Medieval Prophecy
Recent papers in Medieval Prophecy
THE ANCIENT' VATICINIA DE SUMMIS PONTIFICIBUS', complete with symbolic images and texts translated from the Latin and French
Most of the voluminous book of Zohar was written in Spain at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. Its texts are written either as homilies or as stories (and very often as a combination of both genres). There are about 350 stories in... more
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
Catalogue description of Add MS 15407, located in the British Library. Add MS is dated 13th century, and includes texts by Anselm, Boethius, John of Damascus, Richard of St. Victor and Isidore. The description also includes a previously... more
A report of Francis of Assisi foretelling a non-canonically elected pope is circulating online in English translation. The translation is of a text edited by Luke Wadding in 1623. With the advances of Franciscan studies over the last... more
El siguiente catálogo reúne todos los manuscritos que contienen obras de Hildegarde,y pseudo Hildegarde y Gebeno de Eberbach de los que he tenido noticia. La descripción de los mismos se ha hecho de acuerdo con el siguiente modelo: nº]... more
Ne La gaia scienza Friedrich Nietzsche parla di « Quell'uomo folle che, accesa una lanterna alla chiara luce del mattino, corse al mercato e si mise a gridare incessantemente: "Cerco Dio! Cerco Dio". E poiché proprio là si trovavano... more
References to ancient prophecies in Irish bardic poetry usually see the prophecies as examples of political propaganda for the patron. But providing political propaganda was not always the primary motivation behind the use of prophecy in... more
Animals, words & iconology in Dante’s Divine Comedy (or «What is left of the lonza is only its name»)." ABSTRACT.- A discussion of the textual and symbolic worldview of the High Middle Ages based on the example of the 'lonza' (Inf. I,... more
After a short introduction of Nicholas of Lyra's biographic and intellectual path, I will show how this exegete's reflection on the Apocalypse is placed within a specific groove according to which the pages of the Book of Revelation... more
Created by Jean Delumeau in the 1970s, the expression “pastoral of fear” has been very popular among historians. The article aims to verify this model from the concrete perspective of the history of texts and of their reception, and from... more
Nell'articolo si riflette sulla rappresentazione di Roma nella propaganda pseudo-profetica del XIII secolo, e in particolare sulla ricezione di questa tradizione da parte di Petrarca e Cola di Rienzo. Un testo appartenente a questa... more
The Arab conquest of the seventh century and continued Arab rule over the Near East gave rise to a wave of apocalyptic writings across confessional and denominational borders. In the context of this apocalyptic Zeitgeist, Christian... more
«La visione interiore dalla Vita nova al Convivio», in «Vedi lo sol che ’n fronte ti riluce». La vista e gli altri sensi in Dante e nella ricezione artistico-letteraria delle sue opere, a cura di Maria Maślanka-Soro, con la collaborazione... more
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Life of Tommasuccio da Foligno
Life of Tommasuccio da Foligno
This study aims to examine the concept of natural divination both in dreams and in waking, according to the different approaches developed by eminent Latin thinkers of the thirteenth century after the reception of the “new Aristotle” and... more
The article argues that the religious belief-system of the Orthodox community after the middle part of the 15th century not only legitimized but also challenged Ottoman rule. Responsible for this were the prophetic and apocalyptic beliefs... more
Profeţiile constituie un fenomen complex în cultura europeană, a căror influenţă se regăseşte în diverse domenii. Cunoscută din Antichitate, profeţia (în greaca veche, προφητεία) reprezenta un mesaj care exprima voinţa divinităţii,... more
Στα πρώτα χρόνια του 20ού αιώνα ο Νικόλαος Γ. Πολίτης δημοσίευσε την προφορική παράδοση των μισοτηγανισμένων ψαριών του Μπαλουκλί, καθιστώντας τη δομικό στοιχείο της ελληνικής εθνικής ιδεολογίας. Έναν περίπου αιώνα αργότερα ο εγγονός του,... more
Part of "Prophetic Futures," a special issue of "postmedieval: a journal of medieval cultural studies". ABSTRACT Pope Benedict XVI seemed an unlikely fellow to declare Hildegard of Bingen a Doctor of the Church in 2012. Yet Joseph... more
Tras haberse ganado un puesto entre los profetas de Cristo, la Sibila experimentó a partir del siglo XIII en la iconografía cristiana un interesante proceso de reacentuación. La filosofía escolástica, el auge del culto mariano o el... more
Ο μοναχός Κύριλλος Λαυριώτης από την Πάτρα ανήκε σε ένα ελληνικό ρεύμα σκέψης που αναπτύχθηκε κατά την Οθωμανοκρατία το οποίο πρέσβευε ότι η Συντέλεια των αιώνων πλησίαζε - γεγονός που θα σηματοδοτούσε το τέλος της «αιχμαλωσίας» του... more
Verso l'anno 1220, il priore del monastero cistercense di Eberbach realizzò una compilazione di diversi scritti della mistica Ildegarde di Bingen riferiti ai tempi futuri, con l'intenzione di rifutare la dottrina pseudo-gioachimita che... more
This chapter discusses how the urban public sphere(s) of Paris impacted the controversy between mendicant and secular theologians in the mid-thirteenth-century.
This article explores the eschatological elements found in a text attributed to Conrad Schmid, leader of a "Crypto-flagellant" heretical sect active in Thuringia in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.
In this article I explore the relationship between poetry and prophecy in Petrarch’s oeuvre. First, I analyse Rvf 166, a sonnet in which poetry is linked to an Apollo represented as a chthonian prophet. In the second part, I briefly... more
Recensión (en español) de dicho libro (en español).
An analysis of the seventeenth night session of Abū Ḥayyān al-Tawḥīdī’s Kitāb al-Imtā‘ wa-l-Mu’ānasa. Submitted for the Qualifying Examination Component of the M.Phil in Islamic Studies and History, University of Oxford, Summer 2015.
La mujer vidente en la literatura hispano-medieval no ha recibido la debida atención de la crítica literaria. Esto se debe a que la mayoría de los autores de la época ven la mujer como un ser con tendencias al mal . Esta opinión empieza a... more
In the ongoing scholarly search for the roots of Islamic theology, students of Kalam are entrenched in two main camps: those who see early Islamic theology as a product of the encounter with Christian theology,1 and those who, without... more