
New Media Performance and Installation Research Papers -
Essay published together with the artist's book presented at his exhibition João Penalva at Trondheim Kunstmuseum in 2014. The text refers to his works Sleeping men (installation, 2014), Museum of Stands, Yuteval (installation, 2012),... more
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      New MediaInstallation ArtContemporary ArtNew Media Performance and Installation
Extended interview with San Francisco-based machine performance artists, Mark Pauline and Leslie Gladsjo from Survival Research Laboratories.
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      Performance ArtNew Media Performance and InstallationArt and technologyIndustrial Culture
New scholarship on Nam June Paik is a thematic focus of 2020 College Art Association Annual Conference session Feedback and Feedforth: New Approaches to Nam June Paik. Organized by Gregory Zinman of the Georgia Institute of Technology,... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaTelevision StudiesConservation
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      ArchitectureInstallation ArtContemporary ArtPosthumanism
This thesis focuses on my dance and new media project, "There", which was shown in 2014. I want to unveil my creative process and propose possibilities for intermedia in art. First, to grasp the meaning of moving images in a dance... more
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      New Media Performance and InstallationFilm, Moving imagesNew Media ArtIntermedia Art
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      Media SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
in Rio voador, Contemporary Art Group Exhibition in the CAPC (Círculo de Artes Plásticas de Coimbra): Francisco Queirós, Gonçalo Pena, Inês Botelho, Miguel Palma, Pedro Cabral Santo, Pedro Cabrita Reis, Pedro Tudela, Pedro Valdez Cardoso,... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtPaintingNew Media Performance and Installation
Potential of the Gap has been about method and place. In site-specific, contextual or relational art, the relationships between and relationships to are critical to the critical artistic licence. That is, relations between or to man,... more
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      Place and IdentitySpace and PlacePerformativityNew Media Performance and Installation
Mit ihrer SchattenTrilogie, die die Installationsperformances "Die Scheinwerferin" (2011), "Absolute Helligkeit" (2012) und "Unverinnerlicht" (2015) umfasst, hat sich die an den Grenzen von bildender Kunst und szenischer... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsVisual StudiesPerception
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      Cyborg TheoryArchitectureInstallation ArtContemporary Art
Catalogue essay to accompany the exhibition Gibson/Martelli: MAN A, at the Jaffe Fried Gallery, Hopkins Centre for the Arts, Dartmouth College. 22nd September -- 22nd November 2015.
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      Dance StudiesInstallation ArtPerformance StudiesContemporary Art
Kurt Vanhoutte discusses the history of human orreries, in which individuals take the place of the celestial bodies, re-enacting the motions of the orbiting planets. Going back at least to the eighteenth century, Vanhoutte traces the... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesNew Media Performance and InstallationArt and Science
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      Brain-computer interfacesNew Media Performance and InstallationNeurofeedbackEEG
Is it ethical for media streaming companies, such as Spotify, to take advantage of IP loopholes, which are known to negatively impact artist revenues?
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesEthicsMedia StudiesNew Media
The category mobile media architecture, mobile design between "media" and "architecture" consists of urban interfaces: digital screens used in urban public space, often in conjunction with locationbased and/or mobile media technologies.... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital MediaNew Media Performance and Installation
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtInstallation (Art)New Media Performance and Installation
Öz Günümüz dijital medya teknolojilerinin ortaya koyduğu iletişim biçimleri, internet üzerinde 'ağ' ve ağ'lar oluşturma mantığı, bu teknolojileri yalnızca kullananlar açı-sından değil kullanmayanların bu yapı içerisindeki varlığı... more
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      New MediaDigital MediaOntology (Computer Science)New Media Performance and Installation
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      Installation ArtNew Media Performance and InstallationElectronic MusicVideo Installation
This paper discusses how these materials create a sensual and emotional experience through what I will say, 'selective visuality'. The paper is an attempt to understand materials and light through, placement, interaction, social value,... more
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      Performing ArtsDesign (Theatre Studies)Installation ArtScenography
Animation is pervasive in video games, advertising, music videos, and is increasingly featured in forms of hybrid and blended media. Not only does cinematic vision now extend beyond the movie theatre, but moving-image culture extends... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryInstallation ArtViewer/Participant Adapting Installations--the art adapts to who views/traverses/engages it
A Spanish-translated collection of essays on postinternet art, including "Lost Not Found: The Circulation of Images in Digital Visual Culture," originally from Words Without Pictures (LACMA, Aperture/ Thames & Hudson, 2008);... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryNew MediaContemporary Art
Defining postinternet art and aesthetics.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
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      MusicologyMusic TechnologyPopular Music StudiesFilm Music And Sound
Early in Tod Machover's opera Death and the Powers, the main character, Simon Powers, is subsumed into a technological environment of his own creation. The theatrical set comes alive in the form of robotic, visual, and sonic elements that... more
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      OperaNew Media Performance and InstallationTheatreVisual Language
'Toward Responsive Architectures' is a part of the exploration of the interconnectedness of what surrounds us. The focus of the Responsive Architectures: Subtle Technologies collection is on a new generation of interactive systems within... more
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      InterdisciplinarityNew Media Performance and InstallationResponsive EnvironmentsInteractive Architecture
A través de este texto se pretende realizar a una aproximación a las técnicas y disciplinas artísticas contemporáneas que están compuestas con elementos relacionados con la tecnología y los nuevos medios, realizando una breve revisión... more
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      TechnologyNew MediaArtPhotography
What follows here is not a definition of art by decree. Nor is this some kind of art manifesto. We are not saying this is how art should be, or could be, but how it is, if you let go of the prison of aesthetics, and follow an infinitely... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisPsychiatry
Borrowing from the vocabularies of montage theory and found photography to look ay net art's "pro surfing" community, on the cusp of the postinternet movement.
