Open Government
Recent papers in Open Government
Innovation Coalition, TonyQ, Taipei City Government, the LASS community, the g0v community, the jothon organizers, the opendata/tw community, the vTaiwan task force, Tseng I-hsin, Tseng Shu-cheng, Whisky, Watchout, Yu Chihao, and... more
Hace muy poco tiempo saltaba a los periódicos de medio mundo una interesante noticia sobre la Red que tenía como epicentro los EEUU. Aunque Internet es uno de los elementos que más fielmente representan la idea de globalidad, si... more
Лист вiд Державної служби України з питань безпечності харчових продуктів та захисту споживачів №В-2151/Г-1695 вiд 06.10.21 року - це результат роботи порталу Урядова «гаряча лінія» України 1545, що є механізмом для взаємодії Уряду з... more
The article discusses the concept of open data, 5 star open data model by Tim Berners-Lee and the open data portals. The author also gives an overview of open education projects on training to work with open data.
Technological advances and real-time worldwide communications hold great promise for transforming the efficiency and effectiveness of public services through the ease of publishing and access to government public information or through... more
RESUMEN Este documento considera un análisis sobre el concepto de innovación pública como nuevo paradigma en el actuar del servidor público y sus maneras de enfrentar los problemas complejos de forma creativa bajo un modelo de trabajo... more
OCA nasce come spazio pubblico digitale, all’interno dell’Università Pubblica, strumento di servizio alla partecipazione attiva per la produzione e la condivisione di conoscenze sul tema dei beni comuni, banco di raccolta e incontro di... more
This article describes trends of open data development and a new discipline, which was formed largely due to the fact that the data have become available and open on the Internet. The authors provide a brief overview of the main... more
情報化の進展と(地域)社会の関わりを考えるとき、また情報社会研究や地域情報化研究、電子行政の研究にとって、オープンデータ関連の動向はどのように位置づけることができるか。 「オープンデータ」「オープンガバメント」は2009年以降に輸入された概念であり、政策や市民の活動も米国等の動向に追随することも少なくない。そのため「日本は遅れている」「日本にはまだ根付いていない」「一過性である」「一過性のブームで終わらせてはいけない(三木2014)」などと評価されることがある。... more
Electronic Participation (e-Participation) initiatives, seen as the use of information and communication technology (ICT) for facilitating citizen participation in the policy decision making process, have often had a limited success of... more
Recent studies show that open government data (OGD) initiatives are gaining more and more attention among public administrations worldwide. However, although the attention for OGD provision increases, no guidelines exist that depicts the... more
Hablar de Gobierno Abierto hace 7 u 8 años probablemente estuviera reservado para ciertos ámbitos académicos, siendo un término desconocido por la mayoría. En la actualidad, y especialmente a partir del impacto de la campaña de Obama, el... more
Purpose This paper aims to examine the use and acceptance of open government data (OGD) of different stakeholder groups in India. Design/methodology/approach Following an empirical investigation among 244 respondents in India, the paper... more
Communities of Practice (CoP) have become one of the most widely used strategies for promoting Knowledge Creation and Management (KCM) processes in Public Administration. This chapter is based on some of the practical research and... more
Among the commitments undertaken by the governments participating in the OGP, there is a growing number of commitments to improve the provision of justice services. Successfully implementing these commitments can entail a reform... more
Open public policies? Towards the definition and analysis of political designs under the principles of open government Resumen Dado el inevitable impacto del emergente paradigma del gobierno abierto (open government) sobre el estudio de... more
Public participation in the use of Open Government Data (OGD) in the United Kingdom remains limited, specialised, and low. Four foundational issues contribute to this: definitional conflation between data and information, targeting of OGD... more
Malawi desire to be a middle-income country by 2063 as envisioned in the Vision 2063. To achieve this status, there is need for public services that are fit for purpose, results oriented and high performing to facilitate a positive... more
Charla dictada en el marco del XXXI Congreso FENEAP realizado en la Universidad de Concepción los días 4,5 y 6 de octubre, 2017.
