Homosexuality and Literature
Recent papers in Homosexuality and Literature
This paper looks at the most significant OT an NT references connected with the issue of homosexuality. Each text is analyzed taking into account the progress of revelation and authorial intent.
Il testo pubblicato nel volume costituisce la prima biografia pasoliniana degli anni 1922-1945 consolidata da ricerche in archivi sia pubblici sia privati.
Marco Denevi's short story, "Michel," from the collec! tion entitled, Hierba del cielo (1973), is in many ways an intriguing smallscale companion to his best known work, Rosaura a las diez (1955). Comparing the story and the novel, it... more
Until recently, an exquisite object of art of the early imperial period, known as the “Warren Cup,” with two figural scenes of homosexual love-making has gained very little attention. The scenes have been taken either as political satire... more
Wilhelm von Gloeden, a minor German aristocrat, and his cousin, Guglielmo Plüschow —both homosexual, both photographers — succumbed to what historian Robert Aldrich has called "the seduction of the Mediterranean," a mythic construct of... more
This article traces a brief history of zine literature produced by gay and lesbian activist circles in Spain from the late Francoist years to present, paying specific attention to the publications by the queer Madrid-based groups La... more
"Few people would disagree with Cicero's graceful insight that: 'They seem to take the sun out of the world who take friendship out of life; for we have nothing better from the immortal gods, nothing more pleasant than friendship'. And... more
Esta pesquisa aborda como o relato de teor biografico, com enfase no texto literario, resolve a questao sobre a subjetivacao dos sujeitos e de suas identidades. Se, por um lado, a subjetivacao opera num nivel anterior ao sujeito, mas, ao... more
There is a common narrative among Whitman scholars that Walt Whitman 'came out' as a gay man in his late 50s with the release of the 1860 edition of Leaves of Grass , more specifically with the inclusion of the "Calamus" poems. While the... more
The West has a history of oppression and vilification of homosexuals based on a mixture of religious and cultural beliefs. But the Bible passages that actually condemn same-sex sexuality are few and should be interpreted based on ancient... more
This paper explores the notion of homosocial space in the Victorian Era as it pertains to canonicity issues in literature. Homosocial space simply means that space which men set aside, such as in men.s-only clubs or situations such as the... more
Investoren in den USAb ringen sich zurzeit in Position, um von einer weiteren quantitativen geldpolitischen Lockerung zu profitieren.
Lors de leurs rencontres et de leurs entretiens, du début des années 1920 jusqu’à la mort de Gide en 1951, Gide et Julien Green ont fréquemment échangé au sujet de l ’homosexualité et de la stratégie à adopter pour en parler dans une... more
Der Skandal um Fürst Eulenburg, den besten Freund und zeitweise wichtigsten Berater Kaiser Wilhelms II., erschütterte seit 1906 die Monarchie. Anhand zahlreicher Quellen, darunter rund 5000 Presseartikel, geht Norman Domeier dem Skandal... more
Texto divulgativo sobre unha cantiga de amiga, entre dúas mulleres, e outros textos lésbicos ou homosexuais masculinos do trobadorismo galego-portugués.
This review is a coursework submission from the final year of my English BA, and aims to summarise the roles of discourse, that of institutions and culture, and their implications and shortcomings in the historical constitution of the... more
“Anthony Burgess and Science Fiction”, Jim Clarke, SFRA Review 313, Summer 2015, pp. 28-35. Anthony Burgess was a reluctant writer of SF, but a highly influential one. This article, for the SFRA Review, introduces the author and his SF... more
This article presents ancient Roman texts dealing with the topic of same-sex weddings with the purpose of examining the reliability of these sources and contributing to the understanding of this element of the ancient tradition. In order... more
The essay focuses on the critical consequences of the homophobia inflecting the critical writings of Giacomo Debenedetti e Mario Lavagetto, two major scholars of Umberto Saba's poetry who have ventured into the homoerotic facets of his... more
"... the unveiling of the hidden ways and means of _La Cazzaria_ should clarify aspects of 'the intersections of sexuality, politics and learning' that characterize Renaissance pornography as an issue of fundamental importance." (60)
En 18 poemas de los costarricenses Alfonso Chase y Jorge Chen se analizan hermenéutica y correlativamente la clandestinidad, encubrimiento y marginalización, pero también cierta des-identificación y desontologización, por parte de los... more
El recorrido histórico de este libro visibiliza, en diferentes contextos, la presencia escénica de cuestionamientos al binarismo de género imperante y destaca un elemento ignorado por las historias teatrales hasta el presente: la... more
In the scheme of the Greek myths of masculine love, the myth of Ameinías and Narkissos falls in the category of myths depicting "hubristic eromenoi" (a category that also includes the myth of Promachus and Leucocomas), in other words,... more
ermany’s first homosexual rights activist and one of the first to proclaim his homosexuality«;2 »the pioneer of the gay movement«:3 these are just examples of titles often associated with Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1825–1895). He was... more
Commentators have suggested that Nella Larsen’s Passing rejects the view that there is some sort of black essence. I want to challenge this reading. Since Irene is the most vocal advocate of an essence in respect to which all blacks are... more
This interdisciplinary volume contains the work of an international group of scholars and is the first attempt in the field of Kuzmin studies, or kuzministics, to present Mikhail Kuzmin (1872-1936 in the stunning multifacetedness of the... more
Se analizan en esta ponencia los elementos discursivos clave que modulan la identidad 'desviada' de los personajes principales, Bruno y Guy, en la época de los cincuenta en Estados Unidos relacionados con la traducción al español de la... more
En el ámbito de los estudios medievales se ha pasado por alto la presencia de la homosexualidad de la época, ya sea por tabúes o por falta de fuentes que traten el tema. Esta ponencia se propone sacar a la luz a este grupo disidente a... more
何善斌,〈同志釋經的困局〉。米特樂,戴浩輝編,《神學與生活 神學年刊 百年賀歲文集》,期36 (2013)。香港︰信義宗神學院,頁189-202。
This book examines how sexological ideas about desire and the body made their way from German science into British literary culture at the turn of the last century. It shows that fiction not only influenced the vocabulary of European... more
Se ha discutido bastante el índole del "buen amor" juanruizano, sin llegar a una conclusión aceptada. Este trabajo propone por primera vez que el amor que condena es el dirigido a muchachos (donceles, garçones). En su lugar recomiende a... more
“Really, when it comes to gay rights, there's two wars going on. The first war is political. But the cultural war is over.” Dan Savage Yes, the culture war is, theoretically, over. In the public sphere, except for the abandon of... more
In a news cycle that has just seen conservative commentators lose it over Harry Styles appearing on the cover of December’s Vogue wearing a Gucci evening dress under a tux, it feels in every way appropriate to celebrate Oscar Wilde’s... more
Con questo lavoro ci proponiamo di fare ordine nel 'mare magnum' di considerazioni e studi più o meno approfonditi che riguardano la problematica figura di Bieiris de Romans e della sua unica 'canso' a noi pervenuta. Nel primo capitolo... more
Referāts veltīts atraitnībai latviešu literatūrā, šoreiz pievēršoties sieviešu tēliem un viņu izpratnei par dzīvi pēc laulātā miršanas. Izvēlējos analizēt visai plaša žanra un noskaņas darbus: Rūdolfa Blaumaņa noveli "Raudupiete" (1889),... more
Queerness is not epiphenomenal to “life” but structural to it.
En 2014 el Movilh publicó el libro infantil "Nicolás tiene 2 papás" que generó un arduo debate público. Esta columna reflexiona en torno al debate y proyecta el impacto del libro.