
History of Science Research Papers -
Originally from Herzegovina, the Dundjerski family moved to south Hunga-ry, present-day Serbia's province of Vojvodina, in the seventeenth century. From the 1820s the family's progress was marked by the enlargement of their landed... more
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      History of ScienceFranjo Ksaver Kuhac
In recent decades, developments in research technologies and therapeutic advances have generated immense public recognition for neuroscience. However, its origins as a field, often linked to partnerships and projects at various... more
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      HistoryNeurosciencePsychologyMental Health
Defends the thesis that "Truth is the correspondence of what we say with the way things really are".
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      PhilosophyTheologyHistory of Science
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryArt HistoryHistory of Science
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyImmunologyHistory of MedicinePatient Safety
The twelfth and thirteenth centuries witnessed an explosion of Christian interest in the meaning and workings of the natural world—a "discovery of nature" that profoundly reshaped the intellectual currents and spiritual contours of... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of Science
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      History of ScienceScientific SocietiesItalian Renaissance
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      History of ScienceOrigins of LifeMass extinctionsPrecambrian Geology
On Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy Reich in Denmark, Atomic Accidents, Bomb Tests & Weather, Cloudbusting in Israel & Namibia, Summerhill School ... Report on FDA Burning of Reich's Books more
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      PsychoanalysisHistory of ScienceOrgone EnergyDr. Wilhelm Reich
Neat nature: the relation between nature and art in a Dutch cabinet of curiosities from the early eighteenth century van de Roemer, B.
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      ReligionZoologyArtHistory of Science
From time to time, a small group of people makes an effort to transform society by promoting a set of ideas. Examples include any revolutionary or liberation movement, a new theory within the social sciences, or a new political or social... more
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    • History of Science
Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course at Koberwitz (now Kobierzyce), in the summer of 1924, was the gateway event that led to the development of biodynamic agriculture and, subsequently, organic agriculture. The present paper identifies for... more
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      HistoryEnvironmental ScienceAnthroposophyOrganic agriculture
La presente copia viene fornita all'autore non per scopi commerciali, ma solo per scopi didattici o scientifici senza fini di lucro. Non deve essere riprodotta o distribuita dall'autore Provided for non-commercial research and education... more
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      HydrogeologyHydrologyHistory of ScienceJesuit history
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    • History of Science
We have reached the peculiar situation where the advance of mainstream science has required us to dismiss as unreal our own existence as free, creative agents, the very condition of there being science at all. Efforts to free science from... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of ScienceAncient Greek and Roman PhilosophyPhilosophy and history of mathematics
After beginning his historical work in Switzerland in the 1950s and then continuing it in the United States at the Menninger Foundation, Henri Ellenberger (1905–1993) became the leading historian of " dynamic psychiatry ". This expression... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMedical SociologyNative American Studies
Il De immenso viene composto, in otto libri, nel 1583, in Inghilterra, e poi pubblicato a Francoforte nel 1591. Insieme al De triplici minimo e al De monade esso fa parte di una trilogia dedicata al duca Enrico Giulio di Braunschweig e... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of ScienceRenaissance PhilosophyHistory of Renaissance Science
The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryTransnational and World HistoryHistory of Technology
How can we describe movements in animated films? In Figure and Force in Animation Aesthetics, Ryan Pierson introduces a powerful new method for the study of animation. By looking for figures--arrangements that seem to intuitively hold... more
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      Animation TheoryHistory of SciencePhenomenologyFilm-Philosophy
For the first time we have published this idea in: Himmelsscheibe, Sonnenwagen und Kalenderhüte – ein Versuch zur bronzezeitlichen Astronomie. Acta Praehistorica et Archaeologica 40, 2008, S. 93-126, insbesondere S. 105-106. At the end... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryTheologyHistory of Religion
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      History of ScienceAlchemyIslamic PhilosophyAlchemy (Literature)
Alchemy Rudolf II Prague Manuscript circulation a b s t r a c t This paper investigates John Dee's relationship with two kinds of alchemist: the authorities whose works he read, and the contemporary practitioners with whom he exchanged... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceEarly Modern HistoryHistory of ScienceAlchemy
Focusing on experts in technology and science, ‘Building Europe on Expertise’ delivers a new reading of European history. The authors show that modern European history was defined by experts using their new knowledge to shape societies,... more
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      European HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyExpert SystemsEuropean integration
Che posto occupavano gli animali nell’antichità? Come noi oggi, anche i Greci e i Romani avevano a che fare con cani, cavalli, galline; avevano allevamenti, vivari, acquari, e adottavano pratiche zootecniche. Amavano i loro animali da... more
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      Ancient HistoryZoologyCultural StudiesClassics
Im Rücken der „großen Fächer“ wie Psychoanalyse und dem Feld der Psychiatrie aber hat sich die systemische Familientherapie, heute einfach systemische Therapie, in allen Bereichen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens etabliert, ist also nicht... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychologyFamily TherapyHistory of Science
This book explores the notebooks of S. Belle, an astrologer who lived in late fifteenth-century France, as a case study of late medieval astrological practice. These notebooks combine astrological doctrine, a large collection of... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of AstrologyMedieval France
The Soviet historian and philosopher of science Boris Hessen (English spelling also Gessen) is well known for the paper “On the Social and Economic Roots of Newton’s Principia” he gave in 1931 to the Second International Congress of the... more
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      PhysicsPhilosophy of ScienceSoviet HistoryHistory of Science
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      History of IdeasHistory of ReligionHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryGender HistoryHistory of Science
Sul profilo biografico di Cecco d'Ascoli, al secolo Francesco Stabili, gravano secoli di leggenda che si è frammista alla storia. Le scarse notizie sulla sua formazione, la rapida e fortunata carriera universitaria, i processi... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesHistory of ScienceInquisition
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      History of ScienceAlchemyHistory of AstronomyCopernicus
Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. 1 (Voltaire)
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      ReligionHistory of ReligionHistory of ScienceScience and Religion
In the mid seventeenth century there was a revolution in Western high cuisine, particularly French high cuisine. Why?  I argue that it resulted from a change in the theory of nutrition and digestion.
