Inter-American Human Rights System
Recent papers in Inter-American Human Rights System
In order to prove that the disappearance had actually occurred as a result of state action, the commission pointed toward the systematic practice of enforced disappearance by the Honduran government. It was their assertion that this... more
Diálogos Judiciales en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos es una obra académica que refleja el resultado de una deliberación entre jueces, investigadores, académicos y litigantes sobre las relaciones entre la Corte... more
Inter-American Court case law about indigenous and tribal rights to live and to property – This article analyses the Inter-American Court of Human Rights case law concerning the rights of indigenous and tribal groups, with special... more
Resumen: La propuesta del Derecho Administrativo Interamericano engloba a los principios generales del Derecho Administrativo como fuente del Derecho Internacional Público dentro del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos.... more
La función consultiva de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos es un estudio de las veinte opiniones consultivas emitidas por la Corte Interamericana hasta el 2010 que no tiene parangón en la literatura jurídica del sistema... more
This paper analyzes the historic 2013 trial against former dictator General (r) Jose Efrain Rios Montt. Rios Montt was found guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity, but a controversial decision by the Constitutional Court annulled... more
UN bodies have increasingly emphasized the need to improve the political participation of indigenous peoples. This book proposes a composite right to political participation of indigenous peoples, identifies its recognition in... more
The purpose of this post is to identify its key elements, and to discuss what this recent publication of the report “Business and Human Rights: Inter-American Standards” means for the Business & Human Rights field in the Americas.
O trabalho buscará apresentar aspectos do direito a um recurso efetivo no sistema interamericano de proteção dos Direitos Humanos, notadamente sua relação com a regra do esgotamento dos recursos internos. Para tanto, tomar-se--á como base... more
This article addresses the controversy concerning amnesty in international law. Traditionally, amnesty was seen as the substance of peace and there was a presumption of the legitimacy of amnesty under international law. During the past... more
In the context of protection of human rights by regional organizations, the works of the European Council, Organization of American States and African Union constitute salient examples. This study examines the Inter American System and... more
As many as 40,000 people may have died in Venezuela as a result of USA sanctions that made it harder for ordinary citizens to access food, medicine, and medical equipment. Turkey provides food aid to Venezuela by its development agency... more
Responding to Torture: Latin American perspectives on a Global Challenge brings together articles by an extraordinary group of multidisciplinary professionals who have worked alongside the IBAHRI in recent years, promoting the effective... more
Cet ouvrage est la publication de ma thèse de doctorat soutenue le 12 décembre 2013 à l'Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) Résumé: La réparation internationale de dommages individuels est un sujet assez nouveau et peu réglementé en... more
O estudo busca compreender a concepção contemporânea dos cha-mados " direitos comunicativos " a partir da perspectiva dos direitos humanos e de sua proteção, quer no plano internacional como no plano interno. O ensaio investiga a... more
El profesor Sebastián Rey se ha desempeñado por muchos años como docente e investigador de Derecho Internacional Público y de Derechos Humanos, en diversas universidades de nuestro país, y tiene numerosas publicaciones en dichas áreas... more
The essay analyzes the macro-issue of illiberal democracies in the specific Latin-American legal and geo-political context through a complex dimension that allows to connect different and emblematic challenges that liberal-democratic... more
Με την συμβολή των Ν. Ζάικος, Μ. Βάγιας, Β. Γραμματίκας, Μ. Σαρηγιαννίδης, Ι. Πέρβου
Con las denuncias realizadas contra la Argentina ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos entre 1976 y 2020 como marco, intenta reflejar la situación de los derechos humanos en nuestro país en los últimos 40 años, a partir de... more
La presente Guía tiene como propósito apoyar a los Estados parte del Protocolo adicional a la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Económicos, Sociales, Culturales y Ambientales, “Protocolo de San Salvador”, a desarrollar los indicadores... more
O artigo pretende analisar a tese do marco temporal da ocupação como uma forma de parâmetro interpretativo restritivo ao direito à terra dos povos indígenas no Brasil, a partir de uma visão comparada entre a jurisprudência do Supremo... more
Naples, its cultural heritage and with it also its Language are a patrimony of all humanity, as UNESCO reminds us when it decrees the Historic Center of the city of Naples as a world heritage, recognizing the uniqueness of cultural... more
This article analyzes one of the most important tensions between the protection of political rights – of both popularly elected officials and their constituents - and the disciplinary functions of some administrative authorities. This... more
As relações entre o direito internacional dos direitos humanos e o direito interno têm se tornado, através dos tempos, cada vez mais complexas, em grande parte devido aos conflitos e antinomias que surgem entre as normas desses dois... more
El presente capítulo tiene como último objetivo presentar al lector los estándares que la Corte Interamericana ha fijado respecto a los derechos de los pueblos indígenas y las reparaciones que deben otorgárseles en caso de que tales... more
This work attempts to provide an instrument allowing non-specialized readers to become acquainted with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights case law. In order to do so, it inserts the Inter-American Court’s case law into the American... more
Desde su publicación, la Opinión Consultiva 24/17 de la Corte IDH ha sido empleada como parte de los argumentos para exigir a los Estados que cumplan con reconocer los derechos de las personas LGTBI. Como contraargumento, se ha afirmado... more
Through the analysis of the four main precedents of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights about the legal invalidity of the Amnesty Laws, it is possible to identify the permanent lack of implementation of serious international... more
Entre los diferentes desarrollos que ha experimentado la disciplina de los derechos humanos, un aspecto relevante aunque no abarcado por los estudios de la materia hasta muy recientemente concierne a la introducción de cuestiones... more
The book offers a thorough, critical, and accessible analysis of the American Convention on Human Rights, the main human rights treaty of the Americas. To do so, we closely review the jurisprudence of the two institutions charged... more
Por: Stella Maris Martínez. La violencia contra las mujeres constituye un problema mundial con proporciones de epidemia. Las estadísticas demuestran que, en todo el mundo, una de cada tres mujeres ha vivido o vivirá algún tipo de... more
sumariO: i. Introducción. ii. Mandato de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. iii. Principios relevantes en materia penal. iv. Algunas consideraciones conclusivas.
DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL: PBA-2018-18 (Para publicarse por la CNDH a partir del 10-12-2018) UNAM/IIJ/UJAT Si en verdad la justicia de los hombres tendrá un futuro, esto no podrá estar fuera de la protección de los derechos humanos,... more
En los últimos años el sistema interamericano de protección de los derechos humanos (en adelante, SIDH) ha dirigido su atención al acceso a los derechos reproductivos y sexuales en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. En este proceso... more
The challenge of including a gender perspective within human rights work has been a project only recently undertaken by the international human rights community. It is undeniable that much progress has been made over the past two decades... more