Mesolithic Archaeology
Recent papers in Mesolithic Archaeology
Commentary: the most recent 14C datelist of the Oxford AMS laboratory indicates that the skeleton from Staré Mesto, previously viewed as late Upper Palaeolithic or Mesolithic, is in fact a medieval intrusion.
NOW COMPLETE AS TWO pdf-Files: This huge study analyses the cultural conditions amongst late communities of hunter-gatherers in Central Europe. Considering the working technique of flint artefacts, a distribution-area of... more
The monumental nature of Neolithic funerary rites is analysed by archaeologists in relation to its alleged links with the management of land by agro-pastoral communities. This article examines the social dynamics in the Neolithic of... more
Patterns in the Population History of Northern Eurasia from the Mesolithic to the Early Bronze Age, Based on Craniometry and Genetics In memory of Oleg Balanovsky This study examines the craniometric differentiation of Northern Eurasian... more
En los últimos cuarenta años, el conocimiento sobre el Epipaleolítico y el Mesolítico en la cuenca del Ebro ha aumentado considerablemente, constituyendo en la actualidad, una de las áreas peninsulares con mayor información sobre el... more
The ‘Türk Altay Theory / Türk-Altay Kuramı’ is a true story of the early existence of the Türks in North Asia. Sayan-Altay’s successive indigenous cultures from 6000 BC to 6th-8th century AD, were connected each other by using... more
The Neolithic site Bondarikha ІІ was explored 70 years ago by D. Ya. Telegin. The materials of the site were not processed utilizing modern methods. The authors of the paper re-examined and analyzed the site’s materials using current... more
Synchronous paleo-coastlines 7000-4000 BP (cal) in Central and Northern Uppland by Jan Risberg, Göran Alm, Niclas Björck, Michel Guinard Due to the regressive shore displacement, the geography of Uppland has changed dramatically over... more
Le site que nous appellerons «site A» a été découvert lors du creusement d'un étang situé environ au quart de la pente que constitue le coteau de Guérande et dominant le marais salant, partie intégrante du massif granitique guérandais (... more
Né le huit janvier 1922 à Charleville, le Docteur Rozoy a consacré la majeure partie de sa vie à l'archéologie. Son travail sur le Mésolithique est fondateur et ses travaux sur les âges du Fer reconnus pas tous les protohistoriens.... more
Th. Richter, Subsistenz und Landschaftsnutzung im Mesolithikum Altbayerns. Mit einem Beitrag von Jehanne Affolter, 2017, 274 Seiten einschl. 9 Tafeln, 7 Farbtafeln, 106 Abb. 39,00 €; ISBN 3 -7847- 5406- 2
Stone Age sites found by test pits . The sites was demarcated with empty testpits, rock and shore. They are dated to meolithic an neolithic, bye the typology of artefacts and sealeveldiagrams. One of the sites, Lok.3, have been under... more
Nous présentons le contexte de découverte des céramiques néolithiques de la couche 4 (attribuée au Mésolithique récent) du Trou Al’Wesse. La répartition spatiale du matériel archéologique, ainsi que des données stratigraphiques, montrent... more
Cuando en 1943 Paul Kirchhoff caracterizó Mesoamérica, uno de los puntos fundamentales para hacerlo fue partir de la base de que aquella super-área tenía una historia común. A ello agregó una serie de elementos exclusiva o al menos... more
Kniha Počátky zemědělství ve Starém světě nabízí globální pohled na jeden z nevýznamnějších fenoménů vývoje lidstva. Nejstarší prvky zemědělství byly přítomny u lovců a sběračů, jimž je věnována značná pozornost. Na základě soudobých... more
A rare archaeological find from the Don River (Central Russia), a large dugout found in 1954 is described. The history of discovery, fieldwork and conservation are outlined. The key role at all stages belonged to Maria Voss, who did her... more
Kolekce artefaktů z Přibic (okr. Břeclav) byla postupně získávána sběry V. Effenbergera v prostoru severně od Přibic v trati Za hájkem a částečně v trati Vinohrady. Kolekci se několikrát věnoval K. Valoch (1959; 1975). Stejně jako stanice... more
In 2016 during the inventory and transportation of the archaeological finds from temporary archaeological storage at Pheophania to the present-day storagefacility of the Institute of Archaeology, the materials of the excavations of the... more
ABSTRACT Loteshwar (23º 36ʹ 1.8ʺ N; 71º 50ʹ 11.8ʺ E) is situated in the Sami Taluka of Patan District in North Gujarat, Western India. First excavated in 1990’s the site was re-excavated by the North Gujarat Archaeological Project during... more
A ‘popular’ report on the work of Nick Barton at the Mesolithic site on Hengistbury Head, Dorset.
In light of a wetland creation project ( a geo-archaeological survey was carried out in the are Wijmeers 2 (municipality of Wichelen, Flanders). This resulted in the discovery of two archaeological find complexes, which... more
An assessment of the enormous and well documented flint collection of Jac. Verhagen, a renowned amateur archaeologist in Noord Brabant (NL).
In Dutch.
In Dutch.
Primitive Style Colour Paintings in Sri Lanka: An Archaeological Investigation into the Rock Paintings at Kurullangala in Monaragala District
Archaeobotanical analyses conducted on material from the Cueva Blanca rockshelter have provided much-needed data on past landscapes, vegetation change and woodland exploitation by late Mesolithic groups settled in the 'Campos de Hellín',... more
"""Content AD GLORIAM N. A. Răileanu (Kishinev, Moldova)N. A. Chetraru: The Beginnings9 S. I. Covalenco (Kishinev, Moldova)The Leading Stone Age Researcher of Moldova11 N. K. Anisyutkin, G. V. Grigorieva (St. - Petersburg,... more