
Orality-Literacy Studies Research Papers -
This book aims to provide the reader of Homer with the traditional knowledge and fluency in Homeric poetry which an original ancient audience would have brought to a performance of this type of narrative. To that end, Adrian Kelly... more
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      HomerArchaic PoetryOrality-Literacy StudiesOral Traditions
draft of published paper
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      Medieval LiteratureDante StudiesItalian StudiesLiterature
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      RhetoricOrality-Literacy StudiesNarratology
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesOralityLiteraturaOrality and Literacy
The present study scrutinizes the outlawry and outlaws that appear in the Icelandic Family Sagas. It provides a thorough description about outlawry on the basis of extant law and saga texts as well as an analysis of referential... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreComparative LiteratureFolkloreMythology
Özet: Bu yazıda, İsmail Görkem'in, Türk halk edebiyatının anonim ürünlerinden 'ağıt'lar üzerine hazırladığı çalışmaları değerlendirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Görkem'in 'ağıt' türüne yaklaşımı ve geliştirdiği "tenkitli metin" metodu, sözel... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesOral TraditionsMourning SongsAğıtlar
DE LA COMUNICACIÓN HUMANA COMO PRÁCTICA CULTURAL COMUNICACIÓN Y CULTURA Enfrentar en términos teóricos el problema de la comunicación humana exige, en primer lugar, entenderla como una práctica social inserta en contextos culturales... more
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      Anthropological LinguisticsMaterial Culture StudiesSociolinguisticsOrality-Literacy Studies
Walter Burkert's approach to myth (summarized in this review-essay) is provocative and complex but it needs to be complemented by the larger vision of Jean Rudhardt and others.
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      MythologyClassicsGreek LiteratureStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
Santals are one of the highly significant and well-studied tribes of India which belongs to ProtoAustoroid community. (Guha, 1944). Creation myths of Santals revolve around the creation of the world from the perspective of cosmology.... more
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      HistoriographyOrality-Literacy StudiesOralityMyths
My scholarly interests place oral histories exploring the performance aspect of intellectual and educational identities within broader historical contexts to explore ways in which institutions and cultures impose identities. It does so... more
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      EthnographyOrality-Literacy StudiesOral historyOral History and Memory
Forthcoming in a volume edited by Haraldur Bernhardsson. This article examines Landnámabók utilizing the anthropological distinction between place and space, defined within an understanding of phenomenology and emplaced paractice centered... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyOrality-Literacy StudiesLocal HistorySense of Place
Review of Guy Beiner's Remembering the Year of the French: Irish Folk History and Social Memory (University of Wisconsin Press) by Stuart McLean
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      HistoryIrish StudiesAnthropologyFolklore
This paper aims to put the conference theme in relation to Ulmer's thinking on what he has called "applied grammatology" and electracy. Gregory Ulmer is Professor Emeritus of English and Media Studies at the University of Florida; author... more
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      Comparative LiteratureCommunicationMedia StudiesTheatre Studies
Sandro LANDI, Stampa, censura e opinione pubblica in età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2011, 150 S., ISBN 978-88-15-23391-2 Buchdruck, Zensur und öffentliche Meinung sind grundlegende Phänomene des frühneuzeitlichen Europas. Aufgrund ihrer... more
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      Print CultureCensorshipPublic OpinionEarly Modern History
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      Critical Disability StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesBlindnessListening (Sound studies)
En Texaco hay una tensión constante entre la oralidad y la escritura. Aunque la heroína de la novela se aferre a su palabra criolla, poco a poco debe ir desplazándola por la escritura y por el francés que llegan con la colonización. Sin... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesColonialismHybridizationPatrick Chamoiseau
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      Discourse AnalysisSemioticsCultural StudiesFolklore
Il testo si interroga sulla nozione e sullo statuto del discorso letterario soprattutto in relazione alle nuove scritture che emergono sulla Rete. Più in generale il saggetto propone una visione allargata del campo letterario fino al... more
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      Media StudiesNarrativeOrality-Literacy StudiesLiterary Theory
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesOral Traditions
In this article I analyze Basque oral poetry, or bertsolaritza, by four poets who live in the United States. We start with a remarkable fact: all four bertsolaris come from the Spanish region of Navarre. They include Jesus “Jess” Goñi,... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesOralityORALIDAD Y ESCRITURA
I once was offered by a jasare — a genealogist and historian griot — to meet the descendants of a great warrior; he wanted to tell me the former’s story and glorious feats on Ghanaian soil. Both the jasare and I were astonished to find... more
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      EmotionAfrican StudiesAnthropologyMemory (Cognitive Psychology)
J. Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word. London -New York : Methuen, 1982. V této studii odkazujeme výhradně na české vydání: Technologizace slova: Mluvená a psaná řeč. Přel. P. Fantys. Praha : Karolinum, 2006. Omyly... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesSanskrit language and literatureWalter Ong
This essay brings together George Orwell’s great novel and a theory of writing as humankind’s master-technology. I approach writing through a non-poststructuralist (and so, an uncommon) lens, as it has come down from the works of, for... more
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      Orality-Literacy Studies1984 George Orwell
The book Orlaity and Literacy is celebrating its 30th anniversary since first release, all these years it has become a text book and guide for the missionaries. The writer Walter J. Ong (1912-2003) was a professor in Emeritus at Saint... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesLiberty University PapersBook ReviewsWalter J. Ong
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      Mythology And FolkloreEnvironmental PhilosophyPerceptionOrality-Literacy Studies
With this work we have proposed to contribute to the literary heritage of oral tradition already recorded of the Mexican peoples and cultures of today with the publication of several stories and unpublished interviews conducted in 2019 in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreIndigenous StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOral Traditions
En hommage aux femmes déguisées en hommes pour accéder à la parole sur la place publique, sur les lieux où les « halqa» sont l’unique apanage des hommes En hommage, aussi, aux hommes déguisés en femmes pour remplacer les femmes... more
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      Genre studiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOrality-Literacy-Electracy StudiesStorytelling
This paper sketches out a history of ancient and modern discussions on the aesthetic “imperfection” of the Iliad and the Odyssey. The views of, among others, Horace, Pseudo-Longinus, F.A. Wolf, F.W. Nietzsche will be examined, as well as... more
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      ClassicsHomerOrality-Literacy StudiesAncient Aesthetics
This paper is a lucid exposition of Brian Street's approach to culture, literacy and development.
