Legal Theory
Recent papers in Legal Theory
La descrizione generica delle condotte e degli stati di cose ai quali si applicano le norme risulta particolarmente rilevante per valutare la completezza o l’incompletezza nonché la coerenza o l’incoerenza dei sistemi giuridici. Il... more
Saggio contenuto nel volume Principi, clausole generali, argomentazione e fonti del diritto, a cura di F. Ricci, Milano, 2018.
This paper responds to continuing commentary on Velmans (2002a) “How could conscious experiences affect brains,” a target article for a special issue of JCS. I focus on the final question dealt with by the target article: how free will... more
"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
This biographical entry reports, through the reconstruction of the various stages of Alessandro Levi's life, the main theoretical developments of his juridical-philosophical doctrine. Particular attention is paid to his idea of law,... more
El presente artículo, partiendo de la concepción de la teoría práctica de las reglas y, en cocnreto, de la regla de reconocimiento de Herbert Hart, trata de abordar dos problemas iusfilosóficos fundamentales que aún hoy quedan... more
The Role of Temporary Marriage (TM) in Promoting Early Child Marriage (ECM) in Iran Kameel Ahmady Published by (Preprint): Springer Nature Scientific Publishing Email: URL: Abstract... more
I INTRODUCTION In recent years, the legal academy has begun to tell itself the story of how and why legal theory was marginalized in the wake of critical legal studies and the theory debates of the 1970s and 1980s. Despite the volume of... more
Nel rigido quadro sistematico implicato dal principio di legalità durante i secoli XIX e XX, molteplici sono stati gli itinerari teorici svolti intorno al problema del rapporto tra diritto e società e sul come concepire, tramite la... more
Pandemia, caso fortuito e imprevisão The Covid-19 pandemic, acts of God and hardship (under a Brazilian Private Law perspective
Storytelling pervades almost every aspect of the law. Many narrativistic legal elements, however, have in fact been little more than historically transitory. Given the precarious status of narrative at law, I argue we should focus instead... more
Since 1976, the VSBO disciplinary board has been only a body oF unauthorized individuals with no judicial authority created by fiat by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Current research and evidence supports that Supreme Court of Virginia... more
This chapter attempts to analyse the way in which insights from the Marxist tradition can illuminate international human rights law. It begins by outlining the key elements of historical materialism. It then selects three key analytics –... more
The projected inclusion of the subsidiarity principle and the margin of appreciation doctrine in the preamble to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) is a legal turn that deserves special attention. Is it a welcomed reform which... more
THIS IS NOT MY (FAJRI's) WORK, BUT OF DR MAJDAH ZAWAWI, I AM UPLOADING THIS ON HER BEHALF Legal analogy is the most common method of legal reasoning in most legal systems. However, there are differences in the application of legal... more
Law here, law there, law everywhere. The first nine months of the Trump administration have thrust questions about the force of law, legal strategy and tactics, and the role of judges in the United States' much-vaunted system of... more
The outer space becomes more approachable. As the developments occur in a row, the space launch vehicles are bigger, better, and faster, so that people can get to the outer space more quickly and efficiently. With this currency, space... more
“Desde mi visión, la obra es en sustancia un abordaje axiológico, una construcción compleja que merece reconocimiento, pues consagra una teoría iusfilosófica de la culpa. Pero no se debe extraer de ello que la obra ha sido escrita para... more
How is the global epistemic community of legal philosophers structured or patterned? How and why is the epistemic community of legal theorists unified/divided? What are the lines of division that generate exclusion/inclusion,... more
A key focus of much scholarly attention is on the (theoretical) relationship between legal orders. The practical question I intend to answer in this article is the following: how can we know who has the final say – international, European... more
