Library history
Recent papers in Library history
A historical overview of the development of public libraries in Belgium, from the "popular" libraries of the 19th century to the public library movement in the early 20th century, the Destrée law of 1921 and the decrees of 1978 and 2009,... more
Describes the background to the appointment of John Wallace Metcalfe to the Public Library of New South Wales, Sydney, in 1923 and his subsequent grooming for the position first of Deputy, then Principal Librarian at that Library by the... more
This three-part series traces efforts to establish a system of free public libraries in New South Wales from the time of publication of the Munn-Pitt Report in 1935 to the passing of the New South Wales Library Act in 1939. The series... more
A historical overview of the development of public libraries in Belgium, from the "popular" libraries of the 19th century to the public library movement in the early 20th century, the Destrée law of 1921 and the decrees of 1978 and 2009,... more
For World Book Day, C18th Libraries Online looks at one of the most famous and influential novels of all time: The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, usually simply known as Don Quixote. This iconic book, seen as the first... more
Einen Schwerpunkt des Jahresberichts 2017 der Erlanger Buchwissenschaft bilden vier Aufsätze zu den Sammlungen des Nürnberger Arztes und Naturforschers Christoph Jacob Trew (1695–1769), die im Besitz der Universitätsbibliothek Erlangen... more
Article in Dutch discussing the function, use and transmission of a magnificent medieval manuscript, the Psalter of Saint Louis (Leiden, UL, BPL 76a). Made in Northern England at the end of the 13th century, it quickly came in the... more
Si Mazarin eut le goût de faire collection, le projet de fondation d’une bibliothèque publique est à mettre au crédit de Gabriel Naudé, entré à son service à la fin de l’année 1642. Encore fallait-il, au-delà de l’action du politique et... more
Giovanni Di Domenico. «Organismo vivente»: la biblioteca nell'opera di Ettore Fabietti. Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2018. 206 p. . € 25,00; ISBN 978-88-7812-266-6 (ebook). € 6,00.
Im Mittelpunkt des Beitrags im Sammelband „Biographien des Buches“ steht ein Exemplar des "Herbarius latinus", ein pharmakologisches Handbuch, gedruckt und verlegt bei Peter Schöffer in Mainz 1484, das sich heute im Bestand der... more
Alberto Petrucciani, Luigi Balsamo, in: Dizionario biografico dei soprintendenti bibliografici (1919-1972), Bologna: Bononia University Press, 2011, p. 36-44.
Slides for a exhibit opening talk for the U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign talk. The exhibit called "The good, the bad and the ugly: conservation treatment and decision making through the ages". The exhibit ran from September 27, 2019 to... more
Este atlas contiene la historia de la producción del libro y de las bibliotecas desde sus orígenes, desde la Antigüedad, con la invención de la escritura, hasta el siglo XIX, momento en que se produce la transformación de la producción en... more
تقدّم هذه المقالة نظرات في مفهوم الـ(كتاب) في العصور الوسطى بين القرنين (5هـ/11م – بداية 10هـ/16م). فهي تناقش، استناداً إلى فهرس لمكتبة دمشقية تعود إلى القرن السابع الهجري/ القرن الثالث عشر الميلادي، الكيفية التي واجه فيها المعاصرون... more
Autor(en): Stangl, Werner Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte = Revue suisse d'histoire = Rivista storica svizzera Band(Jahr): 63(2013) Heft 1 Persistenter Link: http://dx.
William Herbert Ifould (1877-1969) was Principal Librarian of the Public Library of New South Wales from 1912 to 1942, spanning critical years for library services in Australia, including the two Wars, the Great Depression, the Munn-Pitt... more
This book is part of a four volume box published at the occasion of the Erasmus Prize 2008, won by Ian Buruma. It contains reproductions of all the 90 illustrated folios of one of the most beautiful and well known manuscripts of Marco... more
Alberto Petrucciani, Il catalogo di una biblioteca genovese del Settecento e alcune vicende dei codici di Filippo Sauli, «Accademie e biblioteche d'Italia», 54 (1986), n. 2, p. 32-43 (pubblicato con numerosi errori nel titolo e nel testo).
