
Nobility Research Papers -
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      Race and RacismNobilitySuriname historyDutch History
This paper suggests a journey through the history of the Lithuanian heraldry from the 15th century until nowadays in searching fantastic creatures such as Centaur, Griffin, Two-headed Eagle, Unicorn etc. Some of these creatures were... more
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      HeraldryNobilityMunicipal HeraldryBestiario
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      Late Middle AgesLanded NobilityNobilityMedieval France
In controtendenza con gli attuali orientamenti della storiografia italiana sull’Età moderna, questo libro ripropone una ricerca di prima mano su aspetti e problemi di argomento economico e sociale. Esso si segnala inoltre per l’area di... more
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      Social DemographyDemographyHistorical DemographyNobility
I N T R O D U C T I ON Press Communiqué: OPENING SURINAME BLUE BLOOD IS BLACK BLOOD MUSEUM EGMOND CODFRIED (Paramaribo, 1959), writer and publicist, is the inventor of the Blue Blood is Black Blood Theory (2005) that states that Europe... more
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      Gender StudiesRace and RacismFrench RevolutionJane Austen
Valérie Piétri L'apparition du nobiliaire, en tant que nouveau genre littéraire et savant, permet sans doute de saisir une des inflexions majeures de la culture généa-logique française, à la croisée des transformations de l'état... more
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      Early Modern HistoryGenealogyNobilityProvence
Liste de sources accessibles sur Internet concernant les recherches de noblesse (1666-1729)
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      NobilityAristocracyLouis XIV
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      Military HistoryCentral European historyHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern Europe
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      NobilityDynastic PoliticsPolitical dynastiesAnhalt
Le pagine che seguono non sono opera di storico, o biografo, ma il rendiconto di un lettore severo di antiche carte. La ricognizione è il frutto di fatica spesa nel tentare di conferire ordine alle notizie sparse che, nel corso di dieci... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian (European History)
Historische Todesanzeigen, die aus Anlaß des Ablebens von Adeligen aus deutschen Ländern der Jahre 1912 bis 2009 gedruckt worden sind, können als wertvolle Quellen für die Ahnenforschung, die Familienforschung, aber auch die... more
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      Cultural HistoryGenealogyNobilityGenealogia
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      Military HistoryDiplomatic HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
The society of the Kingdom of the Scots in the central Middle Ages has long been viewed as experiencing a transition from `old', `Celtic' ways to `new' English norms. This process was once neatly described as `Normanisation', and if such... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRace and EthnicityProsopographyNobility
Elenco dei titoli napoletani concessi tra il 1458 e il 1860, con i riconoscimenti successivi; 2016 schede nelle quali sono riportati nel dettaglio le concessioni, notizie storiche sugli insigniti o le famiglie, la successione, dati sui... more
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      Italian (European History)GenealogyNobilityMedieval Nobility
Чай и чайная торговля в Российской империи в XIX – начале ХХ вв.
Sokolov I.A. Tea & tea trade in Russian Empire in XIX – the beginning of the XX centuries
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      MarketingReligionHistoryCultural History
This most recent edition of the bibliography contains almost 21,200 titles in English (64%) and French (36%), with an introductory section on historiography. It deals with every aspect of Italian history and culture from the Late... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyHistorical Anthropology17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
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      Early Modern HistoryPortuguese HistoryNobilitySocial History
Аниперков, В. К вопросу о том, почему конфессиональный фактор не стал определяющим во втором разделе Речи Посполитой / В. Аниперков // Orientalia Christiana Cracoviensia. – Tom 9 (2017). – S. 41– 66. The article is devoted to the... more
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      Polish HistoryNobilityRussian HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Food Studies (FOST) 3 02 Culinaire gastvrijheid bij de Brusselse aristocratie in de achttiende eeuw Paul Janssens  12  Aan tafel bij graaf von Callenberg (1743) R Graaf von Callenberg resideerde in een herenhuis aan de voet van de... more
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Ez az az időszak, amikor a rég halott fában fel-felsír a hajdani élet makacs vágya. Sok-sok évvel ezelőtt a boldogság napjai voltak ezek, ifjúi láz és életerő áradt szét bensejében, ágain pedig százával, ezrével fakadtak a rügyek. Azután... more
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      Local HistoryNobilityMicrohistory18th & 19th Centuries
This article delas with the relationship between the last lord of Rožmberkand his housekeepers in Prague in the times when Petr Vok spent only a few month a year in Prague or he did not travel to his main town residence in Prague at all... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCzech HistoryHabsburg StudiesNobility
This article explores the role of formal schooling in the social mobility and social re- production of the elite in the early modern context of post-Petrine Russia. An anal- ysis of career and educational choices made by Russian nobles in... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of EducationNobilityRussian History
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      XVIII centuryNobilityXix CenturyPalace
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      Early Modern HistoryNobilityHistory of ElitesColonial Brazil
In the aftermath of the battle of Waterloo, the British nobility expressed a great interest in the battlefield. This study analyses the experiences of these aristocratic visitors as compared to the interpretations of other British, Dutch,... more
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      Cultural HistoryHeritage TourismHistory of TourismNobility
Resumo Inicialmente, o artigo compara as ideias de sangue, hereditariedade e raça nos tratados de nobreza. O cotejo pretende destacar suas variações semânticas entre os séculos XVI e XVII em Portugal. Em seguida analisa a trajetória... more
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      Latin American StudiesArtPortuguese HistoryRace and Racism
TRANSFORMATION DES MILITARADELS DER DONAUMONARCHIE WAHREND DES ERSTEN WELTKRIEGS Die Studie hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Wandlung des osterreich-ungarischen Militaradels (noblesse d'epee) im Laufe der Zeit, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf... more
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      HistoryNobilityAustrian HistoryModern Austrian History
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      AgricultureNobilityElites (Political Science)Political Elites
Nobilitierungen der Juden und jüdischen Konvertiten im Königreich Preußen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.
