Late Antique Latin Patristics
Recent papers in Late Antique Latin Patristics
This is a course on a masterpiece in world literature, on a late 4 th-century text of Augustine. We will read closely the whole Confessions in which the author tells his story in the form of sequential conversions to the quest of wisdom... more
An overview of the variety of textual differences that exist between the Apocalypse in Codex Sinaiticus and the book in modern critical editions, thereby offering a window into the book's early readership. There is also a YouTube link to... more
The contribution aims to analyze the classical echoes in Jerome’s letter 123 de monogamia sent in 409 to Geruchia, a Gallo-Roman noblewoman. Quotations and allusions to the classics, renewed and transformed, intertwine with the doctrinal... more
A lungo dimenticato, poco letto, utilizzato raramente, Mariο Vittorinο non deve per forza 'risorgere' oggi nel contesto del vasto movimento di recupero del passato che caratterizza la conteporaneità. A dire il vero, l'uomo era stato... more
This article studies Augustine’s Eucharistic Spirituality as it emerges primarily from his preaching, in his catechesis during the Easter Season. It investigates how the bishop of Hippo explains to the neophytes the transformation that... more
È a partire dagli apologisti (II a metà II° sec. d.C.) che si cominciò a riflettere, con sistematicità e profondità, sui possibili rapporti e sulle eventuali similitudini tra il messaggio cristiano e le dottrine coeve: atteggiamento,... more
Le Etimologie di Isidoro di Siviglia rappresentano un'importante operazione di cerniera fra antichità e medioevo. Il contributo illustra la personalità di Isidoro enciclopedista, volendo coglierne le peculiarità nell'ambito della sua... more
Ennodius’ Itinerarium Brigantionis castelli (carm. 1, 1) is an interesting poem that does not adhere so much to the topoi of the odeporic tradition, but responds to different requests not exhausted by simple attention to form. In fact,... more
In this paper the author provides an analysis line to line of Alc.Av. carm. 4, 621-635 to point out the main features of the description of the rainbow exploited in these verses of De spiritalis historiae gestis. The first part is devoted... more
Il poema dell'Heptateuchos. Itinera philologica tra tardoantico e alto medioevo, Litterae Press, Catania 2016 (Biblioteca di Commentaria Classica 1), 212 pp. ISBN 9788894227109. ISBN 9788894227130 (e-book).
In occasione del XV centenario della morte di Magno Felice Ennodio (521 - 2021), decimo vescovo di Pavia, santo e figura complessa di religioso e letterato in lingua latina, il successore di quest’ultimo sulla cattedra pavese, monsignor... more
This article aims to analyze a particular passage by Jerome (Ep. 69, 2), in wich he uses a sentence from Cicero’s In Pisonem (1, 1) to grotesquely portray a rhetor against whom he had disputed over a controversy victoriously regarding the... more
Review of Whitacre, A Patristic Greek Reader, Religious Studies Review 35.3 (2009): 193.
Premier Père de l’Église latin d’Afrique, Tertullien (160-220) a marqué de son empreinte le christianisme de l’Occident. Cependant, si son influence sur des auteurs comme Jérôme ou Isidore de Séville a souvent été soulignée, peu d’études... more
Il calamo della memoria -VII. Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nell'incontro internazionale di Trieste, Biblioteca Statale, 29-30 settembre 2016 a cura di Lucio Cristante e Vanni Veronesi [Trieste]: Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2017.... more
This paper deals with a group of Latin substantives which acquired a new meaning and became, in effect, synonyms for epistula in letter collections of the fourth and fifth centuries. The semantic development of these words, which... more
This article proposes a reading of the Lactanctius' judgment of the Cicero's "Consolatio"
Abstract: A group of Quodvultdeus’s sermons—speci cally De cantico novo, De accedenti‐ bus ad gratiam I–II, De symbolo I–III, De ultima quarta feria, and De cataclysmo—is addressed to candidates for baptism (competentes). In the years... more
Depuis le travail des bollandistes au XVIIe siècle (Januarii, t. 1, p. 569-571), la Passio sanctae Marcianae n’avait pas fait l’objet d’une réédition. Un nouvel examen des témoins de ce dossier hagiographique d’Afrique du Nord permet... more
Africká církev se po roce 430 ocitla ve zcela nové situaci. Zesnuly dvě její nejvýznamnější osobnosti, které ji vedly od začátku století-Aurelius z Kartága a Augustin z Hippony. V Africe se vylodili Vandalové vedení Geiserichem, kteří... more
... Of the studies which seem to illuminate most, then apart from Origen and Augustine a reader might choose Calvin, and John Wesley, and ... Abgar legend in book I of Eusebius' Ecclesiastical history and in its... more