Higher Education Management
Recent papers in Higher Education Management
This paper similar to the study of recruitment and selection process, element of organisation social capital building, the paper focused attention on one function of human resource as it relates to organisational social capital building,... more
After accepting quality higher education as service, many global business schools are competing to attract intelligent students to various innovative courses and by training them to become further smart, providing better challenging... more
Gender equality, and its resultant empowerment of women, is a recent phenomenon in Africa. This study examined two questions; 1) To what extent do the elites in Institutions of Higher Education practise gender equality to women... more
Bu kitap; duygusal ve davranışsal bozukluklara sahip öğrenciler hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen sınıf öğretmenleri, özel eğitim öğretmenleri ve alanda çalışan uzmanlar için hazırlanmış giriş niteliğinde bir uygulama kitabıdır. Her bir... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Stratejinin oluşumundan gerçekleşmesine kadar olan sürece ışık tutan bu kitap, akıcı ve anlaşılır içeriği ile hem öğrenciler, hem öğretim görevlileri hem de ilgi duyan herkes için bir rehber niteliğinde olacaktır.
The objective of the research is to find the input of Student as they become new students, it also to explore the process of SLDP. This research is also to find out the result of SLDP after the students finished joining the program. The... more
The present paper unveils Booker T. Washington’s thoughts on education and their relevance in the contemporary educational system in India. Education is the most powerful tool which changes our life, society and ultimately country. A... more
The main aim of the text is to discuss the expected consequences of the reform of education and of higher education from the perspective of implementing the welfare state. The welfare state is the main promise of the Law and Justice... more
This presentation was given to at the Offre d’enseignement supérieur a l’étranger: incitations bénéfices et modelés économiques – analyse et retours d’expérience workshop on transnational education (TNE) organised by France Stratégie. It... more
It can be debated as to whether higher education as a culture and industry has become “locked-in” to its systems and processes; but what is less likely to be argued is that the underlying educational mission of higher education is to lead... more
Education in early years is becoming challenging to inculcate the best practices with specific support and demand to meet the global initiatives (Beckley, 2011). In this regard, teaching through technology plays a significant role if it... more
Organizational identity can be designed to reduce the risks of uncertainty about future states of public organizations and the inherent potential issues related to evaluation and assessment. As such, organizational identity may shape a... more
This study is an evaluation of the effectiveness and relevance of an in-service training workshop organized by
Kodolányi János Főiskola küldetésének tekinti, hogy intézményének székhelyén Orosházán és a kapcsolódó várostérségekben, az újgazdaság, a szolgáltatások, a tudásgazdaság (IKT NBIC technológiák), a fenntartható fejlesztés elmaradott,... more
Zgodnie ze strategią OECD Better Skills, Better Jobs, Bettter Lives (OECD 2012) odpowiedzią na wyzwania takie jak, bezrobocie wśród młodych czy nierówności dochodowe ma być efektywne inwestowanie we własne kompetencje i umiejętności.... more
Improving the legal regulation of public-private partnership in the scientific sphere and in the field of education".
Purpose À The intent of this chapter is to discuss women managers as change agents in higher education. It focuses women's increased access to senior academic management positions in Swedish higher education and investigates to what... more
"This applied research seeks to accomplish two purposes. The first purpose is to describe transfer students who successfully earn admission to and enroll at Texas State University-San Marcos from Austin Community College (ACC). The second... more
Brief article gives strategies for how department chairs can work with the chief academic officer to oust destructive workplace bullying.
This chapter examines the issue of entry modes as a component of international marketing strategy in higher education. With more and more Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) establishing foreign campuses overseas as part of their... more
This paper identifies positive (motivating) and negative (demotivating) sources of academic work motivation in Australian universities. In 1998, the Academic Work Environment Survey (Winter, Taylor, & Sarros, 2000) was administered to a... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
Since the end of the last century, there have been lots of analyses on the evolution of various basic types of structures of authority and academic governance patterns, public policies and practice models, all together in search of the... more
This publication embraces the holistic approach to sustainability in HEI and explores cases of HEI around the world that put it into practice. Universities from Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Peru, and... more
Diseñada para el bienio 2000-2002, la estrategia persigue incluir, con pleno crédito y derecho, el trabajo investigativo de alumnos y tesantes, en programas y proyectos de investigación conducidos y coordinados por profesores de... more
Although access to higher education for Black men has increased in recent years, there continues to be a dearth of Black men entering and completing doctoral programs. This paper addresses factors contributing to academic resilience and... more
The naming of a group is central to identity, including professional identity, and it is clear from the higher education literature that nomenclature has become a long-standing issue for university administration and its sub-groups in at... more
During the global lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been an unprecedented wave of innovation in the university sector. For the most part, this has involved the substitution of online delivery for face-to-face... more
Faculty are often evaluated on perceptions of their teaching effectiveness , their service activities, and their research productivity. To meet their institutional standards in each area, the faculty must properly allocate and manage... more
For a Dalit 1 , 3 especially from a rural background, it is not easy to survive in the higher education system in India because it is overwhelmingly dominated by the upper caste, class, and English-speaking people. It is not uncommon for... more
Faculty members in higher education institutions which technology produced in and used actively try to overcome simultaneous one more works because of their intensive works and responsibilities. This study associated simultaneously doing... more
This lecture is part of the MA in International Higher Education Management at the University of Bath. It covers TNE partnerships: scalability, profitability and sustainability: 1. What is TNE? 2. TNE in the landscape of... more
This commentary explores the state of Japanese higher education and the reasons I recently published the book, Japan's Educational Recession and the Path Out of It (Kyoto: Koyo Shobo, 2020).
This opening commentary presents the framework, rationale and discussion at the 2014 annual ECCSSA conference on new frontiers and models—providing continuity in dialogue from prior conferences and building on the prior year’s conference... more
Records information management is regarded as one of the pillars of any organization because organization’s activities are based on access to information contained in records. This article evaluates the practice of effective records... more
A more spiritual and mystical construal or version of the development of the personality of the individual came as an outcome of socio-political advancements, with the result, liberal education came into being which garnished the notions... more
Critical perspectives on higher education are not the purview of any particular field or discipline. In this chapter, I map out provisional distinctions between three different approaches to the study and practice of higher education.... more
This article provides a map of the three-element conceptual set of the common (the common good, the commons, and the common) in reference to higher education. It does so using a method of political ontology. It discusses the three... more
This is a presentation given to the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) discussing the implications of the growth of transnational education (TNE) for UCAS in terms of its core activities.