Jewish Messianism
Recent papers in Jewish Messianism
I have held this book back many years. It is now time for it to see the light of day (being part of the larger work, A Great And Terrible Love: A Visionary Journey from Woodstock’s Sorceries to God’s Paradise). With the gained... more
ערב רב: פנים וחוץ בוויכוח הפרנקיסטי הוא ספר מרתק וחדשני החושף את סיפורה הייחודי של התנועה הפרנקיסטית, תנועה יהודית אפיקורסית שצמחה בפולין והתפשטה במרכז אירופה במחצית השנייה של המאה ה-18. בעיני רוב היהודים פרנק היה 'משיח שקר' ידוע לשמצה.... more
Since from the late Middle Ages to the Emancipation, Eastern European Jewry was spiritually, physically and linguistically isolated from the Christian society, we are inclined to believe that it had always been so ever since Judaism and... more
This article argues that in Ben Sira 50 the high priest is a representative office, not a person. That office sums up and binds together in worshipful unity (at-one-ment), through liturgical and civil duties, multiple identities: those of... more
A Pre-teaching Interpretation Paper: Today, the word “Messiah” commonly incites George Handel’s renowned oratorio or the person of Jesus Christ, whose second name is a Greek translation of the word. This is understandable given the... more
The messianism expressed in 11QMelch is not idiosyncratic, as is often thought, but conforms to other sectarian works from Qumran which anticipate two Messiahs (one royal and another priestly) and a patron angel (known by various aliases:... more
תיקון שבתי צבי / יונתן מאיר. ההרצאה מבקשת להציג תמונה מורכבת ביחס לשבתי צבי, מכתיבתו הקבלית של נתן העזתי על המשיח הנפוּל, דרך ניסיונות תיקון נשמתו בידי הבעש"ט, ועד לשילובו בנרטיב הלאומי בידי זלמן שז"ר וחוקרים שבאו אחריו. יהא זה ניסיון... more
Messiah in Judaism is mystery, or is it?
King David is one of the most colorful, complex, and controversial, personalities in Jewish lore. While numerous studies have focused on David's centrality to biblical literature and late antiquity, to date no comprehensive scholarly... more
The topic of the Jubilee is a significant one, both in size and importance. In the present paper, I seek to trace its emergence and evolution in the course of Scripture, from Ararat to Sinai, Jericho to Judah, Naboth’s vineyard to... more
This paper is an abject lesson in how communal memory can be formed hundreds of years after the fact through substituting knowledge with organized religion. A curious visitor read back the content of the dedicatory inscription inside the... more
Scholars have generally depicted kabbalists within an air of exclusivity. During the second quarter of the eighteenth century, however, a handful of Jewish mystics in Padua, led by Moses Hayim Luzzatto, opened their secret society to... more
When Kabbalah came, it made of God a human; when Hasidism came, it made of the human a God. -Rashbatz [The Jew] is not an independent being; rather, all of his existence is the existence of the Holy One, Blessed be He! -Menachem Mendel... more
A brief biography and exploration of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Messanic Theology.
Hvad kan der videnskabeligt siges om den historiske Jesus? I kilderne uden for Det Nye Testamente finder vi kun oplysninger om hans død, messiastitel og broderen Jakob. Desuden har Jesus’ liv berøringspunkter med samtidige messiasfigurer,... more
How can one think of History in a time in which Europe happened to be haunted by the specter of catastrophe, in our modern times? How can one escape the perils of Progress? This urgency determined the thought of Walter Benjamin since his... more
*Published version now in Reynolds and Boccaccini, eds. Reading the Gospel of John's Christology as Jewish Messianism: Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs. AJEC 106. Leiden: Brill, 2018. The first challenge is the historicity of... more
Summary: In the present note, I discuss Jesus as ‘the root of Jesse’. Isaiah 11.1’s reference to Jesus as a branch from the root of Jesse finds its fulfilment in the two Messianic ancestries recorded in Matthew and Luke. In the... more
The story of the Samaritan woman at the well in the Gospel of John provides one of the clearest expositions on the messiahship of Christ in the New Testament. “In a momentous self-disclosure that is unique to any Gospel narrative prior to... more
Paper being prepared for 2025 journal publication
4Q390 is a document akin to but not identical with Apocryphon of Jeremiah C. It presents the exilic and postexilic era of history of Israel as a period of 70 x 7 = 70 + 7 x 49 + 70 + 7 years of forced theocracy. 4Q390 may partially... more
Introduction to Messianic Judaism provides a description of what the Messianic Jewish community looks like today at its center and on its margins. The first section of the book traces the ecclesial contours of the community, providing a... more
And be good to the neighbour who is your relative and to the neighbour who is not a relative . . . (Qur'an, 4:36) Islam has great respect for the mutual rights and duties of neighbours. The Holy Prophet said: Jibra'1 always used to... more
Max Scheler (1874-1928), fue filósofo alemán cuya obra filosófica se inscribe dentro de la corriente del romanticismo, escribió hacia el final de su vida una obra titulada El puesto del hombre en el cosmos, la cual se ha convertido en la... more
Most of the voluminous book of Zohar was written in Spain at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. Its texts are written either as homilies or as stories (and very often as a combination of both genres). There are about 350 stories in... more
Mesih inancı ya da başka bir deyişle gelecek kurtarıcı Mesih'i beklemek Ortodoks Yahudiliğin karakteristik özelliğidir. XVIII. yüzyılda Ortodoks Yahudiliğin içinden doğan Hasidim ve Mitnagedim hareketlerinin Mesih inancına getirdiği yeni... more
«Behold, my servant shall understand» is the title of the lively commentary to Is 52,12–53,12 which the Catalan rabbi and exegete Moseh ben Nachman, better known as Nachmanides, composed in the months following his «debate» inBarcelona... more
Mystical Songs of Bratslav Hasidim
שיר ידידות לר' יחיאל מנדל ממדוודיוקה והתפתחות השיח הרדיקלי בחסידות ברסלב
(בסוף הקובץ צילום של עמוד מכתב היד)
שיר ידידות לר' יחיאל מנדל ממדוודיוקה והתפתחות השיח הרדיקלי בחסידות ברסלב
(בסוף הקובץ צילום של עמוד מכתב היד)
Este es el capítulo 4 de mi libro "Mesianismo y redención".
From the early 1430's, and during the course of the century that followed, Jewish society was rife with tales and reports of the rediscovery of the ten tribes. Rumor had it that the courageous and invincible tribesmen had departed their... more
How do the miracle stories in the Synoptic Gospels contribute to our understanding of Jesus and his ministry? Since the first witnessing of them and through the thousands of years that followed, throughout the world, the miracles of... more