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      HistoryJewish StudiesJewish HistoryJewish - Christian Relations
Il volume illumina la vicenda umana e scientifica di André Tiraqueau, un magistrato attivo per buona parte della sua vita in provincia, anche se destinato a sedere infine nel Parlement di Parigi, nei cui scritti si rispecchiano la... more
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      Early Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismLegal History
Frühen N euzeit 1 Als Ahnenproben bezeichnet man den Nachweis der standesgemäßen Abstammung einer Person. Gewöhnlich erstreckt er sich nicht nur auf die väterlichen Ahnen, sondern auf alle Vorfahren des "Probanden" bis zu einer bestimmten... more
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      GenealogyNobilityFuneral Practices
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      Early Modern HistoryNobilityHistory of ElitesHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
La Valdonsella es una comarca aragonesa del Prepirineo ubicada entre los elevados macizos pirenaicos y la planicie de la Depresión del Ebro, con unas características naturales propias de las zonas de montaña. Su situación geográfica, en... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Iberian HistoryNobilityHistory of Elites
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      Early Modern HistoryNobilitySwedish HistoryFamily history
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      Political ScienceNobility
The genealogy of the Postumii Albini from the second half of the second century BCE onwards is uncertain and debated. This article attempts a new discussion of the evidence. Its main contention is that A. Postumius Albinus, cos. 99,... more
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      Ancient HistoryClassicsRoman HistoriographyProsopography
Cahiers de la Méditerranée, 97:2, Nobles et chevaliers en Europe et en Méditerranée, Anne Brogini, Germain Butaud, María Ghazali and Jean-Pierre Pantalacci [Eds.], (2018), 73-88.
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      HistoryNobilityFranceKnights of Malta
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      XVIII centuryNobilitySlavonia
When Holland and Zeeland were integrated in the Burgundian personal union, the court of the count disappeared in these counties . Instead. a regional administrative machinery was set up. in which the govemor,later called stadholder; was... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
Fruit de plusieurs années de recherches dans les archives d’Europe centrale, cet ouvrage propose une étude de l’adaptation nobiliaire aux réformes de la monarchie des Habsbourg et aux bouleversements du temps des révolutions. La maison... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistoryMusic History
von Michael Seelig: Der Kampf gegen die Moderne Um 1900 sah das Deutsche Adelsblatt die moderne Gesellschaft in einer fundamentalen Krise, als deren Ursache die Moderne an sich erkannt wurde. Anhand der Jahrgänge 1898 bis 1902 untersucht... more
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      Modern HistoryGerman HistoryConservatismConservatism (Political Science)
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      GenealogyNobilityRussian HistoryMerchants
król i kanclerz. relacje między zygmuntem iii a janem zamoysKim w latach 1587-1589
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      NobilityHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthhistory of Poland
Даследаванне генеалогіі роду Маеўскіх гербу "Стары Конь" з Навагрудскага павету
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      NobilityFamily TreeИстория БеларусиHistory of the Great Duchy of Lithuania
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedieval LiteratureMedieval History
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      NobilitySaxony (Germany)18th CenturyEarly modern Germany
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      Habsburg StudiesNobilityEarly Modern BohemiaMonarquía Hispánica
Le crancelin, cet élément mystérieux initialement présent dans les armoiries de nos premiers Rois et soudainement réapparu en 2019, après un siècle de bannissement. Quelle est exactement cette pièce, dite végétale, brisure, métallique,... more
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      HeraldryNobilitySaxony (Germany)Belgium
Korall 2021. 86. 107-136.
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesNobility