
National Identity Research Papers -
Příspěvek si klade za cíl představit problematiku konstrukce “japonskosti”, “korejskosti” a “těch druhých” a s nimi související ideu “národního dědictví” vzhledem k antropologii post-kolonialismu. V prvé řadě budeme brát v úvahu... more
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      Japanese StudiesKorean StudiesPost-ColonialismNational Identity
Arts-based Education in Outdoor Learning is a compendium of artistic endeavour created for the purposes of learning. The contents stem mainly from teaching BA undergraduate Outdoor students at the University of Central Lancashire in... more
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      Creative WritingEducationSelf and IdentityCreativity
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      Comparative LiteratureMexican StudiesBrazilian StudiesNationalism
תקופת המלוכה והכהונה בארץ ישראל לעולם משמשת או נקודת שיא בתולדות העם היהודי ובמימוש הייעוד שלו או נקודת זינוק בדרך להשגתו מחדש. תקופה זו לא שינתה ממעמדה למרות השינויים התרבותיים העמוקים שעברו על ישראל לאורך שנות הגולה ולמרות השינויים ביחס... more
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      Jewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismNational IdentityDiaspora Studies
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      Film StudiesPolish HistoryNationalismCommunism
"'נשמה יהודיה מלאה עפר / מאירופה לבגדד' – השואה, זיכרון קולקטיבי וגבולות הלאום בשירתה של אמירה הס", בתוך "עדות היופי וחוקת הזמן – על שירתה של אמירה הס", עורכת: קציעה עלון, הוצאת גמא, 2016, עמ' 192-132.
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      Hebrew LiteratureLiteraturePoetryIsrael/Palestine
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesIslamic Contemporary StudiesIdentity politics
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
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      American HistoryCultural StudiesAmerican StudiesIndigenous Studies
Neste trabalho o objetivo principal é de evidenciar o nacionalismo alemão, através de Fichte com o nacionalismo dinamarquês, através de Orla Lehmann no século XIX e seus desdobramentos na anexação do Schleswig-Holstein pela Prússia no ano... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryNational IdentityImmigration History
This article explores the evaluation of norms and principles of an intelligible referendum question (RQ) from Québec's biased formula in 1980 until the clearly constructed wording of the question for independence referendum held in... more
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      Political ScienceNationalismNational IdentitySecession
Publicado como introducción a Javier Moreno Luzón (ed.), Construir España. Nacionalismo español y procesos de nacionalización, Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales, 2007, pp. 13-24. En una célebre frase de 1979, el... more
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      Contemporary HistoryHistoriographyNationalismSpanish History
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural Studies
The dislocated, deterritorialized discourse produced by repatriates from formerly European colonies has remained overlooked in academic scholarship. One such group is the Eurasian “Indo” community that has its roots in the former Dutch... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural SociologySelf and IdentitySoutheast Asian Studies
Las fronteras, espacios críticos de la soberanía de los Estados, son construcciones humanas, cuya delimitación precisa fue consecuencia de la irrupción del nacionalismo y el liberalismo, a lo largo del siglo XIX. En este estudio se... more
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      National IdentityPortugal (History)Borders and FrontiersFronteras
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      Modern HistoryGreek HistoryNational Identity19th Century (History)
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      Comparative PoliticsIranian StudiesIdentity politicsNationalism
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      Developmental PsychologySocial IdentityRace and EthnicityNationalism
The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of... more
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      Cultural StudiesAnthropologySocial AnthropologySelf and Identity
Resulta sintomático de la manera en que se escribe la historia nacional salvadoreña, lo selectivo que suelen ser las fuentes documentales primarias. La historia se convierte en una materia flexible y maleable al antojo del presente, el... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesNationalismNational Identity
Lill-Ann Körber & Ebbe Volquardsen (eds.): The Postcolonial North Atlantic: Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands (= Berliner Beiträge zur Skandinavistik; 20) Berlin: Nordeuropa-Institut der Humboldt Universität 2014, 422 p., ISBN... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesNationalismColonialismPost-Colonialism
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      NationalismNational IdentityHolocaust StudiesModern Greece
Scholarship on Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) states, which have the highest proportions of migrants in the world, usually explores how they are unique in their patterns of non-citizen exclusion. However, state discourses, geographies,... more
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      DiasporasImmigrationImmigration StudiesNationalism
A collection of essays that reflects the personal experience of a Ukrainian intellectual engaged, since his Soviet-time youth, in a painstaking but fascinating process of the both cultural and political ‘Europeanization’ of his country.... more
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      National IdentityPolitics of UkraineSocial and Cultural CapitalUkrainian History
Ente di afferenza: UNIVERSITA STUDI CAGLIARI BIBLIOTECA (unicadm) Copyright c by Società editrice il Mulino, Bologna. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Per altre informazioni si veda Licenza d'uso L'articoloè messo... more
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      Cultural HistoryItalian (European History)Dante StudiesNational Identity
Many social theorists have suggested that we are currently living in a period in which the identities of the past are becoming increasingly irrelevant and in which new identities, and new identity formations, are being created. The major... more
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      MulticulturalismWestern EuropeGlobalizationNational Identity
A sequel to the groundbreaking volume Race and Racism in Modern East Asia: Western and Eastern Constructions, the present volume examines in depth interactions between Western racial constructions of East Asians and local constructions of... more
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      Ethnic StudiesJapanese StudiesGender StudiesRacial and Ethnic Politics
The following text is a response sent to an email dispatched to me by the Chairman of the exiled Oromo Parliamentarians who struggle for the Independence and Self-determination of the 5 millennia long Kushitic Ethiopian Nation of the... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesAfrican StudiesMiddle East & North Africa
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      SociolinguisticsNational IdentityLinguisticsArabic Language