The aim of this Article is to re-conceptualize the debate about the (theoretical) relationship between international and national law, which has been debated for centuries. Generally, the floor is divided between dualism as developed by... more
Hukuk sistemindeki normlar aralarındaki geçerlilik ilişkisine göre hiyerarşik biçimde sıralanır. Buna normlar hiyerarşisi denir. “Norm” tanımına giren her hukukî işlem bu hiyerarşide bir yere yerleşir. Anonim şirket esas sözleşmesi de bu... more
"Khusus menyangkut analogi, penafsiran dan hal-hal lain yang terkait, memang ... tidak mudah menemukan bahan-bahan pustaka yang membahas hingga praktiknya. Oleh karena itu, buku ini menjadi penting." - Prof. Dr. Topo Santoso, S.H.,... more
This paper examines the idea that commercial law has the capacity to evolve spontaneously in the absence of a clear state authority because of its unique nature. I argue that the manner of interaction implied by commerce plays a crucial... more
While still fragmented, we are witnessing the emergence of a global commercial legal order independent of any one national legal system. This process is unfolding both on the macro-level of state actors as well as that of private... more
This paper explains why so much soft law is widely adopted and followed despite lacking legal and coercive force. It argues that legal standards are susceptible to network effects. Network effects occur when the value of a standard to a... more
This Paper explores and summarises the Director's Duties of the UK Companies Act 2006 with emphasis on "the duty to promote the success of the company. Tags: Companies Act 2006 model articles, Companies Act 2006 summary companies act... more
Some of Law and Economics’ basic claims have come to be criticized as a result of empirical findings that question their viability. Particularly, the premise that agents consistently act rationally and with their self-interest in mind... more
İngilizce "separation of powers", Fransızca "séparation des pouvoirs" olarak bilinen anayasal ilke Türkçeye "kuvvetler ayrılığı" şeklinde tercüme edilmiş ve öylece yerleşmiştir. İlke, çokları tarafından anayasacılığın temeli olarak kabul... more
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
The Relationship of Law to Society in Deuteronomy: “The Draft Constitution” (Deut 16:18–18:22) as an “Ideal Type” This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional... more
ÖZ Hukuki kesinlik ilkesi, hukukun üstünlüğünün temel görünümlerinden birisidir. Bu nedenle, " hukukun üstünlüğü " ve " hukuk devleti " bakımından bir ulusal hukuk sisteminde hukuki kesinliğin tesis edilmesi kaçınılmazdır. Bu yazı, Avrupa... more
One of Hasidism's most striking features is its centralization and intensification of emotional experiences within devotional life. The unruly ecstasy and enthusiasm characteristic of such a revivalist mystical movement, which often is... more
In this article, I critically examine the claim that work law is best conceived as a subspecies of contract law, arguing that this characterization is neither descriptively accurate nor normatively instructive. Rather than understanding... more
Stafne declaration documents "mistakes" (misrepresntations) of legal cabal Davis Wright Tremaine (DWT) to use federal court jurisdiction to foreclose on Americans in federal court in violation of 28 USC 1935.
У статті з позицій критики традиційних підходів до розуміння структури права запропоновано постструктуралістське її бачення як єдності догми права, суб’єкта, цінностей правової сфери та правової ситуації. Доведено, що правова ситуація... more
The book presents an interdisciplinary exploration aimed at renewing interest in Luigi Einaudi’s search for “good government”, broadly understood as “good society”. Prompted by the Einaudian quest, the essays - exploring philosophy of... more
This paper approaches the effectiveness of fundamental social rights, their justiciability, their collision with the principle of the possible reserve, the application of the principle of proportionality, the balancing of the colliding... more
The article is devoted to the problem of research of notion and signs of juridical facts in a civil law. An author brings a number over of decisions about the juridical facts formed by scientists-lawyers. Existent looks on the signs of... more
The Disciplinary Board of the Virginia State Bar is part of the Virginia State Bar under Part Six of the Rules. No language in Chapter 39 of Title 54.1 authorizes the Virginia State Bar or the VSB Disciplinary Board to impose any... more