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      Visual StudiesNew MediaContemporary ArtVisual Culture
As reflexões académicas em torno de como as redes sociais e as aplicações, media e plataformas amoldam a configuração dos nossos perfis e identidades digitais, para além também das suas potencialidades para influenciar as nossas... more
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      New Media Performance and InstallationComunicaçãoComunicacion SocialComunicación social y organizacional
El presente Proyecto Final de Master se centra en la ejecución de una instalación audiovisual tomando como eje la temática de la memoria personal y reflexionando sobre los diferentes procesos que participan en su construcción. Debido a la... more
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      ArtNew Media Performance and InstallationFilm and Video ArtNew Media Art
A time-based art (TBA) project team was established at the Art Gallery of New South Wales to undertake research and development, to address significant gaps in collection management practice, which had not kept pace with developments in... more
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      Contemporary ArtCultural Heritage ConservationNew Media Performance and InstallationTime Based Art
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      WaterVideo ArtNew Media Performance and InstallationThe Sublime
Since the mid-1960's, Bruce Nauman's abundant and complex body of work continues to address a fundamental notion in art: the nature of artistic experience. While Nauman's work is often labeled as conceptual, it carries a strong... more
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      Installation ArtEmbodimentPerformance ArtVideo Art
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      ScreenwritingMusicEducationMedia Studies
This thesis is about creative strategies for staging places as performances. To remain viable in the rapidly changing technological and social context, architecture needs to extend its engagement with research, reappraise its fundamental... more
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      Cultural StudiesGame TheoryPhilosophy of TechnologyGame studies
В книге рассматривается творчество четырех наиболее значительных итальянских композиторов конца ХХ – начала XXI века. Концептуально-эстетические установки С. Шаррино, Ф Ромителли, Л. Франческони, П. Биллоне, продолжающие идеи... more
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      Musical TheatreNew Media Performance and InstallationNew Media ArtNew Music
This is the final program of BRAFFTV International Conference 2014 held at the University of Toronto from October 23rd to 25th with the focus on Interactive Narratives, New Media and Social Engagement. How has the digital screen... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesMedia SociologySocial Movements
Esse livro surge como um desdobramento da segunda edição brasileira da conferência Besides the Screen, realizada em 2015 na UFES. Com o tema Métodos e Materiais da Curadoria, o evento buscou mobilizar no campo do cinema certas discussões... more
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      Film StudiesVisual MusicMedia ArtsNew Media Performance and Installation
This paper examines the possibility of identifying a different perceptual and aesthetic paradigm of space at the confluence between real and virtual, in the circumstances offered by Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Offering a seamless... more
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      Visual StudiesNew Media Performance and InstallationAugmented Reality ArtNew Media Art
La exposición fue resultado de una investigación a partir de los fondos del museo que duró cuatro años. Es preciso indicar que la inercia de la mayoría de los museos españoles de arte contemporáneo desde su aparición en cascada en los... more
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      Installation ArtNew Media Performance and InstallationInstallation
A complete list of resources about journalist's craft, skills, techniques and tools gathered by Media Managers Club from 2014.
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      New MediaJournalismDigital JournalismCivic Journalism
Además de lanzar una nueva competencia de cortometrajes en su honor y de presentar una muestra de sus películas, este año hemos decidido honrar a Chris Marker con La Zona Marker. Dividido en tres capítulos, cada uno de ellos está... more
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      Avant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesNew Media Performance and InstallationDocumentary Film
The book of papers on the work of Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, artists forming the Tissue Culture & Art Project. Particular chapters analyses different issues, like artistic, ethical, philosophical of their art as well as problems related... more
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      Applied EthicsInstallation ArtContemporary ArtPosthumanism
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
Media Scores provide a theoretical and technical means to orchestrate multiple modalities in the creation of expressive works of art and performance. New technologies afford numerous opportunities to tell stories and create expressive... more
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      New Media Performance and InstallationFilm ProductionTheatre
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      New Media Performance and InstallationNew Media Art & Emerging PracticesFluxusFilm, Moving images
This research was ultimately generated by the recognition of disturbances and difficulties pertaining to the curation, exhibition, and preservation of contemporary new media art. To start to formulate a process that is understood and... more
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      New MediaVirtual EnvironmentsContemporary ArtExperimental Media Arts
Entitled: Compositional Strategies in Light and Sound Installations and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
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      MusicNew MediaComputer MusicInstallation Art
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      TechnologyArchitectureInstallation ArtNew Media Performance and Installation
Surveys and contextualizes recent New Zealand artists' cinema by genre including, Landscape, Psychodrama, Identity Politics, Visual Music, Installed & Expanded Cinemas, and Animation. Touches on aspects of Asian and Western philosophy... more
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      PsychodramaNew MediaAnimationInstallation Art