These two chapters provide an illuminating political and cultural history of the interior design of India’s presidential residence which was originally designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens to be the house for the British viceroy. They also... more
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      Art HistoryDesign HistoryHousing & Residential DesignPostcolonial Studies
This paper explores changing representations of the nation in 19th and 21st century Serbia and Croatia. I analyse how the changed structural conditions influence different visualisation strategies of a nation over long periods of time.... more
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      Visual StudiesHistorical SociologyNationalismCroatian History
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese publikation in der Deutschen NationaJbibliografie, detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über abrufbar. Das süerk ist einsctriießlich aller seiner Teire... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesNationalismRomanian StudiesNational Identity
Dans une première partie, nous avons vu qu'Oleg de Normandie, et sa chaine Pagan;tv invente à des fins identitaires. Dans ce second volet, nous mettons en avant le fait que cet auteur invente une histoire du haut Moyen âge, dans lequel... more
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      National IdentityVisigothsClovisConstructions identitaires
Le Royaume ambitionne d’être reconnu comme une puissance africaine émergente dans son identité comme dans son espace de projection. Afin de satisfaire ces ambitions, l’appareil diplomatique se développe et se modernise, tandis qu’une... more
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      HistoryAfrican StudiesEconomicsInternational Relations
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      MigrationBrazilNational Identity
Osmanlı Devleti'nin egemenliği altındaki toplulukları din ya da mezhep esasına göre örgütleyerek yönetmesine " millet sistemi " denilmekteydi. 1 Osmanlı'daki " millet " kavramı bir dine veya mezhebe bağlı olanlar topluluğu anlamında... more
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      Jewish StudiesNational IdentityModern TurkeySmyrna
For Puerto Ricans, World War I provided the opportunity to test and challenge the linkages between military service, manhood, citizenship and decolonization. During the war Puerto Rican political leaders, elected officials, and opinion... more
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      American HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
The concept of the gentleman amateur was, and remains, an important aspect of upper and middle-class Victorian and Edwardian male identity. Although he remains a significant literary presence, the form and length of time the gentleman... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
Thanks largely to the Kremlin’s information war, Ukraine’s ultranationalists have become global media stars of a sort, depicted in Western and other reports as key players in Ukraine’s third major political upheaval in less than a... more
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)Post-Soviet RegimesFascismNeo-Fascism
Eduardo Lourenço underlined a Portuguese hyper-identity due to a deficit of real identity, which tends to compensate on the imaginary level. But that is not why the essayist invoked "Portugality" to justify it, quite the contrary, as he... more
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      National Identityportugality
Le concept de nation chez M. Mauss comparé à la question actuelle des identités nationales et culturelles en Europe. À partir d'études de cas de l'histoire politique contemporaine, aussi différents l'un de l'autre que la formation des... more
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      Albanian StudiesNationalismNational IdentityNationalism And State Building
The paper discusses the role that Islamic values can play in articulating Islam as an ethical tradition that can shape the international relations.
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      Business EthicsReligionNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
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      Racial and Ethnic PoliticsSocial IdentityCritical Race StudiesRace and Racism
In the reputed work Securitization: A New Framework for Analysis (Buzan, Wæver, & de Wilde, 1998), the Copenhagen School theoreticians indicated that the media sector might not offer the correct answers in surveying the nexus between... more
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      Discourse AnalysisMedia StudiesSelf and IdentityForeign Policy Analysis
This article analyses the conception of womanhood and nationhood in Turkey through images of the First Lady in the media. It demonstrates that while there is a struggle between the secularist and Islamist media on issues such as Turkish... more
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      Gender StudiesNationalismTurkish and Middle East StudiesNational Identity
This chapter provides a political and philosophical analysis of the values at stake in ensuring cyber-security for critical infrastructures. It presents a review of the boundaries of cybersecurity in nation-al security, with a focus on... more
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      National IdentityCybersecurityCritical infrastructure protectionCritical Infrastructures
Acknowledging the complexity and fragmentation of the migration phenomenon, the aim of this contribution is to delve into a set of highly problematic aspects of the situation that can potentially pinpoint to the pre-existence of other... more
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      Refugee StudiesSecuritizationCritical CriminologyNational Identity
Hai-Nyzhnyk P., Chupriy L., Fihurnyi Y., Krasnodemska I., Chyrkov O. (2018). Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine: ethnonational dimension and civilizational confrontation. Saarbrucken (Germany): LAP Lambert Academic... more
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      GeopoliticsEuropean Security and Defence PolicyRussian Foreign PolicyNational Security Law
During the past decade, particularly under the presidency of the third Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko (2005–2010) there have been repeated attempts to turn the leading figures of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and... more
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      FascismUkrainian StudiesNationalismNational Identity
Since the Soviet dissolution in 1991, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan have promoted the most active foreign policies in the region. From a wide perspective, they both have much in common. They both were under Russian domination along with being... more
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      Comparative PoliticsForeign Policy AnalysisIdentity (Culture)Post-Soviet Regimes
Il saggio descrive i rapporti di Giuseppe Mazzini con la massoneria e analizza poi l'uso pubblico che la massoneria fece di Mazzini dopo la sua morte (1872) e il contributo che essa dette alla costruzione del suo mito e alla diffusione... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesItalian (European History)