Latin Epigraphy
Most cited papers in Latin Epigraphy
Writing in the early third century AD, Julius Africanus claimed to have built a library "in the Pantheon" in Rome, the exact location of which remains elusive. In considering the competing possibilities for the site of the library, this... more
Using cross-national survey data and information on government practices concerning human rights collected in 17 post-Communist states in Central and Eastern Europe, the authors examine the determinants of people's attitudes about their... more
This study is based on the analysis of some inscriptions which date to the tetrarchic age (approximately between 285 and 312) and have received little attention in scholarship. They are dedications of statues of deities, set up in... more
This article proposes a new reading of a late first-century c.e. inscribed dedication from Todi (Umbria) as an accusation of witchcraft, a rhetorical text aimed at propagating a particular story among the local community. Historical and... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
This article considers a group of inscriptions, ranging in date from the late second to late third centuries ad, which indicates that low-ranked members of the Roman army gained access to equestrian rank in this period. The inscriptions... more
This contribution offers a new reading of the ancient landscape of the periphery of Lepcis Magna thanks mainly to the data from the survey campaigns carried out by the Archaeological Mission of Roma Tre University (2007– 13) together with... more
Este trabajo pretende ofrecer una visión general sobre la inmigración de origen extrapeninsular domiciliada en Augusta Emerita a partir del análisis de la documentación epigráfica de la colonia. Estudiaremos aspectos como las regiones y... more
OLat. simītū 'at the same time' is traditionally interpreted as abl. sg. (originally instr. sg.) of a compound, with first member *sem-'one' and second member *eitu-(< PIE *h 1 éi-tu-'going'), thus 'with/at a single go'. The semantics are... more
The aim of this paper is to determine the underling motivation for Chromatius of Aquileia’s strongly anti-Judaic rhetoric. After analyzing the existing interpretations and critically reconsidering the testimonies in which they have been... more
The translation of so-called 'honorific' titles from Punic to Latin, and their deployment in a number of public monumental inscriptions in Lepcis Magna, have often been promoted as evidence for successful Romanisation in the cities of... more
The combined analysis of epigraphic, literary and grammatical sources allows light to be shed on linguistic problems concerning the two superlatives of pius, piissimus and pientissimus, which have been mostly overlooked by scholars to... more
Ever since Augustine narrated an account of his mother’s death at Ostia, social historians have tried to adduce the identity of the person who erected Monica's tombstone, a copy of which is preserved in a ninth-century codex. Three... more
Estudiamos una inscripción votiva inédita procedente de Mina Mercurio (Portmán, Cartagena), depositada en el Museo Arqueológico de Águilas. La dedican unos libertos de la gens Roscia, conocida familia de negotiatores que firmaban los... more
La participación de tropas de origen hispano en el ejército romano fue frecuente a lo largo del Alto Imperio. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo el estudio de aquellos militares reclutados en las colonias romana de Lusitania que fallecieron... more
Presentación y propuestas interpretativas de una inscripción procedente de una de las galerías occidentales del anfiteatro de Itálica (Santiponce, Sevilla), fechable a fines del siglo III o durante la siguiente centuria, con la mención... more
This article discusses the application of Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) to ancient graffiti from Herculaneum, Italy. RTI is a computational photography technique that makes it possible to digitally manipulate the light... more
In this paper we propose a study about social and economic promotion mechanisms among salted fish traders in Roman Baetica during the Early Roman Empire, independiently of their social origin. Items obtained by epigraphical evidence... more
Opisthographic inscriptions have not received much attention from scholars. One particular practice, the reuse of an inscribed stone for a new inscription, has been studied well, but opisthographic inscriptions that cannot be explained as... more
Scholarship of the family in the ancient world embraces a group of people related by blood, marriage, law or custom: the nuclear family (a father, a mother, and their sons and daughters) or the extended family (kinship or tribal groups).... more
This paper presents an analysis of a catillus fragment corresponding to a rotary grain mill from the Roman era found in the San Chuis Fort in Allande, Asturias. One distinctive feature of this grain mill is the fact that it contains an... more
The canonical name Dressel 2-4 had been used traditionally in scientific studies to nominate the most representative roman wine amphora from the High Roman Empire, especially those produced in the western Mediterranean basin. This is a... more
We show that by the third century AD at the latest, the choice of case in Latin prepositional phrases had become arbitrary. This is evident from certain Roman brick stamps of the period, where the prepositions ex and de govern the... more
This examination of C. Duilius (consul in 260 BCE) and his achievements consists of a series of linked hypotheses, each suggested by direct evidence for Duilius' activities and contextualized by near-contemporary precedents (wherever... more
This research focuses on the monuments of the Augustales from Viminacium in the province of Upper Moesia. Five monuments are considered: four funerary steles and one dedication made to an emperor. Drawing upon epigraphic and iconographic... more
Mit diesem Faszikel ist die 2. Auflage der PIR vollendet. Siehe dazu das Vorwort: Vor 82 Jahren, im Jahr 1933, wurde der erste Band der zweiten Auflage der Prosopographia Imperii Romani veröffentlicht. Edmund Groag und Arthur Stein waren,... more
In this paper we pay special attention to personal names documented in the southeastern variety of Iberian script.
We present below two fragmentary texts carved in aere from Napoca, one known from the 19th century and the other novel, yielded by recent rescue excavations. The first inscription (Napoca- 1) was carved on a bronze tablet discovered in... more
This book includes the scientific outcome of several years of predoctoral training as a member of the research group CEIPAC (Centro para el Estudio de la Interdependencia Provincial en la Antigüedad Clásica) of the University of Barcelona... more
The way patrimonial procuratorships (of the patrimonium, ratio privata, and res privata) functioned at the beginning of the 3rd century CE remains controversial. A recently published inscription from Proconsular Africa featuring a new... more
A new building inscription from Intercisa. The paper includes the description and complementation of a building inscription found in the late Roman cemetery of Intercisa in 2003. The inscription consists of 3 lines and on the basis of the... more
paper in portuguese Discutiremos, neste artigo, dois temas relacionados. Em primeiro lugar, procuraremos explorar como a elite romana representava os bandidos antigos na literatura satírica, tomando como exemplo passagens das... more