Material Culture
Recent papers in Material Culture
Publikację otwiera artykuł pióra Andrzeja M. Wyrwy (s. 13-78), poświęcony dziejom Muzeum Pierwszych Piastów na Lednicy, napisany w związku z półwieczem działalności placówki oraz trzydziestoleciem ukazania się pierwszego tomu omawianej... more
The book is devoted to the analysis of ethno-linguistic and socio-cultural foundations of the identity of Dagestanis. The author discribres particularities of ethno-linguistic situation in the Mountainous and Lowland districts of... more
Using the dual lens of Death Scholar and bereaved family member, this chapter explores the meaning of the R.I.P. T-shirt to African American mourning customs and death material culture. The author examines how race, memory, and material... more
Whoredom in the Wild West has created a plethora of pseudo-historical “memorabilia”, artifacts that have become part of popular culture. Brothel tokens are part and parcel of the “Wild West” image portrayed by the media and western... more
'The most famous of sanctuaries of Asclepius had their origin from Epidaurus’, Pausanias writes in his Hellados Periegesis (‘Description of Greece’). All across the Aegean and beyond, word of the salutary reputation of Epidaurian divinity... more
MARTINS, Juliana Maria. Memória e Cultura Material: cemitério Campo da Saudade, município de Couto de Magalhães (TO). 1. ed. São Paulo: Paco e Littera Editorial Ltda ME, 2019. v. 1. 220p .
This thesis focuses on the study of the material culture of the Auguste, a cartel ship wrecked in 1761 northeast of Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. The Seven Years’ War (1756-1763) in New France entailed the surrender of Louisbourg in... more
In the Gallina district, it is still unclear whether the violence originated with domestic (i.e. local) or foreign agents. This analysis will begin with a brief review of the relevant archaeology of the Gallina area. Following this, I set... more
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
(可直接下載 Preview is currently unavailable. You can download the paper by clicking the button below.) In the past, researchers who studied ceramics tended to focus on the imitation of marbled ware in the pattern, or to incorporate it into... more
What was it like to live in the medieval period? In what ways did extraordinary events affect the everyday? The first volume in the Everyday Life series answers these questions as it opens a window on medieval Scotland from 1000 to 1600.... more
This article analyzes how mass-market cruise lines mobilize food, laborers, and built environments to offer passengers cosmopolitanism with the purpose of maintaining a unique business model. It is argued that while companies target a... more
"Writing as Material Practice grapples with the issue of writing as a form of material culture in its ancient and more recent manifestations, and in the contexts of production and consumption. Fifteen case studies explore the artefactual... more
This study seeks to understand transformations in the modern capitalist World-economy in the North Atlantic. It specifically treats the material culture of four French shipwrecks dating from 1700 to 1760 : la Dauphine (1704), l'Alcide... more
Comment le rapport aux objets matériels intervient-il dans la construction des sujets? La pause café-cigarette(s), l'usage du cannabis et le jeu vidéo sont les terrains de recherche décrits et analysés ici. Cet ouvrage approche les... more
Ornament as Argument explores notions of ornamentation and materiality in 10th and 11th-century Christian manuscript illumination. In particular, the book investigates the function and metaphoric meaning of so-called textile pages—images... more
The Oldowan was the term first coined by Louis Leakey to describe the world's earliest stone industries, named after the famous site of Olduvai (formerly Oldoway) Gorge in Tanzania. The Oldowan Industrial Complex documents the first... more
Velvets are one of the most luxurious textile materials and were frequently used in furnishings and costumes in the Middle East, Europe and Asia in the fifteenth to sixteenth centuries. Owing to many valuable studies on Ottoman and... more
Buckley C (2017) Looms, Weaving and the Austronesian Expansion. In: Cultural Exchanges in Monsoon Asia: Andrea Acri , Roger Blench and Alexandra Landmann (eds), ISEAS, Singapore. Weaving plays an important role in Asian cultures,... more
Resumen: Este artículo busca problematizar, por un lado, la relación que establecen las personas con sus casas en la dinámica cotidiana. Esto es, cómo ocupan, decoran, usan y organizan los ambientes de la vivienda. Por otro lado, el... more
Resumo: Este artigo apresenta discussões pertinentes à prática pedagógica no ensino de história no contexto atual, ou seja, o uso das tecnologias como recurso e metodologia. Entendemos por emprego de tecnologias na educação não somente as... more
Resumo - Este ensaio tem como enquadramento uma etnografia sobre a imigração recente de uma família de brasileiros para Portugal. Descreve o papel central das coisas que trouxeram consigo na reconstrução de hábitos, lembranças e status... more
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This article proposes a framework for studying material culture, such as fashionable clothing, based on an analysis of the processes that lead to the creation and attribution of symbolic value. Five types of analyses are outlined: (1)... more
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Katedra antropologických a historických věd, FF ZČU, Plzeň © Katedra antropologických a historických věd FF ZČU v Plzni, Sedláčkova 15, 301 25 Plzeň 35 Abstract: This article focuses on the emergence of postmodern and critical... more
Deciphering the fascinating history behind a redesigned Takoradi Technical University’s (T.T.U) heraldic crest as well as the secret meaning of its symbols and colours make it significant in heraldry. This heraldic crest has been a... more
PROGRAMM 13:30 Uhr Kerstin Pinther und Niklas Wolf (LMU München) // Welcome and Introduction 14:00-14:45 Uhr Katarzyna Falecka (University College London) // Mohamed Kouaci and the Photographic Infrastructures of the Algerian... more
My PhD, funded by an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award, built on my skills as a field archaeologist to develop new specialisms in the use of GIS as a research tools within medieval archaeology, building on current work in historical... more
The study of material culture generated by military engagements has created an emergent sub-discipline of archaeological studies centred on battlefields. This approach has developed a particular and sophisticated methodology that is able... more
Iconoclasm as an iconic event. Notes on the destruction of Muslim mosques in globalizing India On the 6th of December 1992 Ayodhya, a Hindu-majority city located in the Northern Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, witnessed the destruction... more
Celem tekstu jest podkreślenie biograficznego charakteru kultury materialnej. To znaczy, rzeczy i krajobrazy również mają swoje biografie, historie życia, które łączą się z historiami konkretnych jednostek. Za studium przypadku posłuży... more
What makes a textile modern? The recycling of clothing in the Punjabi shoddy trade. ... Norris, L (2006) What makes a textile modern? The recycling of clothing in the Punjabi shoddy trade. In: Rogerson, C and Garside,, (eds.) The Future... more
本文認為《紅樓夢》中針黹活動的發生、過程、目的與所製成物的收受、損毀、補缺,除了對賈府有經濟價值以外,另具有多重意涵。針黹作為女性專屬的性別活動,來源可上溯「男耕女織」的性別分工與織女信仰、乞巧儀式的文化編碼。首先,本文以針黹為線索,分析針黹這一儀式性活動在《紅樓夢》中被賦予的「婦功」的意義,及當針線物脫離道德「價值」落入「價格」較量時,一同顯示的人情角力。復次,針黹的文化編碼與七夕儀式習習相關,本文以善針線的晴雯為例,觀察針黹作為未嫁女兒之情的載體,以及女兒之情意在此岸大觀... more
Maya archaeology has an intimate relationship with cultural anthropology. One could say that they are dependent on each other. Archaeologists use anthropological analogies from contemporary groups in the Maya area to explain their data... more