Recent papers in Epistemology
As followers of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua, the Messianic Jewish movement has the task of communicating the divinity of Messiah to the Jewish world. A popular method for recontextualizing the incarnation as a Jewish concept has been to... more
Cet article décrit de façon critique le recours aux théories de l’attachement comme fondement de la loi en matière de protection de la jeunesse. Il situe ces théories dans leur contexte historique et montre en quoi elles s’inscrivent dans... more
The purpose is to highlight the theoretical process from Popper's application of the Münchhausen trilemma to the recognition of the inter-subjective character of science and the establishment of falsifiability as the paradigm of... more
There is a close systematic relationship between panentheism, as a metaphysical theory about the relation between God and the world, and transhumanism, the ethical demand to use the means of the applied sciences to enhance both human... more
In this chapter I explore key passages of Paradise Lost and the Principia, revealing a strong and comparable link between epistemology and the presentation of space in both of these texts, particularly regarding the question of relativity... more
New computer languages have permitted formal verification of much of Mathematics(1,2). I asked to verify informal demonstrations such as in the natural and social sciences, where false conclusions sometimes propagate(4,5). I announce a... more
A new Chinese translation of Haack's internationally acclaimed book, this time of the new, expanded edition, containing much new material.
Kant’s justification of a transeunt account of causal interaction – contra Hume – is not in the Second Analogy of Experience alone, but in all three Analogies conjointly. Officially the Critique of Pure Reason aims to justify our use of... more
The feeling of clarity can be dangerously seductive. It is the feeling associated with understanding things. And we use that feeling, in the rough-and-tumble of daily life, as a signal that we have investigated a matter sufficiently. The... more
In this essay, I attempt to outline a feminist philosophical approach to the debate concerning (allegedly) false memories of childhood sexual abuse. Bringing the voices of feminist philosophers to bear on this issue highlights the... more
Critical Analysis of Jack Maguire's "Essential Buddhism"
This artistic endeavor wanders from the observation that missionaries and philanthropists share a stream of ontological continuity that leads both to use vulnerabilities to draw victims into genocidal relationships that transmit... more
El presente texto es el prólogo para mi traducción de Q. Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica" (Santiago: Roneo, 2020), que co-escribimos M. Ramírez y yo. Contiene una explicación general del 'realismo especulativo' y el rol... more
"Michel Weber et Pierfrancesco Basile (sous la direction de), Chromatikon III. Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process, Louvain-la-Neuve, Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2007. (300 p. ; ISBN... more
Book (in French) published in 2003 at the occasion of the first exhibition staging exclusively biomedia art works at the national art center Le Lieu Unique in Nantes/France. Hauser Jens (ed.): L'Art Biotech. Nantes/Trézélan, 2003. The... more
Quentin Meillassoux, "Metafísica y ficción extracientífica, seguido de "La bola de billar" de I. Asimov. Santiago: Roneo, 2020. Traducción y notas de Meillassoux por Jean-Paul Grasset B. Prólogo de Jean-Paul Grasset B. y Mario Teodoro... more
In diesem Buch wird erstmals der Stellenwert der audiovisuellen Medien für die Herstellung und Popularisierung von Wissen aufgezeigt. Der historische Rahmen der Studie erstreckt sich dabei von den kinematographischen Bewegungsstudien in... more
This paper provides a novel argument for granting memory the status of a generative source of justification and knowledge. Memory can produce justified output beliefs and knowledge on the basis of unjustified input beliefs alone. The key... more
A few thoughts on what philosophy and philosophizing is and what and how it could be and be done
In this paper I examine how the Daodejing resonates with feminist epistemology. Recognizing the utter undifferentiation from which the world is born and the ineffability of the Dao threatens epistemic relativism. This threat of relativism... more
Plantinga famously argues against the evidentialist that belief in God can be properly basic. Consideration of the epistemology of cognitive faculties (like perception and memory) that produce psychologically non-inferential belief helps... more
