Medical Ethics
Recent papers in Medical Ethics
Health care is ubiquitous in the lives of industrialized people. Yet, every medical development, technique, and procedure impact the environment. Green Bioethics synthesizes environmental ethics and biomedical ethics, thus creating an... more
V tomto článku představuji dle svého názoru nejsilnější argument ve prospěch morální přípustnosti eutanazie. Úvodem stručně zmiňuji dva důležité argumenty pro eutanazii – z respektu k autonomii a z milosrdenství, odmítám je však jako... more
The concept of antinatalism is now becoming popular on the Internet. Many online newspaper articles deal with this topic, and numerous academic papers on antinatalism have been published over the past ten years in the fields of philosophy... more
Different definitions of bioethics in American and Italian literature are reported. It is argued that they refer to three different conceptions of the epistemological status of bioethics: the first conceives of it as an application of... more
Claude Eatherly, pilota e metereologo, era un ragazzo texano di 27 anni quando ordinò lo sgancio della prima bomba atomica della storia, Little Boy, che colpì Hiroshima il 6 agosto 1945. Nonostante la giovane età, non era certo un... more
Advances in medical science consistently present great promise for humankind coupled with unprecedented ethical challenges. In expanding the scope for possible actions they simultaneously force one to confront difficult decisions. One... more
Editorial "Vitamins Against Viruses: Implausible Pro-Vaccine Publications Contrasted Against Ignored Public Health Campaigns and Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials" from Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine 2019 June
ABSTRACT This research, situated at the junction of feminist, trans and disability studies, examines the limits of intersectional feminist analyses and the difficulties faced in their consideration of gender identity and ability through... more
From the 5th edition of Beauchamp and Childress' Principles of Biomedical Ethics, the problem of common morality has been given a more prominent role and emphasis. With the publication of the 6th and latest edition, the authors not only... more
Whether children should be vaccinated against coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) (or other infectious diseases such as influenza) and whether some degree of coercion should be exercised by the state to ensure high uptake depends, among... more
It is sometimes argued that the non-therapeutic, non-consensual alteration of children’s genitals should be discussed in two separate ethical discourses: one for girls (in which such alterations should be termed ‘female genital... more
Psychophysiological diagnostic and therapeutic methods, to include biofeedback, have been found to be empirically effective in the treatment of a variety of physical disorders. In many areas of the country, however, certified biofeedback... more
Sperm donation seems to be the only solution in cases of negative results with testicular sperm extraction (TESE). However, it implies a genetic dissociation between husband and offspring that results in psychological stress, as well as... more
Advances in pharmacology and technology have sharply reduced mortality of extremely preterm infants at the expense of an increasing number of survivors with handicaps and disabilities. The EURONIC study among neonatal intensive care units... more
Should the nation provide expensive care and scarce organs to convicted felons? We distinguish between two fields of justice: Medical Justice and Societal Justice. Although there is general acceptance within the medical profession that... more
Date of sample delivery: 30/09/2013 ANALYSIS METHOD: Interphase FISH (iFISH) METHOD: Molecular cytogenetics analysis was performed in bone marrow interphase cells (iFISH) using the dual color molecular FISH probe LSI EGR1/D5S23, D5S721... more
Part of a series from Visual Aid Publishing, designed for Kindle, iPad etc. Aimed at a general readership but also useful for teaching purposes, as an accessible, thought provoking and inexpensive introduction. Topics include Abortion,... more
Some people with dementia are transformed by the disease, to the point that family members may describe them as a “different person.” These transformations may be negative or positive. What factors affect the judgements of ordinary people... more
Resnicoljubnost na področju medicinske etike Na področju tradicionalne medicinske etike lahko opazimo nenavadno odsotnost zahteve po resnicoljubnosti v odnosu zdravnik-pacient, medtem ko je na področju sodobne medicinske etike postala... more
In 1995 the American Medical Association's ethics council issued an opinion calling for the direct procurement of organs from anencephalic newborns, making them an exception to the "dead donor" rule. Such a... more
The differences between women's and men's experiences of health and illness are well known. Gender-specific medicine needs to restore equilibrium in order to understand the different clinical signs, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic... more
Ethical decision making in women's health presents a series of unique challenges that are exacerbated considerably in under-resourced settings. Severe constraints on both autonomy and resources highlight limitations of principle-based... more
Active vs passive euthanasiawhere's the distinction? his article examines the concepts of active and passive euthanasia and suggests that ' 11. R Lamerton, Care of the Dying (New York City: Penguin Books, 1981).
Background: Despite indications that infection-related mortality in sub-Saharan Africa may be decreasing and the burden of non-communicable diseases increasing, the overwhelming reality is that health information systems across most of... more
Many researchers believe that the proper identification of psychology variables depends on using accurate tools that function beyond cultural, political and social attachments for measuring the psychological features in human societies.... more
Attention Press and Media: As a known legal and bioethics expert in women's health I have witnessed the reality that many women's health issues are lost in getting national coverage. It is clear that language concepts are essential in the... more
is a family practice doctor with a steady, yet varied, patient population. Practicing medicine in a small suburban community, he sees whole families ranging from newborn babies to adults well into their 80s. He prides himself on his... more
The adage "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is widely used in healthcare settings and can be applied to the work of institutional clinical ethics committees. The model of clinical ethics consultation, however, is... more
Background: The use of embryos in embryonic stem cell research (ESCR) has elicited ethical controversies as it entails the destruction of 5-day old human embryos to harvest stem cells. Objective: To explore the ethical positions of Islam,... more
Professional autonomy interferes at a structural level with the various aspects of the health care system. The health care systems that can be distinguished all feature a specific design of professional autonomy, but experience their own... more