
Ethics & Social Sustainability Research Papers -
This research examines the farming landscape of the island of Tinos. Since the 14th century, travellers have often referred to it as the best cultivated of Cycladic islands, rich in silk-production and the making of silk stockings which... more
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityFarming landscape
Urban Sustainability in Theory and Practice responds to the crises of sustainability in the world today by going back to basics. It makes four major contributions to thinking about and acting upon cities. It provides a means of... more
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      Social TheoryOntologySocial SciencesSustainable Production and Consumption
Mythmaking presents us with an idiosyncratic fusion of language and metaphysics so as to simply convey meaning as language does, and also communicate an entire metaphysics at a level of meaning beyond language and image. Claiming so, is... more
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilitySustainability IndicatorsHousing And SustainabilitySustainability (Organisational Strategy)
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryBusinessManagement
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      Natural ResourcesEthics & Social SustainabilitySustainable agricultureSustainable Development
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      ArchitectureEthics & Social SustainabilityParticipationEnvironmental Sustainability
The book introduces students to the background and key issues of sustainability and suggests ways in which these concepts can be applied in business practice. Though the book takes a business perspective, it is interdisciplinary in its... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness EthicsCorporate Social Responsibility
Dolgozatom egy viszonylag keveset vizsgált kérdésben kíván gondolatébresztőként szolgálni. Összeegyeztethető-e a luxus fogyasztás a fenntarthatóság alapelveivel? Lehet-e úgy jólétben, luxusban, kiemelkedő minőségű termékek és... more
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      EconomicsEthics & Social SustainabilityEcological EconomicsEnvironmental Ethics
This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute (ATI) is the UK’s new national institute for data science, established to bring together world-leading expertise to... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsNormative EthicsMeta-Ethics
While many studies in the field of environmental communication have focused on exploring the environmental impact of social media, this research paper takes a different turn. It investigates, through a qualitative content analysis, 391... more
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      Cultural StudiesCommunicationSocial SciencesClimate Change
This paper examines local sustainability concepts in Connemara, a predominantly rural region in the West of Ireland, to show how they are (re-)constituted through people’s interactions with social and biophysical environments. We argue... more
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      Environmental SociologyEthnographyEnvironmental policyEthics & Social Sustainability
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilitySustainability in Higher EducationSustainability (Organisational Strategy)Corporate Sustainability
Report of the Special Interest Group in Inclusive Design, Centre for Education in the Built Environment 71 page report, published initially online on CEBE Website, 2002
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      EngineeringArchitectureEthics & Social SustainabilityInclusive Design
Awareness and significance of sustainable development (SD) has been growing around the world for the last few decades. Sustainable construction is now considered a way for the construction industry to contribute to this larger effort. It... more
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentSustainable Building DesignConstruction Economics
In an article titled “Robochop,” The Economist reported a practical problem and its technological solution. The problem was that swarms of jellyfish clogged up the pipes of a Swedish nuclear power plant on the Baltic Sea coast, forcing... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental SociologyEnvironmental ScienceEthics & Social Sustainability
The debate about how to “fix” business schools is intensifying which has coincided with a call for a greater attention to sustainability in business and business education. Teaching sustainability in MBA programs, however, raises a number... more
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilitySustainability (Organisational Strategy)Global Business Management (MBA)Scandinavian Studies
While public relations offers numerous assets for organization-stakeholder relationship building and for ethical corporate social responsibility and sustainability communication, it also faces challenges linked to negative perceptions of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEthics & Social SustainabilityPublic RelationsCorporate Sustainability
In a world increasingly faced with, and divided by, regional and global crises, resilience has emerged as a key concept with significant relevance for tourism. A paradigmatic shift is taking place in the long-term planning of tourism... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographySocial Geography
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
Back cover text: Real Social Science presents a new, hands-on approach to social inquiry. The theoretical and methodological ideas behind the book, inspired by Aristotelian phronesis, represent an original perspective within the social... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryCritical TheoryCritical Theory
This book chapter is an early version of Cugurullo 2018. Although similar in nature, this chapter explores aspects of experimental urbanism, such as the decomposition of the urban fabric of eco-city projects, which are not discussed in... more
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      Middle East StudiesEthics & Social SustainabilitySustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental Planning and Design
The focus of this discussion is to examine the general business patterns associated with social entrepreneurial (SE) practice. Social enterprises inherently build their infrastructure with social and environmental impacts in mind (Dees... more
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      EconomicsEthicsCorporate Social ResponsibilitySocial Entrepreneurship
Sustainability: Key Issues is a comprehensive introductory textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students doing courses in sustainability. Highly original, it covers the very broad spectrum of ideas covered under sustainability,... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologySustainable Production and ConsumptionEthics & Social Sustainability
This article examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research: (a) theoretical knowledge is more valuable than practical knowledge; (b) one cannot generalize from a single case, therefore, the single-case study cannot... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The goal of this study is twofold: to create a broader, more inclusive notion of what faith-based social services entails, and to introduce a new set of categories that serve as the basis for an updated mapping of religious social service... more
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      Sociology of ReligionNormative EthicsEthics & Social SustainabilityReligious Social Activism
