
Marxist political economy Research Papers -
Most ―mainstream accounts of the West-East divergence gain theoretical inspiration from Max Weber and/or Karl Marx, and have therefore traced the ―rise of the West to the unique social processes that apparently fostered capitalism in... more
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      Historical SociologyMarxismTransnational and World HistoryPostcolonial Studies
Current influential attempts to bring together psychoanalysis and Marxism turn on the question of how to critique and move beyond capitalism without reverting to a utopian notion of communism. Taking this question seriously, the article... more
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      Marxist EconomicsClassJacques LacanSlavoj Žižek
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
Queste pagine sono state scritte da Marx in periodi differenti della sua vita. Messe insieme segnano e abbracciano tutto l'arco di sviluppo del suo pensiero. Le date sono di per sé eloquenti (1844, 1858, 1867, 1881-1882) e subito ci... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsPhilosophy of Karl MarxMarxist theory
Invited guest paper to international conference in Delhi, ‘Imperialism: Old and New’, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research, 9-10 February 2015. Marx’s Capital is a prime source of wisdom about capitalism’s... more
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      GlobalizationMarxismValue TheoryMarxist theory
This article explores the patterns of class inequality and capital accumulation in Brazil, showing the drivers and limits of the decline in inequality that occurred during the Workers' Party governments. It proposes that minimum wage... more
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      Latin American StudiesDevelopment EconomicsPolitical EconomyDevelopment Studies
The roles of state and market have become a topic of the utmost importance under debate in economics. The argument that the one shouldn't get involved in the other's development can't be supported -it is a false disjunctive syllogism... more
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      Institutional EconomicsPolitical EconomyMarxist political economy
This article is dedicated to Marx’s theory of money application as a base for institutional money research. It is proved that the lack of attention paid by institutional money theory researchers to fundamental aspects of money theory can... more
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      Marxist political economyCommodity Theory of Money
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      Political SociologyHistorical SociologyCapitalismMarxist political economy
qui a Bergamo siamo in stato d'assedio ma la vita continua. Stanno sbocciando i bulbi di tulipano che ho comprato ad Amsterdam a ottobre. E si fanno lezioni in videoconferenza. Meglio di niente per salvare l'anno scolastico. In allegato... more
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      MarxismPolitical EcologyMarxism and EcologySocial-Ecological Systems
This paper considers perspectives on marriage in the Queer and feminist community reviewing key contemporary thinkers on the subject and using direct interviews and material from radical Queer activists and academics in the field. It... more
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      Critical TheoryFeminist SociologyGender StudiesQueer Studies
Iz uvodnika: "Prav v teh okoliščinah je še toliko pomembnejše, da politično ekonomijo komuniciranja vnovič vzpostavimo kot temelj kritičnega (če že ne celotnega) komunikološkega raziskovanja. Razlog ni le v dejstvu, da kritična... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismPolitical Economy of CommunicationCritical Media Studies
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      SociologySocial PolicyWelfare StateSocialism
Like all other nations Nigeria aspires to greatness but over five decades after Independence still ranks very low on all parameters of good governance. The objective of the paper is to examine the concepts of leadership, participatory... more
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      SociologyPublic FinanceDevelopment StudiesPolitical Theory
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyMarxist political economy
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyAmerican Politics
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      Political EconomyEconomic TheoryMarxist political economyKarl Marx
Barely five years ago, the debate about humanity's energy future was still organized by the paradigm of "peak oil." That is, the existence of a relative threshold beyond which the planetary consumption of oil would grow more quickly than... more
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      Ecological EconomicsMarxist political economyDeGrowthPeak Oil, Capitalism, Degrowth
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      Feminist EconomicsPolitical EconomyRacial and Ethnic PoliticsWelfare State
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      Political EconomyMarxismLabour ProcessValue theory (Philosophy)
A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsFinanceSociology
Like all other nations Nigeria aspires to greatness but over five decades after Independence still ranks very low on all parameters of good governance. The objective of the paper is to examine the concepts of leadership, participatory... more
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      Public FinanceDevelopment StudiesPolitical TheoryPublic PolicyStudies
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      AnarchismPost-MarxismCapitalismMarxism (Political Science)
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      Heterodox EconomicsFinancializationMarxist political economyPolitical Economy and History
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationRosa LuxemburgMarxist political economy
Na análise da questão social, podem-se visualizar duas contradições que tanto se localizam em níveis diferentes, como estão em relação de dependência. No nível mais fenomênico, que remete às instâncias ideológicas e estatais, tem-se a... more
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      Political EconomySocial PolicyMarxismMarxist Economics
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      European HistoryModern HistoryAfrican StudiesMarxism
