
Handschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des Buches Research Papers -
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscripts
Vorstellung der Entdeckung einer bisher unbekannten Überlieferung des Vilzbach-Liedes von Carl Wehner in einer Handschrift der Mainzer Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek
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      Handschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesMainz
Die Publikation stellt Fragmente jüdischer Kultur in den Handschriften und Altbeständen der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz vor. Ihre Identifikation, Übersetzung und Interpretation leistet Andreas Lehnardt. Die Einordnung in den... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksProvenance researchHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesMainz
Mit der Hand zuschreiben ist eine symbolische Tätigkeit, die im Laufe von Jahrtausenden viele soziale Gemeinschaften weltweit erfanden, erprobten und auf unterschiedliche Art etablierten. Von der Handschrift zum Buchdruck und vom... more
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      Media StudiesBook HistoryHistory of the BookManuscript Studies
The biggest part of Lucas Cranach the Elders woodcutting works is dating in between 1505 and 1515. In this time he worked as painter at the prince-electors court in Saxony and since 1512 in the town of Wittenberg, building up a workshop... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of the BookCodicologyPrinting History
Despite the renewal of the study of the Decretum Gratiani and the great interest shown by scholars in its early manuscript transmission over the past decade, the glosses have been widely neglected. The paper tries to fill this gap by... more
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      Canon LawLegal HistoryManuscript StudiesCodicology
This excel file contains structured and formalized data about all surviving and identified early medieval Western manuscripts containing the text of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville, fully or partially. It records information about... more
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      Digital HumanitiesHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript Studies
In this blog post, I plot a network using the data from the Innovating Knowledge project. The network consist of 279 nodes corresponding to manuscripts transmitting the most important medieval encyclopaedia, the Etymologiae, and 1047... more
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      History of IdeasRare Books and ManuscriptsDiffusion of InnovationsManuscript Studies
This is a version 2.1 of an older handout providing a handy overview of the most common annotation symbols in use in Latin manuscripts of the early Middle Ages. It is meant only as a supplement to my other publications and should be used... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of the BookPaleographyLatin Paleography
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesArchivesRare Books And Manuscripts (Library Science)
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      KunstgeschichteStadtgeschichteGeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, Personengeschichte, StadtgeschichteMittelalterliche Geschichte
This article provides an overview of the annotated pre-1200 manuscripts of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville and discusses the nature and character of the annotation of this work. It shows that the Etymologiae was annotated... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Latin LiteratureManuscript StudiesEarly medieval Britain (Archaeology)
The twelve volumes of the Codices latini antiquiores provide a rich trove of data about the earliest methods of citation-marking in the Latin West. This data indicates that citations from the Bible began to be marked in Christian books by... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of the BookManuscript StudiesKulturgeschichte
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      HandschriftenillustrationHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesIllustrated Manuscripts
in: Animals and Early Modern Identity, ed. Pia F. Cuneo (Basingstoke: 2014), 209-242.
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMedieval Studies
This conference aims to bring together researchers applying network analysis to pre-modern manuscripts and manuscript texts. Key topics include: • Theoretical reflections on the challenges and advantages of applying network analysis,... more
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      Intellectual HistoryDigital HumanitiesMedieval HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed Books
Inhalt Vorwort ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… VII Meister Eckharts Werk und seine Wirkung: Die Anfänge Freimut Löser Unser Eckhart. Eckhart-Texte als Konstrukte mittelalterlicher Eckhartrezipienten Statt einer Einleitung... more
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      Meister EckhardtMeister EckhartGeisteswissenschaftenPredigt
In my contribution, I describe, analyse and discuss, from a physical point of view, the earliest manuscripts that record the laws and customs of the Frisians, all five of them to be dated to between, roughly, 1250 and 1350. All five, as... more
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      LiteracyMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLegal History
Interdisciplinary cooperation enables the two authors to precicly localize and date one of the most lavishly produced manuscript of a medieval German epic during 15th century. With the combination of art-historical and linguistic methods... more
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      Manuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval illuminated manuscriptsHandschriftenillustration
You can find more information about the project and the database at:
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      Digital HumanitiesHistory of the BookRare Books and ManuscriptsEarly Medieval History
Frisia overall led a marginal existence in Western Europe in the High Middle Ages. Secluded from the mainland by extensive marshes, the Frisians had managed to slip away from imperial rule and were the only region in former Carolingian... more
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      LiteracyMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesMedieval Literacy
Besides glosses and other textual annotations, early medieval Latin manuscript commonly feature technical signs, annotation symbols and sigla that reflect readership or provide a framework for interpretation and use. The early medieval... more
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      History of the BookLatin PaleographyEarly Medieval IrelandCarolingian Studies
This collation table contains 145 passages from the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville marked with critical signs and supplied with variant readings in a group of manuscripts available at the monastery of St. Gallen in the second half of... more
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      Medieval Latin LiteratureEarly Medieval HistoryCritical Edition (Medieval History)Carolingian Studies
The Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville was one of the most widely read works of the early Middle Ages, as is evidenced by the number of surviving manuscripts. August Eduard Anspach’s handlist from the 1940s puts their number at almost... more