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved considerably for the last 50 years. The multiplicity of historical reviews and confusion mentioning some of the events and neglecting other events have led dispersion of... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityEthics & Social SustainabilityEnvironmental SustainabilityBusiness Development
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) is emerging and is taking the financial world by storm. The combination of ESG issues and investors' need for profit has made way for a new wave of responsible investment. Where your ESG... more
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      Organizational CommunicationLeadershipEthics & Social SustainabilityChange Leadership
"Purpose: Our research fulfills three purposes: 1) introduce practitioners to the appropriate use of measures of unethical behavior; 2) evaluate the use of integrity related assessments for use in personnel selection; and 3) determine the... more
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      BusinessOrganizational BehaviorManagementBusiness Administration
Traditional medicine practice involves a complex combination of activities, order of knowledge, beliefs and customs to generate the desired effects for the diagnosis, prevention or elimination of imbalances in physical, psychological or... more
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      EthnobotanyApplied, engaged, and public anthropologyEthics & Social SustainabilityRights of Indigenous Peoples
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      Environmental SociologyEnvironmental EconomicsEnvironmental PhilosophyEducation
In Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis acknowledged that “numerous scientists, philosophers, theologians and civic groups have enriched the Church’s thinking” on sustainability. Hospitals and health care organizations... more
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      ChristianityEnvironmental EconomicsPolitical PhilosophyEthics
Google is a highly regarded global computer services company that has been awarded for its ethical behavior. This paper explores how the company has responded to challenges it has faced at times in recent years when it has come under... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationBusiness Ethics
Power point accompanying Chapter 1 Kopnina, H. and Blewitt, J. (2014) Sustainable Business: Key issues. Routledge Earthscan, New York. Sustainable Business: Key Issues is the... more
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      BusinessManagementEthics & Social SustainabilitySustainable Development
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The main Objective of this market research was to find out the market gap between identity conscious Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan Designer wear that is in the market. As far as Sri Lankan designer wear is concerned there is a lack of modern... more
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      MarketingFashion TheoryEthics & Social SustainabilityHistory of Textiles
Sustainability is assumed to be a goal for the planning and design of coastal infrastructure in general, and specifically for marinas. Well established principles define sustainability in terms of environmental, economic, and social... more
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      Tourism StudiesEthics & Social SustainabilityUrban PlanningEnvironmental Sustainability
Phronetic organizational research is an approach to the study of management and organizations focusing on ethics and power. It is based on a contemporary interpretation of the Aristotelian concept phronesis, usually as ‘prudence’.... more
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      ScreenwritingCritical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurship
The Aalborg Project may be interpreted as a metaphor of modern politics, modern administration and planning, and of modernity itself. The basic idea of the project was comprehensive, coherent, and innovative, and it was based on rational... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
"By Mark DeKay. Edited Susanne Bennett "This book offers practical and theoretical tools for more effective sustainable design solutions and for communicating sustainable design ideas to today's diverse stakeholders. It uses... more
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      Landscape EcologyCultural StudiesAestheticsArt
Settler colonialism is a form of domination that violently disrupts human relationships with the environment. Settler colonialism is ecological domination, committing environmental injustice against Indigenous peoples and other groups.... more
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      Native American StudiesEnvironmental ScienceEthicsIndigenous Studies
At the same time that case studies are widely used and have produced canonical texts, it may be observed that the case study as a methodology is generally held in low regard, or is simply ignored, within the academy. For example, only 2... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessEntrepreneurshipOrganizational Behavior
The chapter aims at providing a set of interpretive tools to analyze the outcomes of consumer activism when performed through collective action. In the last years, in fact, we have witnessed a shifting from political consumerism... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsSustainable Production and ConsumptionEthics & Social Sustainability
Abstract: The developmentalist gaze of the Fair Trade movement is on Global South producers. In this article we turn our analytic gaze toward North American fair traders to explore the racialized, neocolonial power relations in which... more
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      Business EthicsSociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
Perkembangan teknologi dan industri membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dalam setiap organisasi bisnis. Kehadiran generasi milenial dan generasi Z telah mendominasi angkatan kerja dengan pesat, yang menghadirkan tantangan baru... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentOrganizational CultureEthics & Social SustainabilityHuman Resource Management
The objective of this short paper is to analyze, compare and contrast the established CSR discourse with the evolving CDR discourse by examining their commutative structures and narratives. The thesis for this approach is that corporate... more
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      Corporate Social ResponsibilityDigital LiteracyEthics & Social SustainabilityCorporate Sustainability
Collections care professionals are looking for ways to be more sustainable in their work without sacrificing their standards of best-practices. This is important due to the ethical connection of caring for a collection 'in perpetuity' in... more
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      Museum StudiesEthics & Social SustainabilityCollections ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
Urban renewal has a social impact, and, here, we present the Fortitude Valley Renewal Plan (2007), in order to assess its process as a case study in relation to the concept of social sustainability. The objective is to develop... more
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      Ethics & Social SustainabilityUrban Regeneration
- Result of “the Onlife Initiative,” a one-year project funded by the European Commission to study the deployment of ICTs and its effects on the human condition - Inspires reflection on the ways in which a hyperconnected world forces the... more
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      Information SystemsBusiness EthicsComputer ScienceInformation Science