Literature and photography
Recent papers in Literature and photography
Лирическая эволюция: к 70-летию Дарвина (Михаила Николаевича): сборник статей / сост. и ред. В. Я. Малкина и В. И. Тюпа. – М.: Эдитус, 2017. – 390 с.
in: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 258:1 (2021), 146-171 [peer-review]. (URL:... more
Le souvenir d'une photographie de Brassaï, Phénomène de l'extase, ouvre une réflexion sur le regard, la mémoire et la photographie. En une succession de courts fragments, Marcelline Delbecq crée des jeux de miroir infinis où on ne sait... more
Narrative Unmoored: Photography, Orientalism, and Geopolitics in Roberto Arlt's "La cadena del ancla" This essay offers a reading of "La cadena del ancla," a short story that Roberto Arlt wrote as a journalist while on assignment in... more
Click the file to see the Table of Contents and Preface.
Confession d’un peintre médiocre devenu faussaire de génie, dont la fille – sur le piano de laquelle trône l’unique cliché d’une mère décédée – s’efforce de devenir une soliste de talent : Excusez les fautes du copiste confronte d’emblée... more
Sellit est le nom d'un groupe de photographes bretons qui a publié dans les années 70-80 plusieurs monographies consacrées aux îles du Ponant (Ouessant, Batz, Groix…). Pour citer cet article : REVUE DES SCIENCES HUMAINES -N°319... more
This paper aims to place an interpretation on some aspects of the Brechtian Kriegsfibel, as rendered in the two most important Italian editions of the text. The Kriegsfibel is a collection of "photo-epigrams" realized by Brecht during his... more
Portre fotoğrafçılığı, kişilerin omuz hizalarının genelde üstünün temel alındığı, yüz odaklı fotoğraf çalışmaları olarak kabul edilebilir.
Aus dem Französischen von M. A. Sieber und J. L. Villforth,
mit Anmerkungen von Rainer Stillers
mit Anmerkungen von Rainer Stillers
Roland Barthes muere en París en 1980. Ese mismo año se publica de manera póstuma un ensayo, quizás una de las reflexiones más influyentes sobre la experiencia fotográfica, titulado La cámara lúcida (La chambre claire). Tres años después,... more
Journeys Exposed: Women’s Writing, Photography and Mobility examines contemporary literature written by women that are all related to Italy in different ways. It argues that photography provides women with a means to expose aspects of... more
Analisi della celebre Prefazione verghiana a L'Amante di Gramigna, condotta alla luce della metafora fotografica con cui Salvatore Farina (alfiere del realismo italiano e dedicatario della prefazione) prende significativamente le distanze... more
From a talk given at the Maison Française Photoliterature Seminar, Oxford, 22 November 2017.
Le voyage dans "Lettres d’Égypte" n’est pas autonome en soi, dans le sens qu’il ne sert pas à nourrir le principe de la découverte. Le voyage sert un but, celui de revisiter le familier. La démarche du voyageur dépend donc de ce qu’il... more
Przedmiotem niniejszej książki są związki fotografii i literatury (tego, jak literatura wykorzystuje i interpretuje fotografię jako narzędzie reprezentacji świata). Dialektyczny charakter fotografii obecny w jej różnych rozumieniach i... more
Reservados todos los derechos. Queda rigurosamente prohibida, sin la autorización escrita de los titulares del "Copyright", bajo las sanciones establecidas en las leyes, la reproducción parcial o total de esta obra por cualquier medio o... more
du plus visible ? D '. La photographie, conçue comme outil de lecture, mise en regard de l'écrit, serre au plus près les grands textes philosophiques contemporains, qu'ils soient de Bergson, de Jankélévitch, de Merleau-Ponty, de... more
AT FIRST SIGHT, ANDRÉ BRETON'S SURREALIST " NOVEL " Nadja—celebrating love, the chance encounter, and the ideal of convulsive beauty—seems far removed from the melancholy poetics of mourning, destruction, and trauma of Sebald's... more
Um 1860 erobern Porträtfotografien die Öffentlichkeit. Berühmte Zeitgenossen werden in speziellen Sammelalben gruppiert. Der Aufsatz fragt nach den Formen dieses kulturellen Gedächtnisses und vergleicht die Fotografie mit älteren... more
"The Moment’s Eternity. Literature and Photography in Russia". Photography develops along with aesthetic views and literary investigations across the decades. Studying this fertile relationship, the essay outlines the most relevant steps... more
Muertes de autor. De los orígenes de la fotografía a la autoficción / Deaths of the Author. From the Origins of Photography to Autofiction RESUMEN: Dentro del arte y literatura, la autobiografía y la fotografía se han rodeado... more
La fotografia viene utilizzata intermedialmente per la narrazione di contromemorie e memorie traumatiche ricorrendo a numerose modalità e strategie di inserzione e impiego diverse. Se l’intermedialità da un lato non è riconducibile ad una... more
TOWARDS THE POST-HUMAN BODY... POLISH POETRY AFTER 1989 IN THE FACE OF NEW MEDIA AND NEW REALITY The subject of the study is to analyse, on the basic of contemporary young poetry, changes taking place in the contemporary world. They go... more
Prominent instances of ekphrasis—the literary description of an artwork—play a crucial role in Ferrante’s narratives. This chapter examines Ferrante’s strategic employment of visual images and articulates the role of ekphrasis as a... more
This paper reads W. G. Sebald's Austerlitz as a photo-text of trauma and examines the ways in which the insertion of photographs in the novel and their interaction with the text disrupt and destabilize the narrative, allowing for a... more
This paper springs from the issues raised with reference to the historiographical representation of limit events and the challenges presented in the attempt to address collective trauma, and wishes to contend that fictional works of... more
Résumé Objets ambigus, hybrides entre la photographie et la peinture, accomplissant une tâche traditionnellement dévolue à la gravure, les reproductions photographiques de tableaux ont reçu, au XIXe siècle, un accueil témoignant d’une... more
Something opaque. Barthes, Mourning and «Écriture» This paper aims at investigating the presence and effects of mourning in Barthes’s last work. Always focusing on this theme, particular interest will be devoted to Barthes’s Journal de... more