From the end of the Second World War to the mid-1980s, many changes occurred in Ontario’s public libraries. Annual statistics reported dramatic expansion. Improved economic conditions, advances in technology, new buildings, revised... more
1 Naudé, Advis pour dresser une bibliothèque, 132-133: "Car tout ainsi que pour trop presser l'anguille elle eschappe, que la memoire artificielle gaste et pervertit la naturelle, et De rhetorica De poetica De arithmetica De geometria,... more
سلوم كورسميل فيفيان ترمجة: ال ا ً جزء ة ّ بالعربي الناطق األوسط الرشق يف الكتب وجمموعات املكتبات تاريخ ل ّ شك علمي كفرع ظهوره منذ ة ّ اإلسالمي أوسطي/الدراسات الرشق التاريخ جمال... more
Alberto Petrucciani. Il giardino dei sentieri che s’incrociano: il pubblico della Biblioteca di Ginevra (1915). «Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari», 29 (2015), p. 99-135.
The study of medieval book collections has many aspects and involves some fundamental questions that are not always easy to answer. What is a library? What does it mean to own a library? How is it used? By whom is it used? And what does... more
The history of the S. Pietro benedictine library in Modena, based on unpublished archival documents from 16th to 18th century.
Over the past 80 years, the John J. Burns Library at Boston College has developed the most comprehensive collections pertaining to Irish history, literature, culture, and music outside Ireland.
Petrucciani, Alberto. Libri e libertà: biblioteche e bibliotecari nell'Italia contemporanea. Manziana (Roma): Vecchiarelli, 2012. 462 p.: ill. (Dal codice al libro; 33).
In: Das deutsche und italienische Bibliothekswesen im Nationalsozialismus und Faschismus: Versuch einer vergleichenden Bilanz, herausgegeben von Klaus Kempf und Sven Kuttner. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013 (Beiträge zum Buch- und... more
Authored by Hanno Wijsman and published in : Renaud Adam & Alain Marchandisse (eds.), Le livre au fil de ses pages. Actes de la 14e journée d’études du Réseau des Médiévistes belges de Langue française, Université de Liège, 18 novembre... more
Library of the Jesuit college in Lviv and its fate after the dissolution of the Society of Jesus The Library of the Jesuit college in Lviv is known as the biggest and best-equipped library in the city. It was founded at the beginning... more
Article in French that relates of our discovery of a prayer book of Agnes of Burgundy (c.1405-1476), sister of Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, and wife of Charles I of Bourbon (1401-1456), duke of Bourbon. After the death of her... more
The untold story of Stalin's Personal Librarian - Shushanika Manucharyants
Enrico Pio Ardolino, Le biblioteche delle corti italiane tra Medioevo e Rinascimento: una prospettiva storiografica, in La Grande Galleria: spazio del sapere e rappresentazione del mondo nell'età di Carlo Emanuele I di Savoia, a cura di... more
Article in French that starts off reconstructing a lost manuscript from the library of the Burgundian Dukes, mentioned in the inventory of 1469. This manuscript had not been identified before and is now split into three separate... more
Libraries, from past to present, have played a vital role in the process of developing, preserving and passing down culture by providing the information that the society, in which they have a place, have needed. Libraries, at the same... more
"A new and analytical codicological and paleographic description of the Pandette confirms the 6th century and Constantinople as time and place of execution of this famous manuscript. This codicological analysis of the Pandette is... more
The written text was a pervasive feature of cultural practices in the medieval Middle East. At the heart of book circulation stood libraries that experienced a rapid expansion from the twelfth century onwards. While the existence of these... more
A bibliography of the collection of books previously belonging to Carl Alexander Gibson-Hill, the last expatriate director of the National Museum, Singapore