An exploration of the philosophical and mystical potential of the art of Victor Ekpuk and the Nsibidi symbolism of the Ekpe esoteric order of South-South and South-East Nigeria and South-West Cameroon which inspires his work, in the... more
Dans tous les cas, le choc produit par la rencontre de 1492 a abouti aux mêmes résultats : la dépossession des peuples autochtones de leurs territoires, leur aliénation matérielle et culturelle à des degrés divers, leur minoration au sens... more
(Eisner, 1998) " Ver es algo mas que el mero mirar, requiere un ojo ilustrado " (p.15) frase plasmada por un artista, pero un reflejo de una acción aplicable en todas las áreas del conocimiento, se podría decir que es observar, porque es... more
In this paper I will shed light on the question of whether or not aesthetic experience can constitute practical knowledge and, if so, how it achieves this. I will compare the approaches of Nelson Goodman and Edmund Husserl. Both authors... more
This last chapter is intended to clarify some central methodological aspects of morphodynamical abduction as regards dynamical systems and the catastrophe theory. Some problems arise in the classical computational approach to cognition in... more
Disclaimer: This literature extract was gathered purely and subjective according the interests of the author (Manfred Bundschuh). Usually there were complete sentences from the original transferred. Especially the Table of Contents is my... more
This thesis explores Maurice Blanchot’s notion of the “limit-experience” through a close reading of Thomas the Obscure. I examine Blanchot’s notion of the limit-experience through Thomas’ symptoms of psychosis and melancholia. These... more
This chapter discusses both theoretical and practical dimensions of transdisciplinary education that fosters the stated aim of doctoral studies, namely the capacity to do original research. Despite this definition, few if any doctoral... more
This is a short poem by Muḥammad ibn ʿAlī al-Ṣabbān (d. 1206/1791) translated from the original Arabic into English verse. The poem is a concise, technical list of the ten essentials aspects of any science. It is intended to help students... more
The paper examines ontological presuppositions and epistemological branches of Peace and Conflict Studies. It describes the narrower use of the concepts ‗ontology‘ and ‗epistemology‘ as sub-branch and branch of philosophy respectively and... more
Published in Gnosis 7 (2022) 17–52.
The present study explores the differences in students’ epistemological beliefs by gender and socio-economic status (SES). The Epistemological Beliefs Questionnaire (Conley, Pintrich, Vekiri, & Harrison, 2004) was adapted and administered... more
Powerful historical artefacts vitalize their potential agencies in specific historical moments and cause fractures in our perspectives. In this thesis, I argue that objects' power can be examined by looking at their supernatural,... more
L'hypnose ericksonienne est une pratique thérapeutique induisant ce que l'on appelle classiquement une transe (i.e. forme de veille paradoxale ou « rêve éveillé », par opposition au sommeil paradoxal) à partir de laquelle, le patient... more
for The Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Psychology] 1 The Handbook of Qualitative Methods in Psychology Chapter 28: Community Psychology
Conde Flores, Alberto (2017). El fin de los teóricos. La formación de científicos sociales en tiempos de globalización. En Rubén Ibarra Reyes et al (Coords.). La humanidad frente a los desafíos del capitalismo decadente. Universidad de... more
New Calvinism is a theological movement that has significantly impacted evangelical Christianity and has served to weaken the influence of dispensationalism. New Calvinism portrays itself as the flagship of Reformed theology. Part of the... more
Baril, Alexandre (2018). « Conférence d’honneur : “Vivre avec” la mort : développer une éthique de la reconnaissance et de la responsabilité envers les personnes suicidaires », The Poetics and Ethics of “Living With”: Indigenous,... more
Analysis of evaluative comments on research designs by doctoral students can be used to devise a list of the skills in which the students need training. In a study covering some ten years of the doctoral program in Translation and... more
INTRODUÇÃO ão bastante discutidos, no âmbito do Direito Tributário (e em praticamente todos os demais ramos do Direito), temas ligados à intepretação de textos normativos, à validade, ao sentido e ao alcance das normas a partir deles... more