Happiness and Well Being
Recent papers in Happiness and Well Being
準需要飽和・準完全競争・人口減少を特徴とする「成熟経済社会」の深化した日本は、英、米、中国、インドなどとは根本的に異なる経済環境にあり、成長を前提とした国々の経済政策とは別の発想が求められる。構造的に成長が見込まれない以上、かつて希少財として優先的に経済の対象とされたカネはその地位を失った。今後より重要な希少性をもつのは、アイディアを創出し事業を遂行する従業員であり、それをリードする経営者である。「投資家のための会計」を脱却し、ヒトを動機づけるための会計やデータシステムの構築... more
Kierkegaard and Kant on Radical Evil and the Highest Good is a major study of Kierkegaard's relation to Kant that gives a comprehensive account of radical evil and the highest good, two controversial doctrines with important consequences... more
Objectives: The Flourishing Scale (FS) was developed to measure psychological well-being from the eudaimonic perspective, highlighting the flourishing of human functioning. This article evaluated the psychometric characteristics of the... more
Modern offices are traditionally associated with air-conditioning systems; however, concerns about improving environmental performance in buildings have recently led to the integration of natural ventilation and the creation of hybrid... more
An entry on hedonism for the Routledge Handbook of philosophy of well being
In this study, we examine the philosophical bases of one of the leading clinical psychological methods of therapy for anxiety, anger, and depression, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). We trace this method back to its philosophical... more
Since the introduction of neoclassical economic theory, material wealth and accumulation have been linked to hedonic wellbeing. In turn, Utilitarian notions have generated the belief that infinite growth is not only good but necessary for... more
The purpose of this 24-hour course is to educate, inspire, and equip leaders to enact sustained, positive changes in their units, their families, and in their personal lives. It will provide participants with evidence-based approaches and... more
The impact of nine strengths-based positive interventions on well-being and depression was examined in an Internet-based randomized placebo-controlled study. The aims of the study were to: (1) replicate findings on the effectiveness of... more
Do positive psychology interventions-that is, treatment methods or intentional activities aimed at cultivating positive feelings, positive behaviors, or positive cognitions-enhance well-being and ameliorate depressive symptoms? A... more
A CENTRAL TENET OF RESEARCH in positive psychology is that supportive social relationships are essential to human thriving. Gratitude is perfectly suited to this end. Gratitude is the feeling people experience when they receive a gift or... more
In this paper, we discuss the notion of Positive Language Education (PLE), which stems from a combination of Positive Education and Language Education. We suggest that there are good reasons for language educators to engage in enhancing... more
Banks and financial institutions rely on trust almost exclusively as the central tenet of their existence. So what happens when the trust is gone?!
Happiness is an important component of subjective well-being and people generally wish to be happy. There are various factors linked to happiness, e.g. health, family relationships, social support, financial situation, work, personal... more
The psychology of happiness : a good human life / Samuel S. Franklin. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. i sb n 978-0-521-19130-2 (hardback)-isbn 978-0-521-13867-3 (pbk.) 1. Happiness. I. Title. bf575.h27f685 2009... more
Financial fragility is recognized as a substantial issue for individual well-being. Various estimates show that between 46 and 59% of American adults are financially fragile and thus vulnerable in terms of their well-being. We argue that... more
Drinking alcohol and exercising are two of the most popular ways of dealing with stress. Despite the fact that they often co-occur, few studies have examined the role of the two activities together in everyday wellbeing. The current... more
There has been a growing interest in the concept of happiness in economics, psychology, and sociology. The effect of employment status on life satisfaction has been of particular interest in the empirical research of economics. A... more
[Coherent Systems A.3.C.2.]
An integrated philosophy for life and reconnecting ourselves to Nature and the Invisible.
In this class, we will try to examine happiness from a cross-disciplinary perspective that will use a combination of books and movies. We will ask simple questions: To what extent does happiness depend on our inner life and on our outer... more
We propose to determine the underlying causal structure of the elements of happiness from a set of empirically obtained data based on Bayesian. We consider the proposal to study happiness as a multidimensional construct which converges... more
The youth’s state of mental health and related high rates of depression worldwide is a growing concern, and Singapore is not an exception (National Youth Council, 2018; World Health Organization, 2018a). These emotional disorders not only... more
Rozhovor pro časopis Host s Janem Němcem o útoku na Kapitol, filosofických stereotypech, myšlení ve spojení s tělesnou zkušeností, uměním, štěstím, traumatem a odpovědností.
The purpose of this study is examining the relation between the emotional intelligence and happiness of the wellness coaches. 390 wellness coaches 282 of whom were women and 108 of whom were men participated voluntarily in the study. The... more
Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness", is what millions of Americans strive for. The onset of COVID-19 has highlighted the disparities that exist among Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, which are facing food... more
Children constitute nearly 40% of Egypt’s population which has approached 102 million in 2021, and represent the growing majority among its poor according to UNICEF. Poverty negatively affects children’s survival and development, yet... more
This study aims to examine the effects of some demographic variables on the social-emotional development, academic grit and subjective well-being of fourth-grade primary school students. The sample of this cross-sectional study consisted... more
Using the sensemaking theory as a guide, this exploratory, qualitative study examines "How Mindful Directors make sense of boardroom interactions." Very few studies have looked at how directors view their experience on boards of... more
Background Although higher psychological well-being has been linked with a range of positive biological processes and health outcomes, the prospective association between psychological well-being and physical activity among older adults... more
It is probably fair to say that most people want to be happy. Indeed, the 1776 US Declaration of Independence refers to happiness as an ‘unalienable right’. However, given the rising prevalence of mental illness, and given the amount of... more
Many people choose to listen to self-identified 'sad' music when they experience negative life circumstances Van den Tol and Edwards, 2011). Music listening can in such circumstances serve a variety of important self-regulatory goals. In... more
Viviamo in un mondo invaso dall’apparente felicità, a un livello tale che essere felici sembra essere diventato non solo un obiettivo di vita, ma un diritto e un obbligo. Non ci è concesso di fallire, e siamo condannati al successo e al... more
Tom Morris, a former philosophy professor at Notre Dame and author of True Success and many other top-selling books, is one of America's best-known public philosophers. In Philosophy for Dummies, 1 Morris has a fascinating chapter on the... more
ABSTRACT: If Savulescu’s (2001; 2009) controversial principle of Procreative Beneficence (PB) is correct, then an important implication is that couples should employ genetic tests for non-disease traits in selecting which child to bring... more
Abstract By 2015, 53.5% of U.S. workforce participants were Millennials (those born between 1981 and 1996); this majority will grow over the next decade as the generation influences economic development. Here we highlight Millennial... more
A relationship between individualism and happiness has been observed in many studies, with collectivist cultures having lower indices of happiness. It is often argued that this effect arises because people in individualist countries have... more
There is a growing evidence that emotions shape people's reactions to the climate crisis in profound but complex ways. Climate emotions are related to resilience, climate action, and psychological well-being and health. However, there is... more
Neuroscientist Catherine Kerr is concerned about how mindfulness meditation research is being portrayed in the media.
Americans have a lot of stuff, but are not necessarily happier for it. One possibility is that even if we want what we have, we want more. Wanting more may increase have-want discrepancies and reduce well-being. In this paper, we... more
Compared emotional well-being of 70 elderly people from elderly people's home with emotional well-being of 71 elderly people from family home (mean age 72 yrs) in Poland. The participants completed the Scales for Positive Emotions and... more
Despite its intuitive appeal, hedonism has few adherents. I suspect that most philosophers think Nozick's 'experience machine' put the final nail in hedonism's coffin.