Gender Identities
Recent papers in Gender Identities
The Household Meals Project (HMP ) looks at the division of food-related chores (shopping, putting supplies away, food preparation, cleaning up, garbage, and recycling) in 150 middle-class households in suburban and urban New York. The... more
Basta de Genocidio Trans (Stop the Trans Genocide) is a report that introduces and classifies the main human rights violations against the trans women of Latin America and the Caribbean based on the information gathered in 2018 by... more
Através de relatos e análises autoetnográficas, a proposta deste artigo é (1) refletir sobre processos de invisibilização e marginalização de pessoas trans nos cistemas de saúde, situados em um contexto histórico mais amplo de... more
Übersicht: Das Modell der Informierten Zustimmung bietet Trans*-Men-schen einen alternativen Zugang zur gegengeschlechtlichen Hormonbehandlung. Um die gegengeschlechtliche Hormonbehandlung beginnen zu können, muss nach Maßgabe dieses... more
This article is focused on the grammatical and social aspects of the use of feminatives in the Ukrainian language. It was shown that the unreasonable use of feminatives may result in a number of inconsistencies leading to violation of... more
Sexual difference isn't tied to feminism but prompts its enquiry, according to Judith Butler 1 . Similarly, psychoanalytical notions of sexual difference and the contingency of those identities to the phallus are not only open to feminist... more
Este documento es una invitación a todas las personas que componen las comunidades educativas de educación básica y media en Colombia: a de repensarse el horizonte educativo como un espacio para la transformación de las inequidades... more
Male chauvinism is the belief that men are morally superior to women. Female chauvinism is the belief that women are morally superior to men. Both depend on the assumption of essential or natural gender differences between men and women... more
The present study focuses on the causes of gender-based inequality, as evidenced by the cultural and symbolic structures of art and as noticed in its institutional manifestations, with the problematic visibility of female artists in major... more
2. Sexting is often coercive. Sexting does not refer to a single activity but rather to a range of activities which may be motivated by sexual pleasure but are often coercive, linked to harassment, bullying and even violence. There is no... more
This paper challenges post-feminist discourses and recuperative masculinity politics in education that have evoked mythical constructions of the successful ‘achieving’ girl in ways that flatten out social and cultural difference and... more
Este volumen aborda los cambios de las comunidades de la Edad del Hierro en el Alto Duero (Soria, España), en términos de poder e identidades. Los principales temas abordados son el establecimiento del asentamiento estable en la región,... more
Talk of gender identity is at the core of heated current philosophical and political debates. Yet, it is unclear what it means to have one. I examine several ways of understanding this concept in light of core aims of trans writers and... more
This paper draws on school-based ethnographic research in two elementary schools (South Wales, UK and Oulu, Finland) to explore the ‘ordinary affects’ (Stewart 2009) of gendered/sexual power in young children's (age 5-6) negotiation of... more
Gender identities have always been portrayed in classical and folk cultures all across the world, from Brihannala in the Mahabharata to drag fashion of today; the male character has gone through a lot of identities throughout the ages.... more
This paper aims to provide an overview of the main theoretical approaches on gender, following the logic of theoretical development and progress from the structural-functionalist perspective to the constructivist (interactionist,... more
This viewpoint begins by exploring whether the global phenomenon of the 2011 ‘SlutWalks’ constitutes a feminist politics of re-signification. We then look at some qualitative, focus group data with teen girls who participated in a UK... more
Σκοπός του Οδηγού αυτού είναι η έγκυρη πληροφόρηση και καθοδήγηση των ανθρώπων που βίωσαν, βιώνουν ή φοβούνται ότι θα βιώσουν βία ή διάκριση - λόγω της ταυτότητας/έκφρασης φύλου τους ή/και του σεξουαλικού τους προσανατολισμού - αλλά και... more
En Argentina, los movimientos travestis de lucha contra la represión policial y la discriminación y por el reconocimiento de sus derechos nacen en 1993. A pesar de los avances logrados, estos grupos continúan siendo perseguidos y deben... more
Presentation to Towson University graduate school online autism studies class taught by Dena Gassner. September 2020.
Paper title Queering Skeletal Sex Assessment at Worthy Park, Hampshire, England Author Ms. Downer, Abigail Górkiewicz, Trent University, Stouffville, Canada (Presenting author) Co-author(s) Williams, Dr. , Trent University,... more
RESUMEN Este trabajo recoge algunos de los debates propuestos por las teorías críticas, que ponen de relieve el análisis del derecho más allá de su aspecto formal, poniendo en evidencia que el derecho actúa en diferentes dimensiones... more
The aspiration of this study is to provide a lens to students’ emerging multiple identities, especially gender identities. The present study does not concern with the notion of typicality or representativeness but with the particularities... more
The aim of this paper is to present an overview of research on gender identity development of children raised either in same-sex families or by a non-heterosexual parent. Not only is it significant to explore whether the families under... more
In the period of reconstruction following the collapse of legislated Apartheid in South Africa (culminating in the first elections in 1994), pressure has been exerted on professions to restructure and reform themselves to provide services... more
Irish men have received little critical attention as gendered subjects. Historically, masculinities were invisible in Irish society. Thus, this article will contribute to the visibility of Irish masculinities and the critical study of... more
This article based upon in-depth interviews with two brothers who have been working as barbers in Beyoğlu, the cultural center of Istanbul, since the 1960s examines their ways of narrating their life stories. The main argument of the... more
When confronted with archaeological human remains, one of the first things bioarchaeologists do is determine the sex of the skeletons. Skeletal sex assessment involves metric and morphological methods, but are usually placed into one of... more
Το παρόν σημείωμα εξετάζει την διαμόρφωση της γυναικείας ταυτότητας στην μεταξική περίοδο διαμέσου μιας διπλής προσέγγισης: την ανάλυση των αντιφάσεων και των καταβολών του μεταξικού ιδεολογικού λόγου σε ότι αφορά στα ζητήματα της έμφυλης... more
With the objective of understanding what the dynamics are that explain girls selecting less scientific-technical fields, the present paper is focused on analysing the mechanisms that contribute to the reproduction of horizontal... more
The aim of this study is to identify the negotiation of boundaries between the social identities of gender. This process focuses on the prevailing perceptions of the social role of the man and the woman. It attempts to identify the... more
Abstract I analyze Lucía Puenzo’s film XXY (Argentina, 2007) from the prism of the relation between the living matter of the Uruguayan coast and the film’s proposal regarding sexual diversity. I suggest the phrase sexual ectoentity to... more
Gender Construction in Video Games: A Discourse Analysis, Mass Communicator, International Journal of Communication Studies, Vol 8, Issue 1(Jan-March,2014)
Adolescent females, particularly urban and low-income youth of color, are at particular risk for HIV infection. This article uses an empowerment perspective to consider the degree to which intrapersonal and interpersonal power dynamics in... more
Since the early days of cinema, gender roles have been portrayed in films according to the prevailing traditional and patriarchal stereotypes that have for a long time assigned more or less fixed social and psychological attributes to... more
This viewpoint begins by exploring whether the global phenomenon of the 2011 'SlutWalks' constitutes a feminist politics of re-signification. We then look at some qualitative, focus group data with teen girls who participated in a UK... more
espanolEn este estudio partimos de pensar a las mujeres como agentes de cambio que se apropian de diferentes espacios de resistencia, para reivindicar demandas de mejora de las condiciones de genero y de la precariedad de sus vidas. A... more
The trans body in transition is a complex negotiation, a continual self-examination consisting of building and rebuilding of the self in relation to the transitioning body and to the social, cultural and linguistic structures of gender... more