European economic governance
Recent papers in European economic governance
ნაშრომი განიხილავს საქართველოს ეკონომიკური გარდაქმნების ისტორიას სსრკ-ს დაცემის შემდგომ 1991 წელს დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენის, დემოკრატიული ახელმწიფოს დაფუძნების, გეგმიური ეკონომიკიდან ლიბერალური საბაზრო ეკონომიკისკენ გარდაქმნისა და... more
It is widely agreed that a society must guarantee a social minimum to all its members. Yet, the organisation of social protection within the European Union (EU) is insufficient to protect all Europeans effectively against the risk of... more
The independent Annual Growth Survey (iAGS) brings together a group of economists to provide an independent alternative to the Annual Growth Survey (AGS) published by the European Commission. The iAGS is published simultaneously with the... more
This article applies the governance typology used in this special issue to the evolution of euro area governance. The article begins with a description of Economic and Monetary Union’s original governance structure, with third order... more
This Article analyses the judicial and political accountability of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) in light of the seminal Mallis and Ledra cases. It seeks to determine to what extent the intergovernmental nature of the ESM has... more
On the basis of a brief reconstruction of the causes and impacts of the Euro crisis, this paper explores, counterfactually and hypothetically, whether the new Euro regime, insisting on fiscal austerity and supply-side reforms, could have... more
We propose implementation of a Golden Rule of Public Investment as a much needed institutional reform and an important step aimed at overcoming the constraints imposed by the new European Economic Governance. The Rule in question is... more
Underlying both scholarly and public debates leading up to the French rejection of the European Constitution was the common view that the European Union’s economic and social governance had become increasingly characterized by a stark... more
This Briefing aims to present the main aspects of the EU economic governance legislative framework in light of the recent evaluation issued by the European Commission. The regulatory mapping is accompanied by an overview on the main... more
Una delle ragioni del recente successo in Italia (e ormai in Europa) dei movimenti populisti e sovranisti sembrerebbe risiedere nella progressiva erosione degli spazi decisionali riservati agli Stati nazionali e in particolare al circuito... more
The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses,... more
It is without a doubt that, whatever the opinion may be on the dominant economic theories in Europe, the dynamics of the Single Market and of Economic Governance have affected the “European Social Model”, with implications on national... more
With the different crisis processes unfolding in Europe, European integration has changed its modus. Critical observers have identified the rise of 'authoritarian neoliberalism' or 'new constitutionalism' in order to denote the new... more
It is widely agreed that a society must guarantee a social minimum to all its members. Yet, the organisation of social protection within the European Union (EU) is insufficient to protect all Europeans effectively against the risk of... more
Lacking democratic foundations, the EU authority has been founded on output legitimacy: to deliver (economic) prosperity mainly by means of rational governance. Yet currently, the austerity policies present the poster-example of... more
This article reassesses the theoretical expectations and empirical find- ings in the political economy literature on the impact of economic and monetary union (EMU) on European welfare states. After summarizing the literature which views... more
Dopo una sintesi sulla teoria delle aree valutarie ottimali e delle vicende dell'Unione Monetaria Europea, si analizzano le fasi principali della nuova governance economica europea. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è quello di indicare gli... more
Il fine di questo lavoro è quello di analizzare le scelte di politica economica che hanno condotto alla crisi della finanza pubblica in Italia e di offrire un quadro di riferimento per valutare la manovra 2012-2014 e le politiche che la... more
Since the sovereign debt crisis, Economic governance for Euro area members has been transformed. This articles describes critically these evolutions. La gouvernance s’est imposée comme une notion permettant d’analyser l’évolution de... more
This paper analyses the impact on regional and local authorities of Articles 117 and 119 of the Italian Constitution (hereafter referred to as "IC") as amended by Constitutional Law no. 1/2012. In particular, it attempts to verify whether... more
This paper starts from far (the European governance and, in particular, the European Economic governance) and arrives nearer (representative democracy and National Parliaments). While a constitutionalist scholar is not used to work with... more
This article applies the governance typology used in this special issue to the evolution of euro area governance. The article begins with a description of Economic and Monetary Union’s original governance structure, with third order... more
This article applies the governance typology used in this special issue to the evolution of euro area governance. The article begins with a description of Economic and Monetary Union’s original governance structure, with third order... more
Innovations are vital for economic development. Schumpeter, the famous economic theorist who drew attention to the innovation activities, was the first to reveal that capitalism has a structure that realizes development through... more
I will give an overview of the New European Economic Governance concerning “normal” Treatment of member states, its economic consequences and propose some alternatives . The main research interest concerns the question of the member... more
This paper develops a first attempt at a research design to analyse the role of the European Commission in European economic governance.
L'état de crise est propice aux remises en cause.
Xavier Timbeau, Signe Dahl, Georg Feigl, Andrew Watt, Guillaume Allègre, Lars Andersen, Céline Antonin, Christophe Blot, Jérôme Creel, Bruno Ducoudré, Peter Hohlfeld, Paul Hubert, Sabine Lebayon, Sandrine Levasseur, Benjamin Lojak, Markus... more
The European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions is an autonomous body of the European Union, created to assist in the formulation of future policy on social and work-related matters. Further information can be... more
Co-authored with E. Léonard, R. Erne, S. Smismans and P. Marginson The study aims to provide new information on the impact of new governance tools on the different actors of the European system of industrial relations – European... more
This publication studies; firstly, the causes of the conflict north-south and the justification of economic interventions on periphery countries; secondly, why these interventions have reduced social support to the european economic... more
This working paper analyzes the European Council decision on the status of the United Kingdom in the face of the British referendum on withdrawal. Important concessions on the economic and monetary union, competitiveness, the foundations... more
The article investigates the character of economic and financial crisis management dynamics in the European Union (EU) between 2007 and 2014. In particular, it explores the main actors and imaginaries structuring European governance... more
This paper analyses the impact on regional and local authorities of Articles 117 and 119 of the Italian Constitution (hereafter referred to as “IC”) as amended by Constitutional Law no. 1/2012. In particular, it attempts to verify whether... more