Mesolithic Archaeology
Recent papers in Mesolithic Archaeology
A csákberény-arató-szérűi avar kori temető 2023. évi tervásatásának rövid jelentése a Szent István Király Múzeum évkönyvében, az Alba Regiában.
Rautakauden vesilöydöt. In: Mökkönen, T. (ed.) Virtavesien kulttuuriperinnön tilannekuva jääkaudesta nykyhetkeen. Museoviraston selvityksiä 8: 144–148. Museovirasto.
This study explores the prehistoric site of Tirildihi, located near the Similipal Biosphere Reserve in Mayurbhanj, Odisha, India, through the analysis of 58 stone tools from the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic periods. The tools,... more
Long, Antony, Waller, Martyn, Hughes, Paul and Spencer, Christopher (1998) The Holocene depositional history of Romney Marsh proper. In: Eddison, Jill, Gardiner, Mark and Long, Antony,(eds.) Romney Marsh: Environmental Change and Human... more
Článek představuje a popisuje nové nálezy paleolitické štípané industrie, které byly v poslední dekádě učiněny v Novém Bydžově a jeho okolí. Je proveden základní popis získaných artefaktů a všechny prozatím známé nálezy jsou uvedeny do... more
At the beginning of the fourth millennium BC, the Typical Comb Ware culture (TCW) emerged in northeastern Europe. One of its characteristics is a wealth of 'amber' or 'ochre' graves and mortuary practices. This article concerns the... more
The paper situates a skull now in the Tuebingen osteological collection as part of the Ofnet cave skull nests. You can also download the contribution here: Full reference: Orschiedt,... more
The Central Ebro River Basin (NE Spain) is the most northern area of truly semi-arid Mediterranean climate in Europe and prehistoric human occupation there has been strongly influenced by this extreme environmental condition. Modern... more
Bober je bil v Sloveniji zanesljivo prisoten od interglaciala Riss/Würm pa vse do 17-18. stoletja, ko ga je iztrebil človek. Prva pobuda za njegovo ponovno naselitev (1992) zaradi pomanjkanja sredstev ni zaživela. Bober se je tako naselil... more
The Dnieper Rapids Region is situated between the lower and middle reaches of the Dnieper river between Dnipro and Zaporizhya cities (Ukraine). This stretch of river is a section of the break through the Ukrainian crystalline shield,... more
The problem of the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition in the Northern Pontic region remains one of the most debated topics in contemporary archaeological science. The traditional approach, which dominated from the mid-20th century,... more
The mainstream neolithization hypothesis, dominant in current Ukrainian scholarly, was proposed in the middle of the 20th century. It concentrates on ceramics and posits an early neolithization of the Northern Pontic Region at the end of... more
The paper presents the conservation and restoration work done on the fresco and statue on the exterior of St. Andrew Church in Svino near Kobarid. The frescos were exposed to the weather, therefore protective conservation and restoration... more
This is a study of initial stages of adaptation of the ancient human population to the use of aquatic food supplies in the White Sea. The main aim of archaeozoological analysis was to study the processes of formation of faunal remains and... more
The goal of this paper is to report results of research of the influence that economic specifics of the Epipalaeolithic sites in the Elbrus region had on the composition of lithic industry. The traceological analysis made it possible to... more
This book discusses the significance of shells in the daily life of the Diola people in Guinea-Bissau, particularly their role in constructing the landscape through shell mounds. It explores the concept of Terroir, and its importance in... more
Sumário: 1. "O contexto arquitetônico de Nova Iguaçu do final do século XIX e das quatro primeiras décadas do século XX" por Julio Cesar Ribeiro Sampaio | 2. "Os descobridores (1899), de Belmiro de Almeida: uma reflexão sobre as origens e... more
The paintings of Laja Alta rock shelter (Cadiz) have generated an intense debate regarding their chronological affiliation since their first publication. This research project made it possible to obtain the first analytical data for an... more
Welcome to Issue 40 of the A+M Newsletter and thank you to those who contributed articles and updates. I would like to remind the AMWG community that we welcome any contributions related to archaeomalacology and are especially interested... more
Join us at the 2nd International Conference on the Emergence of the Neolithic in Europe (ENE2025) which will be held at the University of Zadar from 22nd to 25th May. We invite you to join our Session 4 “Human-Environment Dynamics:... more
This study was triggered by the results of previous anthropological and genetic studies. Earlier we demonstrated the existence of close biological affi nities of the people from Bolshoi Olenyi Ostrov (BOO) with both the ancient Western... more
Here, we present the earliest case of surgical treatment of mandibular permanent molars known in Northern Eurasia.It concerns an adult woman buried at a Mesolithic cemetery on the Yuzhny Oleniy Ostrov (Island) in Lake Onega, southern... more
In this paper, we introduce the first evidence of the use of human bone for making pendants in Northeast Europe. Twelve of the 37 studied pendants made of long bone splinters turned out to be human bone. Here, we present the ZooMS... more
Die Sondierung der Fundstelle von 2007 erbrachte deutliche Hinweise, dass die neolithischen Siedlungsreste am Nordwestufer des Lobsigesees massiv ausgetrocknet und die organischen Bestandteile der organischen Schichten bereits weitgehend... more
ABSTRACT: Ochre (colouring ferruginous rocks) is widespread in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic contexts, although information available on its use is still few. Starting by two key areas for the European Prehistory: the Cantabrian region and... more
ACTA ARCHAEOLOGICA LUNDENSIASERIES ALTERA IN 8°, No 54 Mesolitiska Möten. Strandvägen, en senmesolitisk boplats vid Motala ström Tom Carlsson Under åren 2000-2003 utfördes arkeologiska undersökningar på den mesolitiska boplatsen... more
The peninsula known as Castle Point, Troup, was occupied or used from the late Neolithic period to the Second World War. This paper deals with the construction and use of the castle, from the 13th to 17th centuries. The excavations of the... more
Since the Middle Pleistocene, the Sahara region has undergone strong environmental changes resulting from climate changes. Dry periods, constituting an ecological barrier to human presence, alternated with wet periods when the Sahara area... more
Innenfor E18 Langangen–Lanner-prosjektet ble det i 2020 utgravd fire lokaliteter (id 222339–222342) i en liten dalgang nedenfor toppen av Blåfjell, lengst sør på Sundsåsen. De fire lokalitetene, kalt Blåfjell 1–4 (fra høyest/eldst til... more
Innenfor E18 Langangen–Lanner-prosjektet ble det i 2020 utgravd fire lokaliteter (id 222339–222342) nedenfor toppen av Blåfjell lengst sør på Sundsåsen. De fire lokalitetene, kalt Blåfjell 1–4 (fra høyest/eldst til lavest/yngst), lå... more
Innenfor E18 Langangen–Lanner-prosjektet ble det i 2020 utgravd fire lokaliteter (id 222339–222342) nedenfor toppen av Blåfjell lengst sør på Sundsåsen. De fire lokalitetene, kalt Blåfjell 1–4 (fra høyest/eldst til lavest/yngst), lå... more
Erosion under the jetty - Challenges of monument protection in Attersee, Upper Austria. The largest complex of settlements of prehistoric pile dwellings in Austria is located in the northern bay at Lake Attersee. Dating back to the 4th... more
Badania sondażowe neolitycznych osad kultur ceramiki wstęgowej rytej i lendzielskiej