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      Manuscript StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryBook History (History)Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)
This article is devoted to a pair of late 18th-century archival sources – the earlier one, dated 1781, is by Ambrož Strahl and the later one, dated 1785 and titled Materialia ad historiam urbis Brodae Bohem[icalis], is by Antonín Hill –... more
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      Early Modern ManuscriptsKodikologieIlluminated manuscriptsHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des Buches
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      HistoriographyManuscript StudiesHistoriografíaDanzig
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyCartographyGreek Literature
in: Romance and Rhetoric. Essays in Honour of Dhira B. Mahoney, ed. Georgiana Donavin and Anita Obermeier, Turnhout 2010, 51-74
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      Medieval StudiesManuscript StudiesCultural MemoryMedieval Art
This volume taps into the heretofore scarcely leveraged potential offered by a codicological and paleographic approach to reconstruct the history of Ptolemy’s 'Geography'. The author presents many of the work’s manuscripts for the first... more
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      GeographyHistorical GeographyCartographyClassics
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      Manuscript StudiesMedieval Church HistoryManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Benedictine Monasticism
conservato con la collocazione Rare 36 11-0250 è un membranaceo composito risalente al secolo XIV e contenente due importanti opere per la storia del Regnum Siciliae: i Casus breviati super tenore constitutionum Regniovvero i "sommari"... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesPaleographyCodicology
The Histo~J! qf wriuen cuLture in the "Carpatho-Danubian" region 1., Ed. lry H. P(itkouri, P. S/JUI/m; ] S'ediuj, Bmlislaun -Praha 2003 ILLUSTRIERTE MISSALIEN IN BRÜNN, PREßBURG UND ÖSTERREICH IN DER ERSTEN HÄLFTE DES 15. JAHRHUNDER TS.... more
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      Liturgical StudiesManuscript StudiesCodicology of medieval manuscriptsMedieval illuminated manuscripts
This is an older version of a handout I made for myself and my colleagues in 2016 to provide us with a quick overview of the most important annotation symbols that can be found in the early medieval manuscripts from the Latin West. It... more
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      Manuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the BookManuscript StudiesEarly Medieval History
This is the second part of a study of all the Romanesque bookbindings at the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen. It describes and illustrates the bindings of Cod. Sang. 105, 175, 326, 335, 390, 391, 557, 683, 687, 741, 742, 748, 749, 763, 770.... more
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      Historical Auxiliary SciencesHistory of Library and Information ScienceMedieval ArtCodicology of medieval manuscripts
Newly Discovered Birgittine Manuscripts at Risk: Library Birgittenkloster Altomünster, Germany Discovery The Birgittine scholars who met in Altomünster for a symposium in October 2015 did not expect to discover an unknown library... more
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      Cultural StudiesArt HistoryMedieval HistoryCultural Heritage
This talk discusses a previously unexamined marginal inscription from a manuscript of Christine de Pizan's _Cent balades_, Bn fr 604. This talk examines this inscription, an enhanced quotation from Jean Tixier/Joannes Ravisius Textor's... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
Whereas the longer version of Palamas’ Epistula III to Akindynos, edited in 1962 by John Meyendorff and Panagiotis Chrestou, was handed down to us in five codices, we know of only one manuscript, Monacensis graecus 223, which contains the... more
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      Greek LiteratureByzantine LiteratureAuthenticityManuscript Studies
Beobachtungen zu den Eheverbindungen zwischen den sächsischen und schleswig-holsteinischen Fürstenhäusern von der Mitte des 13. bis zum Beginn des 20.
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      Medieval HistoryCodicologyHistory of UniversitiesCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      Handschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesHandschriftenkunde Und PaläographieStudium Der HandschriftenFragmentology
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      German LiteratureMedieval German LiteratureMedieval StudiesManuscript Studies
Nah an den Quellen gearbeitet und großzügig aus ihnen schöpfend, zeichnen die Studien dieses Bandes ein facettenreiches Panorama sächsischer, mitteldeutscher und mitteleuropäischer Landesgeschichte. Weggefährten und Schüler würdigen mit... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryBook HistoryUrban History
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    • Handschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des Buches
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      ShahnamehHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des Buches
This review was published in Fragmentology 2 (2019), 191-195.
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      Manuscript StudiesEarly Medieval HistoryLatin PalaeographyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
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      MediävistikHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesMuseumspädagogik
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      Materials ScienceChinese StudiesMaterial Culture StudiesSinology
The Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen possesses a rich collection of Carolingian, Romanesque and Gothic bindings. Whereas the Carolingian and the Gothic bindings have been studied by J.A. Szirmai and by myself, the less numerous Romanesque... more
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      Medieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesHistory of the BookRare Books and Manuscripts
I have finally managed to put together a personal website. You can find pre-prints of some of my publications there (including those that could not be put on Academia), as well as a blog and a few more things. The address is:... more
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      Digital HumanitiesRare Books and ManuscriptsDiffusion of InnovationsManuscript Studies
Manuscript fragment Chicago, Newberry Library, Masi Fragm. 14 was previously misidentified as containing an unknown sermon or biblical excerpts. It is, in fact, a remnant of large-format deluxe Bible containing a set of Spanish prefaces... more
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      History of the BookHistory Of The Bible/Biblical CanonEarly Middle Ages (History)Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)
Annelen Ottermann wurde 1954 in Hameln geboren. Nach dem Studium der Alten Geschichte, Geschichte und Philosophie in Hannover führte sie ihr Lebensweg nach Mainz, wo sie heute in der Wissenschaftlichen Stadtbibliothek Mainz die Abteilung... more
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      LutherRheinhessenHandschriftenkunde, Kodikologie, Archäologie des BuchesMainz