This paper examines whether the tools of the Information Ageprincipally but not exclusively the Internet-make citizen coproduction of government services more viable and effective. The paper first discusses the re-emergence of citizen... more
Actively promoted by a broad spectrum of stakeholders, the Open Government Data movement is gaining considerable traction, illustrated by the rapid proliferation of initiatives worldwide. While the preponderance of early experiments... more
Public organizations around the world are embarking on open government initiatives, pursuing transparency, public participation and collaboration, and are working to redefine their relationships with citizens and with each other. In this... more
There is scarcely any aspect of government activity that does not involve the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The EU has supported the building of digital infrastructures and the sharing of best practices on... more
Being a poster child of digital state, Estonia is a truly right place to find answers to the question on how it should be done first when it comes to achieving a real progress in modernizing governance through the use of information and... more
This article aims to describe how the management strategies of Twitter and Facebook of the governments of Querétaro and Hidalgo are associated with open government, understood as the one that promotes transparency, accountability and... more
La crisis sanitaria global ha sido un acelerador de procesos sociales, políticos, económicos y tecnológicos sin precedentes en lo que va del 2020, y ha puesto a prueba la capacidad y respuesta de los gobiernos e instituciones públicas en... more
This article presents a case study of the open data project in the Chicago area. The main purpose of the research is to explore empowering potential of an open data phenomenon at local levels as a platform useful for the promotion of... more
Resumen: La Internet es el ágora digital donde todos pueden participar. Las instituciones europeas pueden utilizar las redes sociales como herramientas de diálogo con los ciudadanos para lograr su implicación y compromiso con el proceso... more
This paper delves into the concept of Open Government, analysing and characterising its participatory and collaborative dimensions. It presents the Participation Schemas, a conceptual tool that facilitates the analysis and standardized... more
"Tecnologie Digitali per la Comunicazione Pubblica", un libro collettaneo che raccoglie contributi di esperti e ricercatori su come le tecnologie stanno modificando le amministrazioni pubbliche, la loro comunicazione e le pratiche di... more
Lobbying regulation refers to the set of rules, norms, and practical frameworks that aim to shape how lobbying is done in a specific political system. Rules include pieces of legislation and regulatory provisions such as laws or... more
Recensión del libro editado por el Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales sobre la Ley de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información Pública y Buen Gobierno de España.
Hoy en día puede decirse que el desarrollo del gobierno abierto es desigual y heterogéneo. Hay confusión sobre el mismo concepto –qué es y qué no es una iniciativa de gobierno abierto, la diferencia con otros términos como el de gobierno... more
Open governance offers an alternative to the traditionally vertical interaction between the state and society (governor and governed). It conceives of the state and society as equal partners that interact horizontally to co-create public... more
SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa-2. Dagli obblighi di pubblicazione alla li-bertà di informazione?-3. Gli obblighi di pubblicazione dopo il d.lgs. 97/2016-4. L'importanza delle forme di dissemination nei sistemi FOIA-4.1. Il modello statunitense,... more
El falso concepto de la comunicación como aire sirve paradójicamente para definirla, o al menos para comprender su esencia ubicua y su carácter imprescindible en estos tiempos. La posibilidad de ser concebida por cualquier sujeto, desde... more
La prestación de servicios públicos, desde la filosofía del gobierno abierto, abre un nuevo campo de acción para que, tanto los funcionarios del sector salud y los usuarios del servicio, puedan identificar fenómenos comunes, y aportar... more
Este capítulo introductorio aborda el análisis de los principales contenidos de la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno (LTAIBG).Este capítulo introductorio aborda el análisis de... more
In 2016, the California Legislature passed Senate Bill 958, requiring the County of Los Angeles to assemble the Los Angeles County Citizens Redistricting Commission (LA County CRC) following the 2020 Federal Census. The LA County CRC’s... more
Esta investigación presenta un primer intento de medición de las estrategias de gobierno abierto que utilizan los gobiernos locales en México, ya que hasta el momento la mayoría de los trabajos se habían enfocado a la dimensión de... more
The book analyzes the Italian system of administrative transparency and open government. In particular, the volume focuses on the legal rules on citizen participation in public decisions, access to information, public communication, open... more
Esta comunicación pretende aportar una reflexión sobre la relación conceptual entre las competencias digitales, el open government (oGov) y la necesidad de revisar los modelos de “democracia universitaria” en términos de participación,... more
In 2011, Indonesia started its Open Government journey when along with seven other countries it initiated Open Government Partnership. Following the global declaration, Indonesia launched the Open Government Indonesia (OGI) in January... more