Kazimierz Twardowski
Recent papers in Kazimierz Twardowski
K. Twardowski’s Action-Product Theory remains an attractive tool for the classification in humanities. Nevertheless, it seems to be a conceptual metaphor, rather than an exact criterion. Like other metaphors, e.g. the “efficient cause” or... more
Cet article porte sur la notion de vérité chez Kazimierz Twardowski. Celui-ci fut un disciple de Brentano, dont il a diffusé la méthode et les idées en Pologne. Mais Twardowski ne fut pas que le propagateur des idées de son maître. Comme... more
A fenomenológia nemcsak a radikális filozófiai újrakezdés ma is eleven kísérlete, hanem időközben egy több mint száz éves filozó fiai irányzattá vált, ami felveti annak lehetőségét, hogy a filozófia történet kialakult eszköztárával... more
Ce papier se présente comme une introduction historique au meinongianisme. J'y aborde la théorie de l'objet et du contenu de la représentation de Twardowski, la théorie de l'objet de Meinong, sa critique par Russell et les réponses... more
Un primo sguardo sulla relazione tra i problemi di filosofia del linguaggio e i problemi ontologici (in particolare quello sull'esistenza). Si analizzano in questo scritto tre autori della Mitteleuropa e cioè Bolzano, Twardowski e... more
Program of the Online Workshop on "The Brentanian Legacy in Early Phenomenology? On Sources of the Phenomenological Movement in Poland and in Central Europe" to be help on April 20, 2022
An overview of the origins and development of analytic metaphysics. The first part is strictly historical, focusing mainly on Russell and Moore, and then on Wittgenstein, Carnap, and Stebbing, but also on other authors whose work has been... more
Poster of the Online Workshop on "The Brentanian Legacy in Early Phenomenology? On Sources of the Phenomenological Movement in Poland and in Central Europe" to be held on April 20, 2022
"Between the Person and the Appearance: On the Biography of Roman Witold Ingarden" The article is a commentary on Radosław Kuliniak’s and Mariusz Pandura’s biography of Roman Witold Ingarden “Jestem filozofem świata” (Κόσμου φιλόσοφός... more
Despite their virtual absence in the subsequent phenomenological tradition, Husserl himself held in high esteem the analyzes – often referred to as ‘Husserl’s mereology’ – he undertook in the Third Logical Investigation (Husserl 1913, p.... more
"Indice Premessa Avvertenza Il problema 1. Per cominciare, alcuni esempi dal linguaggio ordinario, – 2. Perché uno studio sul principio di contraddizione – 3. Ipotesi di ricerca. I. Incontraddizione Il principio di... more
Przedstawiamy Czytelnikowi polskiemu, jak i zagranicznemu-ze względu na naszych autorów z Białorusi, kolejny numer "Zeszytów Naukowych" Ostrołęckiego Towarzystwa Naukowego. Zgodnie z zapowiedzią we wcześniejszym roczniku, obecny został... more
Some Austro-German philosophers considered thoughts to be mind-dependent entities, that is, psychic products. Yet these authors also attributed “objectivity” to thoughts: distinct thinking subjects can have mental acts with... more
Un aggiornamento dove si introducono la tematica del Nulla e quella della rappresentazione
The aim of this article is to introduce the work of Leopold Blaustein – philosopher and psychologist, who studied under Kazimierz Twardowski in Lvov and under Husserl in Freiburg im Breisgau. In his short academic career he developed an... more
Questa è la prima bozza della teoria dei livelli ontologici. Dovrebbe essere una teoria che cerca di armonizzare una concezione neoparmenidea con il dialeteismo di Routley e Priest e il noneismo di Meinong e dei neomeinongiani.... more
Theories of truth can hardly avoid taking into account how truth is expressed in natural language. Existing theories of truth have generally focused on true occurring with that-clauses. This paper takes a closer look at predicates of... more
Lwowskie Towarzystwo Filozoficzne im. Kazimierza Twardowskiego, Katedra Filozofii Politechniki Lwowskiej. Towarzystwo "Instytut Logiki, Filozofii i Socjologii Miasta Lwowa" zapraszają do udziału w XXX-tych Odczytach Poświęconych Pamięci... more
The purpose of the paper is demonstrate the thesis that Ingarden's ontological system allows a better understanding of the “part-whole” problem then previous theories. Especially, if we take into account the existential ontology of... more
Propositions are abstract objects that play a particularly important role in contemporary philosophy of language. Propositions generally are considered mind-and languageindependent objects that act as the primary bearers of truth and... more
The volume addresses a problem rarely discussed by philosophers - the question of provincialism in science (in the broadest sense of the term). There are only a few great centers of science, which attract funding and provide almost ideal... more
Before engaging with intentionality, the philosopher of mind must consider the intrinsic nature of psychological elements. Conscious states, contrary to ordinary and scientific objects, seem to penetrate each another in such a way that it... more
Talk at the international conference "Das Kulturerbe Mittel- und Osteuropas – Katalin Neumer zum Gedenken" in Budapest on Nov 21, 2015
For a long time Franz Brentano has been widely perceived almost exclusively as the re-discoverer of intentionality and the founder of the continental phenomenology. It was only during the last 30 years that his immense importance for the... more
Una teoria della rappresentazione come complesso di segni in relazione ad una teoria neo-parmenidea dei livelli ontologici
This paper outlines a novel semantics of attitude reports based on attitudinal objects rather than propositions. It also outlines a novel semantics of (deontic) modal sentences based on modal objects rather than quantification over... more
"""This paper defends the action-theory of the Will, according to which willing G is doing F (F≠G) in order to make G happen. In a nutshell, willing something is doing something else in order to get what we want. I argue that only the... more
The article explores psychological motives in Leopold Blaustein’s philosophy. Blaustein was educated in Lvov, Freiburg im Breisgau and Berlin. In his original explorations, he attempted to connect a phenomenological perspective with... more
OPEN ACCESS - This book presents the long-awaited critical edition of an unpublished manuscript of 277 pages containing Twardowski’s lecture notes on logic given in German at the University of Vienna. As to length, language and topic,... more
Psychologiczne koncepcje człowieka I rok SUM filozofia z elementami psychologii Uniwersytet Papieski im. Jana Pawła II w Krakowie Twórczość Billa Violi w ujęciu psychoanalizy Freuda Pisząc o twórczości literackiej, Zygmunt Freud zwracał... more
Austin (1962) introduced not only the notion of an illocutionary act, but also that of a locutionary act, which consists in a rhetic, a phatic, and a phonetic act.This paper will outline a novel semantics of verbs of saying and of... more
This article focuses on the intellectual relationship between Meinong and Twardowski. Starting with their correspondence, it examines in what terms Twardowski's Zur Lehre vom Inhalt und Gegenstand der Vorstellungen was important for... more