Holocaust Literature
Recent papers in Holocaust Literature
Primo Levi, «Così fu Auschwitz. Testimonianze 1945-1986», con Leonardo De Benedetti, a cura di Fabio Levi e Domenico Scarpa, Einaudi, Torino 2015, Super ET.
In the spring of 1944, the Yiddish poet and partisan Avrom Sutzkever was airlifted into the unoccupied Soviet Union. With him he brought more than new information about the Holocaust. He brought a distinct approach to witnessing, one that... more
Historical introduction to the medical protocol of the study Trauma and Resilience.
Wersja niemiecka tekstu ukaże się w Psychosozial Verlag w marcu 2019.
Elias Khoury’s novel Bab el Shams (Gate of the Sun), which came out in 1998 symbolically marking fifty years to the Palestinian Nakba, is perhaps the most comprehensive narrative of this ongoing event. This fascinating novel has not yet... more
Fragment powieści, który będzie omawiany na zajęciach.
UWAGA! Należy zapoznać się z całą powieścią!
UWAGA! Należy zapoznać się z całą powieścią!
המאמר סוקר ומסביר צורות שונות של מיתון וצינזור היבטים רדיקליים ביומנים שנכתבו בתקופת השואה עם הוצאתם לאור בידי הוצאות מסחריות או אידיאולוגיות.
Literatuur zonder Leeftijd (88), 2012.
This paper is an analysis of Mirjam Pressler's 'Ein Buch für Hanna' (2011) in the context of Jean Améry's notion of 'Weltvertrauen' or 'confiance au monde' (trust in the world).
This paper is an analysis of Mirjam Pressler's 'Ein Buch für Hanna' (2011) in the context of Jean Améry's notion of 'Weltvertrauen' or 'confiance au monde' (trust in the world).
The memory of anti-Jewish persecution intersected the work of prominent authors in Italian twentieth century poetry, often following oblique and unexpected trajectories that touch authors such as Montale, Sereni, Fortini, Pasolini, Saba,... more
Publikacja listów pisanych przez dziewiętnastoletniego Izraela Aljuhe "Lutka" Orenbacha w latach 1939-1942 do dziewczyny Edith Blau
Cette communication s’interrogera, en deux temps, sur deux aspects propres à Pendant la saison des lilas d’Anna Molnár Hegedűs : le genre féminin de son auteure, de même que la période particulière de sa publication. La première partie se... more
Quando ha conosciuto Piero Terracina, ebreo romano sopravvissuto ad Auschwitz, Erika aveva solo quattordici anni. Ma nel volto di quel vecchio signore ha saputo vedere qualcosa di importante. Qualcosa che non poteva andare perduto. Giorno... more
Recently the Basel-based Anne Frank Fonds proudly presented the Graphic Diary of Anne Frank (by Ari Folman & David Polonsky). The impression is created as if this is the first ever comic book version of Anne Frank’s narrative. The author... more
Since the second half of the 1970s, a corpus of studies focusing on the history of women during the Holocaust has been produced. These studies assert that even though Jewish women shared the annihilation threat with the men, Jewish women... more
A selection of 37 poems in Yiddish, collected in 6 chapters, edited by Dorit Rubinstein: העניעלע (Henie) די ברוינע מגפֿה (The Brown Plague) פֿון יענע טעג (About Those Days) דרײַ געשרייען (Three Screams) קינות (Lamentations) די גלאָקן פֿון... more
Book by Jan T. Gross and Irene Grudzinska Gross
This dissertation intends to retrace and critically reconstruct the multiple, and sometimes intimately diverging, trajectories followed by the literary memory of the anti-Jewish persecution in the territories of postwar Italian... more
https://www.amazon.com/Ten-Lives-Declaring-Human-Rights/dp/B08GLP3ZJ2 They walked in the darkest parts of human history: in the blood of genocide, the chains of slavery, in the oppression of women, in the death camps of the Holocaust... more
Η πραγματική ιστορία της Γερμανοεβραίας ζωγράφου Σαρλότ Σαλομόν, που αν και κατέφυγε στον Νότο της Γαλλίας τελικά εκτοπίστηκε και δολοφονήθηκε 26 ετών στο Άουσβιτς-Μπιρκενάου, αφήνοντας ένα εξαιρετικό εικαστικό έργο, ενέπνευσε τον Γάλλο... more
Review of La Ilum d"elba, a 2017 film directed by Silvia Quer, and based on the work of Elizabeth Eidenbenz, a Swiss teacher and nurse who founded and ran the Elan Maternity from 1939 to 1944
Concentration camps have been and still are one of the strongest symbols for Nazism in general and the extermination of European Jewry in particular. Media reports on the camps shaped the perception of the Nazi regime ever since they were... more
Building upon recent developments in memory studies and transnational memory, this book offers a comparative analysis of Yugoslav Holocaust memory and its intersections with other forms of extreme violence, such as the suffering of the... more
Omer Bartov has pointed out that even though over half a century has passed since the end of the Second World War, one of the central debates which still rages in Western intellectual and academic circles is not how the Holocaust should... more
The Mind of the Holocaust Perpetrator in Fiction and Nonfiction examines texts that portray the inner experience of Holocaust perpetrators and thus transform them from archetypes of evil into complex psychological and moral subjects.... more
Memory is rightly seen as a faulty lens, but witness testimony also provides insight and understanding to the historical narrative that would otherwise remain unlocked. This paper weighs the limitations of memory with the unique... more
This article displays how Elie Wiesel portrays the role of the bystander in his fictional work “The Town Beyond the Wall” and connects this perspective of literature with psychological and ethical implications. Due to publishing rights,... more
This article traces the evolution of the affect of pudore (a sense of modesty, restraint, and privacy) in the literary production of Primo Levi, with references to the works of other Italian Holocaust survivor-writers. Beyond the... more
Deemed 'misconceived and offensive' by critic Michiko Kakutani, Yann Martel's novel Beatrice and Virgil was widely criticised for its construction of an ambiguous allegory which appears to compare animal suffering to the Holocaust. In... more
This book was written by Leslie Blau (Blau László). It is a translation of the English "Bonyhad: A Destroyed Community" printed by Blau in 1994 (New York, New York). This translation into Hebrew was edited by Reuven Chaim Klein in 2010.... more
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
What the excavations at Sobibor they challenge a prehistorian?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
En quoi les fouilles à Sobibor interpellent-elles un préhistorien ?
"If the international Finance-Jewry inside and outside of Europe should succeed in plunging the peoples of the earth once again into a world war, the result will be ...the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe." Hitler's speech to the... more