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      AnthropologyLiteracyEducationDevelopment Studies
In this article it is argued that Odin's discovery of the runes when hanging on the tree, as related in the Icelandic Hávamál, is not an indigenous attribute of that god. Nor should the attribution of the invention of letters to Mercury... more
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      LiteracyMedieval LiteratureHistory of ReligionAnglo-Saxon Studies
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Performance StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesAfrican LiteratureOral literature
External examiner´s report on PhD thesis link to full text of PhD thesis on British Library EthOS
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesIntertextuality
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      LiteracyDidacticsOrality-Literacy StudiesDidactique Du Français
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      HomerOrality-Literacy StudiesTextual CriticismOral Traditions
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      Armenian StudiesHistory of ReligionOrality-Literacy StudiesYezidi and Yaresan Studies
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      HistoryMiddle East StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOral history
This is an overview of the Iranian oral epic tradition from pre-Islamic times to the present.  It questions the application of the oral-formulaic theory and the tradition of extemporaneous versification to Persian epic narratives.
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      FolklorePersian LiteratureOrality-Literacy StudiesOral Traditions
It is widely assumed that the “born again” and “born of water and spirit” sayings in the Gospel of John, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Hippolytus, the Pseudo-Clementines, and the Apostolic Constitutions derive independently via oral... more
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      PatristicsNew TestamentOrality-Literacy StudiesJustin Martyr
ALLA DERIVA DEL FOGLIO Sul fraseggio dello zeroglifico spatoliano per vedere e sentire di più di Giovanni Fontana Sono ormai passati quasi trent'anni dalla scomparsa di Adriano Spatola. L'anniversario cadrà il 23 novembre 2018, ma... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesPerformanceContemporary PoetryPoesia
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      DentistryDental Hygiene And EpidemiologyDental ResearchOrality-Literacy Studies
This thesis examines Hip Hop as a genre of oral literature. To begin this study, I examine a wide range of scholarship on orality, including what is considered the canonical work, Orality and Literature, by Walter Ong. This theorist’s... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesStorytellingAfrican American Culture
A wide range of Arabic language variation in form, code choice and orthographic script was wielded by Lebanese political protestors in their graffiti and political placards in Beirut in 2015. That summer, civil protests spilled out into... more
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      Middle East StudiesSociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyArabic Language and Linguistics
In the prosperous land where I live, a mysterious task is underway to invigorate the minds of the populace, and to vitalize the spirits of our children. For a decade, now, parents, politicians, and educators of all forms have been raising... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPerceptionMnemonicsOrality-Literacy Studies
Celebration of the bicentennial of the poet's birth in 2013 was characterized by a surprising intensity of the events as well as by the multiplicity and diversity of the agencies and actors involved. In this chapter, the input into... more
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      RomanticismBalkan StudiesPoetryOrality-Literacy Studies
Na segunda metade do século XI, um áspero conflito entre a igreja romana e a corte germânica levou o papa Gregório VII a decretar a deposição e excomunhão do sucessor imperial. Tido pelos historiadores como o capítulo central da... more
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      ReligionHistoryLawCanon Law
The representation of reality in the Homeric Odyssey has spurred many conflicting interpretations due to the question of its orality. The awareness of the oral tradition can be traced in the history of Homer criticism and it starts with... more
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      HomerOrality-Literacy StudiesPerformativityPerformance and performativity
This article discusses the first Indian compilation of the four Vedic Saṃhitās into a printed book in the year 1971 entitled “Bhagavān Vedaḥ.” This endeavor was the life’s mission of an udāsīn ascetic called Guru Gaṅgeśvarānand Mahārāj... more
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      Print CultureOrality-Literacy StudiesMateriality (Anthropology)Printing History
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesHistoria UrbanaEtnografíaHistoria Cultural
Resumen: La comunicación simbólica y verbal es una de las raíces fundamentales de lo humano. La expresión oral ha sido el medio acústico en que se encarnó la palabra desde sus orígenes. La oralidad es un hecho central que ha acompañado a... more
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      CommunicationDigital HumanitiesLiteratureDigital Media
The author of this book, one soon discovers, is no impassionate researcher. Thigpen sheds tears during her interviews. She stands up emotionally for people who, as a result of not being able to read, identify themselves as shamed,... more
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      EducationOrality-Literacy StudiesConnectionismMissiology and Mission Theology