With focus on Facebook, this paper contributes to the scholarly discussion that draws from Marxist concepts to examine “labour relations” between social media organizations as capitalist enterprises and users as both free labour and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSociologyPragmaticsDigital Media
Prosegue l'impegno delle Edizioni "La Città del Sole" di proseguire, dopo molti anni, la pubblicazione delle Opere complete di Marx ed Engels sulla base della nuova edizione critica in corso in Germmania e, dunque, con traduzioni e cure... more
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      Marxist Economics19th-century German philosophyMarxist political economyKarl Marx
Ernest Mandel war einer der originellsten und produktivsten Denker der linken sozialistischen Bewegung. Seine über zwei Dutzend Bücher und unzähligen Artikel zur politischen Ökonomie des Kapitalismus, zur ökonomischen und politischen... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryPolitical PhilosophyMarxism
“‘You’re not a human being, you’re a number, a product, an asset as long as you can perform. If you can’t perform, then you’re a liability and they’ll drop you.’” Professional athletes suffer tremendous damage to their bodies over the... more
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      Sociology of SportMarxismMarxist theorySports Injuries
Rape and other forms of sexual violence have always been a consistent feature of war. Yet it is only fairly recently that researchers have identified rape as a deliberate tool of war-making rather than simply an inevitable side effect of... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryPeace and Conflict StudiesConflict
Since Marx first declared religion to be the opiate of the masses, institutions of religion and spirituality have been preemptively rejected from serious consideration by most scholars, critical sociologists included. The assumption seems... more
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      ReligionPolitical SociologySociology of ReligionMarxism
The formation of Karl Marx´s thought went through different moments and had different influences. Among these, the so-called “three sources” stand out: German philosophy, English political economy and the revolutionary perspective. In the... more
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      Political EconomySocial WorkMarxismMarxist Economics
This article examines the structures of international relations that facilitate political violence in postcolonial states. It explores the intersections of patriarchy and imperialism in the contemporary political economy to understand how... more
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      Critical TheoryGender StudiesInternational RelationsInternational Relations Theory
For over a century the US has conducted an experiment in commercialized journalism by treating news as both a commodity and a public service.
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryIntellectual HistorySociology
The Tweed Ring spawned a vibrant financial sector that was integral to its brief success but has never been previously examined. William “Boss” Tweed and his allies employed banks controlled or comanaged by Tammany politicians to... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
A book that doctrines the approach Line of Wealth instead of much touted Line of Poverty approach.
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      Post-SocialismMarxist political economyEconomyPoverty Reduction
Las dinámicas propias del desarrollo capitalista y la introducción del neoliberalismo en el Perú en la década de 1990 han cambiado la estructura de clase del Perú y han causado la erosión de las bases sociales de las organizaciones... more
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsClassMarxist theory
Resumo: Buscou-se analisar, de forma breve, elementos históricos, teóricos e políticos que consubstanciaram o trânsito da relação entre Karl Marx e a economia política. Para tanto, destacou-se a relação dos sentidos das categorias de... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophySocial WorkPolitical Theory
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      Critical TheorySociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
In his book, Capitalised Education: An Immanent Materialist Account of Kate Middleton, David R. Cole thoughtfully and thoroughly engages in an analysis that extends beyond the modern era to take into account a multiplicity of events and... more
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      SemioticsTeaching and LearningEducationMarxism
Miller have both written engaging analyses of the global agriculture/food system and its alternatives. Within this general subject area, the authors take interest in different foci and use different theoretical frameworks in their... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationSustainable Production and ConsumptionMarxism
The renewed interest in Marxism that occurred in social sciences and humanities after the 2008 economic crisis has not yet found its counterpart in spatial planning. This paper examines what Marxist planning theory and practices could... more
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      Critical TheorySociologyHuman GeographyClimate Change
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      Critical TheoryAmerican HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical Sociology
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      MarxismMarxist EconomicsMarxist political economyKarl Marx
Review of Ming Wan, The China Model and Global Political Economy: Comparison, Impact, and Interaction, Routledge, 2014 and Lin Chun, China and Global Capitalism: Reflections on Marxism, History, and Contemporary Politics, Palgrave... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesMarxismChinese Studies
Th e 1940s was a contentious decade for US media policy. Activists, policy- makers, and media industries grappled over defining the normative foundations that governed major communication and regulatory institutions. At this time, a... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryIntellectual History
The present work proposes an analysis of the principles of security, predictability and international stability from the perspective of the existing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. In the same context, it seeks to analyze the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesPolitical SciencePolitical Violence and TerrorismPhilosophy Of Law