Higher Education Management
Recent papers in Higher Education Management
Tese para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Gestão (3º ciclo de estudos) Orientador: Professora Doutora Maria do Céu Ferreira Gaspar Alves Covilhã, outubro de 2012 O desempenho das Organizações Sem Fins Lucrativos na perspetiva dos... more
У статті розглянуто сучасну практику викладання правових дисциплін для майбутніх фахівців, яка має багатий арсенал різноманітних і ефективних способів, прийомів і засобів навчання, зокрема інтерактивних, які повною мірою допомагають... more
The division of Academic Affairs is the heartbeat of institutional transformation. These leaders are responsible for stewarding the university’s intellectual and operational core while simultaneously navigating a complex ecosystem at the... more
Introduction: Epilepsy has a lot of physical and psychosocial consequences for patients. The propose of this research was to determine the efficacy of cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBT) with focus on dysfunctional attitudes related... more
Bourdieu'nün eleştirel teorisinin ABD akademisinde ve özellikle sosyolojide bu denli popüler olmasını açıklayan nedir? Bu makale iki cevabı değerlendirmektedir. Birincisi, Bourdieu'nün çağdaş topluma dair Marx, Weber veya Durkheim'ınkine... more
In today's societies, entrepreneurship has undeniable effects on economic, social, and technological development of countries. In this regard, the Iranian food industry, which includes many specific features, including the vast domestic... more
Objective: Open source technological development has proven that innovation scales with the population of well-educated participants. Thus, to increase national innovation the number of citizens that acquire university educations should... more
This article examines the changes in the trends of candidates who applied to, were placed in, and were not placed in higher education degree programs in Türkiye between 1997 and 2023. A macro-level descriptive and exploratory analysis of... more
Higher education stands at a pivotal juncture, facing rapid technological advancements, shifting student demographics, and evolving societal expectations. Traditional leadership models are often dependent on hierarchical structures and... more
In response to the contemporary challenges faced by higher education (and the world)—such as socioenvironmental polycrisis, rapid technological advancements, and the rise of pseudoscience—a team of researchers from Una Europa Future... more
This paper investigates the ethical dimensions of wasteful spending within organizations, contrasting it with fraud, which may not always inflict as much long-term harm despite being more readily identified. The study examines waste... more
First published in the American Chronicle, Buzzle and AfroArticles on the 18th September 2008
Republished on the 21st January 2025 here:
Republished on the 21st January 2025 here:
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
- by Xavier Rival
While internationally scholars have surveyed “management education in the era of globalisation” with reference to challenges and prospects within the context of HEIs, there is unquestionably a dearth of research investigation in the... more
Excellence and frontier research have made inroads into European research policymaking and structure political agendas, funding programs and evaluation practices. The two concepts travelled a long way from the United States and have... more
The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of the author/project team and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government or state and territory governments.
В статті розглянуто роль ректорату в розв’язанні суперечностей навколо управління самостійною навчальною діяльністю майбутніх юристі
Escritos que critican el acoso laboral y las prácticas del mundo académico, entre ellas, el tema de las publicaciones.
This project is an extension of a research project investigating faculty attitudes toward faculty diversification in higher education. Results from the faculty investigation indicated that 27% of the respondents ‘did not know’ if faculty... more
The growth and development of potential in nationally targeted industries based on the "Thailand 4.0" strategy requires highly skilled labor in specific areas to build new knowledge and competitive capacity in global competition. The... more
Mobile applications have been rapidly changing the way business organizations deliver their services to their customers and how customers can interact with their service providers in order to satisfy their needs. The use of mobile... more
Diseño y sostenibilidad, monografia presentada a Barcelona al juny de 2024, aborda la integració de la sostenibilitat en el disseny. Estructurat en 17 capítols, corresponents als Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible de l’ONU, l’obra... more
This paper reports on an exploratory study of the role of programme leaders (PLs) in a pre-1992 university, based on interviews with PLs (7) and a survey of taught Masters students (54) in a single school. The study elicits PLs'... more
Monitoring the budget allocated to disaster by 30 metropolitan municipalities before and after the 6 February 2023 major earthquake
This paper examines the three-way connection between league tables, student choice of university and university facilities, a topic area that has so far seen little research. In the decade since highlighted the links between university... more
In UK higher education institutions, facilities management performance tends to be measured in space utilisation and space cost. A new approach uses the 'return on investment' (ROI) concept of income generation to highlight space... more
A number of different models have been developed to integrate both vocational education and training (VET) and university study with a view to producing work-ready graduates. This paper describes one joint initiative which allows students... more
The paper is about teachers’ reflection on and evaluation of continuous professional training and development. It is a qualitative survey, grounded in narrative inquiry framework of educational research with the assumptions that humans... more
This article collected the results of a qualitative study focused on Colombian Higher Education Institutions' representatives partaking in the training 'Internationalisation for Peacebuilding 2018'. The selected Higher... more
This study aims at investigating the relationship between teacher competence and student academic achievement mediated by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. The respondents of this study are 115 high-school students in Gorontalo... more
The present study will attempt to achieve this double objective — to gain an insight into the fundamental structures of educational behaviour in order to help explain the inertia that has weighed against educational reform. We will seek... more
A XXI. században a kreativitás, az innováció és a vállalkozás fogalmak váltak a modern gazdaságfejlesztés kulcsfaktoraivá. A kis-és középvállalkozások egyaránt fontos szerepet játszanak az Európai Unió versenyképességének növelésében, a... more
El gobierno colombiano ha encaminado sus esfuerzos en Educacion Superior, a ampliar cobertura, mejorar la calidad de la educacion y brindar auxilios que permitan a los bachilleres su ingreso. La problematica actual es la desercion, que... more
The renowned artist Michelangelo famously described sculpting as revealing the figure already present in the marble, simply chipping away the unnecessary rubble to uncover beauty and truth. Similarly, each institution of higher education... more
This paper will examine to what extent the unprecedented global financial crisis has affected the Indonesia’s economy. The differences between Indonesia’s experience of the global financial crisis (GFC) and Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) in... more
Collaboration among academic staff is a multifaceted concept that plays an important role in increasing educational practices, research quality, and professional development in higher education. This study aims to examine the academic... more
Using document analysis, this study aims to examine the role and contributions of Turkish public institutions in the internationalization of higher education (IoHE) using the framework of neo-institutionalization theory. Within the scope... more
v List of Figures xii List of Tables xiii Chapter 1: Introduction 1 A Brief History of Community College Leader and Leadership Development 7 The Community College Leadership Gap 10 The Impact of the Leadership Gap 12 Filling the... more
This study was conducted to gauge stakeholders' views towards the provision of private higher education in Ethiopia. More specifically, the study sought to examine stakeholders' perception regarding the importance of private higher... more
Uzaktan Eğitim, kısaca zaman ve mekândan bağımsız, bilişim teknolojilerinden yararlanılarak gerçekleştirilen, ekonomik ve etkileşimli bir eğitim biçimidir. Modern toplumun gerektirdiği yenilenme ihtiyacı, eğitim sisteminden bir şekilde... more