Ipad in the classroom
Recent papers in Ipad in the classroom
This paper presents the results of a research project that involved introducing iPads into two elementary school classrooms to support the development of student digital storytelling skills. This was done because the school jurisdiction... more
This opinion piece reflects on the place of writing and the pen in literacy practice in the wake of the so-called digital revolution and the advent of online classrooms that are built around digital input devices.
In 2009-10, one of my doctoral students (Jason Siko, a science teacher at Clarkston High School) received a MACUL grant that allowed him to purchase several netbooks for his classroom. The purpose of his project was to examine what he was... more
This multi-methods, descriptive case study examines attitudes and practices of classroom-based iPad use. The site is one inner-city, urban, publicly funded school, focused on two iPad-infused classrooms (Grade 2/3 and Grade 4/5). Data... more
Digital Media and Learning Issue. James Paul Gee, Nicholas E. Husbye, & Jennifer Connor-Zachocki (Eds.) This chapter examines the digital literacy practices that emerge when young children play together with digital apps on touchscreen... more
Que font ces quelque 10 000 élèves du Québec (Canada) qui utilisent de façon quotidienne l’iPad en salle de classe? Quels sont les avantages de cet outil technologique à l’école? Quels sont les défis rencontrés, tant par les élèves que... more
This paper presents the results of a research project that involved introducing iPads into two elementary school classrooms to support the development of student digital storytelling skills. This was done because the school jurisdiction... more
Abstract. It has become standard practice to use the traditional information technologies such as web and email in education. But as the University campus becomes increasingly deployed with interconnected computing technology, we begin to... more
This paper discusses changes in young children’s learning performance and efficiency during clinical interviews in which each child interacted with a variety of virtual manipulative mathematics apps on iPads. Researchers interviewed 100... more
More than 2 million people in the United States are unable to speak or use handwriting as an effective and efficient mean of communication (ASHA,2004). This paper discusses a brief history of augmentative alternative communication (AAC)... more
Cette contribution présente une synthèse d’une recherche de master portant sur l’usage pédagogique de tablettes tactiles dans l’enseignement primaire en Suisse. Les résultats exposés ici répondent aux deux questions suivantes : 1 Quels... more
Les tablettes tactiles et l’iPad peuvent-ils devenir un agent de changement à l’école primaire? Cet outil technologique peut-il participer à la réussite scolaire des élèves? Est-ce que cette tablette leur permettra d’apprendre plus? Alors... more
With the revolution that has taken place in the functionality and uptake of portable networked ‘smart’ technologies, educators are looking to see what potential applications such technologies might have for school education. This article... more
1. Executive summary Key words: mobility, portability, access, training, data transfer, transformation, personal ownership This Report has been prepared by the Technology Enhanced Learning Research Group based in the Faculty of... more
The purpose of this study was to explore relationships between app affordances and user abilities in second graders' interactions with mathematics virtual manipulative touchscreen tablet apps. The research questions focused on varying... more
Cette recherche s'intéresse à l'usage de la tablette tactile numérique comme outil de l'élève en enseignement primaire. Notre étude de cas est issue d'un modèle d'intégration pédagogique des technologies éducatives, et d'une typologie... more
Stefan Gisler, 2013 -Das iPad im Schulmusikunterricht -Abstract -i/ci 1.2.1 NOTABILITY Als App, welches mir definitiv den Hellraumprojektor sowie das Flipchart ersetzt, habe ich "Notability" [Abb. 1.2.1] im Einsatz. Damit kann ich sowohl... more
airprint activator anleitung,airprint activator app,airprint activator download,airprint activator for ipad,airprint activator for ipad 2,airprint activator for windows,airprint activator for windows 7,airprint activator for windows... more
The Technology Integration Planning Cycle is a guide to help teachers integrate digital technology into literacy instruction in meaningful ways that are consistent with the Common Core State Standards.
In this article the authors present the concept of Coding Literacy and describe the ways in which coding apps can support the development of Coding Literacy and disciplinary and digital literacy skills. Through detailed examples, we... more
Place value understanding is recognised as a critical component in the development of number understanding for young children. In this paper we investigate the usefulness of a purpose built app in supporting children’s understanding in... more
Corona SDK allows the mobile app developer to create for multiple platforms at the same time. With the ability to develop for Apple iOS and Google Android, today’s developer can ready an application in a much shorter period of time for... more
The increased popularity of tablets in general has led to uptake in education. This chapter builds upon the past research and experience of the authors, in particular the findings of a critical systematic literature review that reports on... more
This non-experimental correlational quantitative study was designed to explore the effects of specialized professional development, age, gender, and years of teaching experience on the successful integration of iPads into classroom... more
The increased popularity of tablets in general has led to uptake in education. We critically review the literature reporting use of tablets by primary and secondary school children across the curriculum, with a particular emphasis on... more
Tesis de máster de investigación en educación sobre la primera experiencia lectora de un grupo de sexto de primaria frente a una producción multimodal literaria en IPad
"The goal of this investigation was to explore how a fourth grade teacher could integrate iPads into her literacy instruction to simultaneously teach print-based and digital literacy goals. The teacher used iPads for a three-week period... more
Many studies have shown that the use of technology in the classroom may influence pupil engagement. Despite the recent widespread use of tablet technology, however, very little research has been carried out into their use in a primary... more
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of an iPad iBook for adolescents with disabilities. With its release in 2012, the iBooks Author software for the Apple iPad allows classroom teachers to create accessible... more
With the proliferation of the personal computer, have heavily invested in technology and learning over the last decade. As practitioners working with students on a daily basis, we are concerned with the “cart be- fore the horse” mentality... more
Que font ces quelque 10 000 élèves du Québec (Canada) qui utilisent de façon quotidienne l’iPad en salle de classe? Quels sont les avantages de cet outil technologique à l’école? Quels sont les défis rencontrés, tant par les élèves que... more
1:1 Collaborative Learning
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the iPads' popularity in K-12 classrooms. While educators believe that digital environments provide students the opportunity to access and create multimedia, their efforts to articulate how iPads... more
The current era of advanced display technologies, such as a head mounted displays, smart glasses and handheld devices, have supported the usage of mixed-reality and augmented reality concepts in smart educational classrooms. These... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of motivation on upper-grade elementary students’ preferences for acoustic or tablet-based instruments. The effect of cultural familiarity on musical instrument preference was also... more