trajan à travers les sources littéraires, épigraphiques et archéologiques. Nous examinons par la... more
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      ArchaeologyRoman HistoryRoman ArmyPaleometallurgy
After a brief survey of the medieval bloomeries in Snowdonia, the late 16th century blast furnace, at Dol y Clochydd, is described in some detail, with the historical evidence, a site description and details of the 1984 season of... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyIndustrial ArchaeologyMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval Wales
A description and a critical appraisal of twenty-five years of ironworking experiments are presented. Initially the experiments were designed to answer specific questions raised by excavations at prehistoric sites in Snowdonia, where... more
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      ArchaeologyExperimental ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyIndustrial Archaeology
Recent research in the Niari Basin, located along the southern border of the Republic of Congo, has revealed several copper production sites ranging from the 13th to 19th century CE. The evidence in this area, specifically at Mindouli,... more
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      PaleometallurgyAfrican ArchaeologyCopper extraction and production
Les creusets dits « de bronziers », récipients en terre cuite destinés à la fusion des métaux non-ferreux, constituent un type de mobilier commun sur les sites archéologiques ayant un lien avec l’artisanat métallique. Cependant malgré... more
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      MetallurgyPaleometallurgyGallo-roman archaeologyAncient Metallurgy
This experiment, blown at a fast rate with a high charcoal consumption, unexpectedly produced a block of cast iron, but it the normal position of a bloom. The experiment is described in detail, with analyses of the Mn-rich bog ores used,... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyMetallurgyArchaeometryArchaeometallurgy
Samples from three refined iron bars and knives, made from different ores, were studied to provide comparative data on the metal types and the slag inclusions. The knives were used for butchery experiments and there were significant... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyPaleometallurgyIronworking
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      Semitic languagesHittitologyAnatolian ArchaeologyAkkadian Language
Abstract: New evidence for metallurgy in the Late Neolithic in the Upper Rhine valley: the finds from Colmar “Aérodrome” und Eckwersheim “Burgweg” The Upper Rhine Valley does not belong to the core regions of the late Neolithic... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyReligion and ritual in prehistoryDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
The Nahal Mishmar hoard was discovered in 1962 in a cave, inside a pit, which was covered by a large rock. The pit was close to the entrance of the cave. This cave saw activity during early periods, predating the Iron Age, as well as... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelLevantine Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyCultural HeritageCultural Heritage ConservationEarly Medieval Archaeology
This paper describes the scientific investigation of the raw materials, iron products, slags and slag inclusions from a bloomery smelting and bloom forging experiment. The smelt used a high alumina sideritic ore, a clay-built shaft... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArchaeometryArchaeometallurgyAncient Technology (Archaeology) The Republic site is located on the edge of a small coastal cliff at Talmont-Saint-Hilaire in Vendée (France). It is part of an extensive Bell Beaker... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic ArchaeologyBell Beakers (Archaeology)Paleometallurgy
Connu pour être l’emplacement d’un vaste bâtiment civique au coeur de l’oppidum éduen de Bibracte, le site du Parc aux Chevaux 14/15 (PC14/15) a également livré un atelier d’artisanat des alliages cuivreux. Il fut actif pendant la seconde... more
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      MetallurgyPaleometallurgyGallo-roman archaeologyAncient Metallurgy
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      Cultural HeritageArchaeometryPaleometallurgyAncient Metallurgy
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      Rural SettlementPaleometallurgyLate La Tène Period
Two large Roman iron bars, found in a 1920's excavation of a rectilinear smithing site, are described in detail for the first time. The bars are similar is size and weight to some of those in the St-Maries-de-la-Mer wrecks, found in the... more
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      Ancient economies (Archaeology)Roman BritainRoman EconomyMetal Finds (Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
Résumé Le rôle du développement de la métallurgie du fer dans la mise en place des transformations sociétales du Hallstatt D et de La Tène A1 est ici questionné en tentant d’aborder les particularités régionales au sein d’un fond culturel... more
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      FranceIron AgePaleometallurgyEarly Iron Age
Studies of iron archaeometallurgy have, up until the present, been essentially concerned with smelting activities, to the detriment of forge. These studies have been predominantly carried out in regions with a strong tradition of iron and... more
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      Late Iron Age (Archaeology)FrancePaleometallurgyBassin Parisien
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      Rural HistoryPaleometallurgyInstrumentum domesticumArcheozoology
Germanicarum in usum scholarum separatim editi 5. Hannover: Hahn. Ann. Fuld. 1891: Kurze, F. ed. Annales Fuldenses sive Annales regni Francorum orientalis. Monumenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores rerum Germanicarum in usum scholarum... more
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      ArchaeologyEarly Medieval ArchaeologyArchaeometryAncient jewellery
A B S T R A C T Determining the provenance of non-ferrous metals is a major issue in archaeology and history. The classical method using Pb isotopes shows several limitations, and new isotopic tracers need to be developed in... more
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      HistoryStable IsotopesMining HistoryPaleometallurgy
161 late medieval copper-based day-to-day items have been analysed, mostly consisting of small artefacts such as dress fittings. The items were all recently excavated from a 14th century AD metallurgical workshop located in Paris. Eight... more
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    • Paleometallurgy
L'étude offre une perspective sur l'exploitation des gisements non ferreux dans les Pyrénées de l'Est au cours des trois derniers siècles avant notre ère. Le problème se pose quant à l'exploitation des gisements d'argent à partir de... more
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      Archaeology of MiningRoman GaulPaleometallurgyArcheometry
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      ArchaeologyMetallurgyMetalwork (Archaeology)Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
A revised and extended bibliography organised both on a broadly thematic basis, by topic or by site, and also in reverse chronology by decade. It includes a number of conference presentations, in PPT format, which give additional... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyPalaeoenvironmentIndustrial HistoryIndustrial Archaeology
Synthèse des données archéologiques connues du Mali et du Niger, allant du IIIe millénaire av. J.-C. au Ier millénaire apr. J.-C.
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      BiogeochemistryRock Art (Archaeology)Funerary ArchaeologyPlant domestication (Prehistoric Archaeology)
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryBasque StudiesMedieval Archaeology
In Rehren, Hauptmann & Muhly (eds), Metallurgica Antiqua: In Honour of Hans-Gert Bachmann and Robert Maddin  (Bochum: Der Anschnitt Beiheft 8), 1998, 163-170
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      Metalwork (Archaeology)Metal Finds (Archaeology)Ancient Technology (Archaeology)Iron Age (Archaeology)
XRF analyses of a sequence of slags from smelting, bloom refining and smithing show the systematic changes in major and trace elements. A materials balance for XP27 is presented, showing the influence of the clay on the slags. A... more
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      Experimental ArchaeologyArchaeometallurgyPaleometallurgyIronworking