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      History of IdeasHistory of ScienceFood HistoryCulinary History
Caeterum sic gerat velim sese, uti in studiis litterarum faciunt. Nemo enim se satis dedisse operam litteris putabit, ni auctores omnes etiam non bonos legerit atque cognorit, qui quidem in ea facultate aliquid scripserint, quae... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural HeritageHistory of ScienceClassical Reception Studies
Resumo Este trabalho relata a utilização de um modelo de laboratório problema-tizador que parte de um experimento histórico como problema a ser in-vestigado. A proposta elaborada e executada apresenta-se como uma das possibilidades de... more
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      Science EducationHistory of ScienceHands on science
Das Working Paper nimmt den Zusammenhang von Vergleichen und Erzählen aus einer systematischen und historischen Perspektive in den Blick. Es befasst sich zum einen mit der Frage, wie und vor dem Hintergrund welcher theoretischer Annahmen... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of ScienceNarrative MethodsPraxeology
Hindu achievements in ex^ct fcience 3 1924 031 220 126
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    • History of Science
This article explores the emergence and significance of printed game boards in Rome at the turn of the seventeenth century. These objects constitute an important and overlooked visual and material aspect of a pervasive culture of gaming... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryPrint CultureGame studies
ANCELIN Justine | DCB21 | Mémoire d'étude | Janvier 2013
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      Information ScienceLibrary ScienceScience CommunicationHistory of Science
The Second World War gave a strong impulse to the development of translation and interpreting services in the Soviet Union. Military translators/interpreters were expected to engage in frontline propaganda, ad hoc language teaching and... more
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      German StudiesRussian StudiesTranslation StudiesHistory of Science
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of MathematicsHistory of the BookRenaissance Humanism
In 1988, three laboratories performed a radiocarbon analysis of the Turin Shroud. The results, which were centralized by the British Museum and published in Nature in 1989, provided ‘conclusive evidence’ of the medieval origin of the... more
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      ArchaeologyTextilesHistory of ScienceStatistical Analysis
Community detection is a major issue in network analysis. This paper combines a socio-historical approach with an experimental reconstruction of programs to investigate the early automation of clique detection algorithms, which remains... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyAlgorithmsHistory Of Computing
Indice: Avvertenza Cartografia relazionale. Uno stato dell’arte Che cos’è l’ecosofia? Assiomatica ecosofica I. Macchina da Guerra. Percorsi ecologici nella razionalità del conflitto II. Divenire-Donna. Conflitti ecosofici e minorità III.... more
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      SemioticsHistory of Science and TechnologyEthnographyHistory of Technology
In diesem Buch wird erstmals der Stellenwert der audiovisuellen Medien für die Herstellung und Popularisierung von Wissen aufgezeigt. Der historische Rahmen der Studie erstreckt sich dabei von den kinematographischen Bewegungsstudien in... more
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      EpistemologyMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFilm Studies
The house of wisdom is recognized wand memorized with terms like Grand Library of Bagh or Bait al-Hikmah and it was a big library and translation center for the medieval period founded by the Abbasids in Baghdad, Iraq. It has brought a... more
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      History of ScienceIslamic Studies
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      OpticsPrint CultureArt HistoryArt Theory
From the sixth to the eighth centuries, the Roman world suffered the first known pandemic caused by Yersinia pestis, the bacterial agent of bubonic plague. Despite the pandemic's horrors, scholarly consensus has maintained that medical... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of MedicineEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Science
Il Gruppo Energia per l'Italia: gli scienziati per la transizione Vittorio Marletto 7 Che aria respiriamo? Fabio Olmi METODOLOGIE DIDATTICHE PER L'UNIVERSITÀ 13 "Prospettive per il miglioramento della didattica universitaria dopo... more
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      History and Philosophy of ChemistryHistory of SciencePhilosophy of ChemistryHistory and philosophy of science (History)