
Epigram Research Papers -
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      Hellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramEpigram (Classics)Aphrodite
In questo PDF propongo un abstract della mia tesi magistrale sul nuovo filone degli epigrammi "mitologici" di Dioscoride, seguito dall'indice completo del mio lavoro e da un'abbondante bibliografia in merito.
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      MythologyHellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramClassical Mythology
Penelitian empiris ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui bagaimana harapan konsumen, mengetahui kinerja kualitas pelayanan yang dirasakan konsumen, mengetahui tingkat kepuasan konsumen terhadap kualitas pelayanan, mengetahui pengaruh kinerja... more
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      BusinessBusiness AdministrationPhysicsService Quality
Translation of  the Fraszki in Kochanowski. Kto mi dał skrzydła. Who hath bewinged me (2000), pp. 69-102
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      Translation StudiesRenaissance StudiesTranslation of PoetryPolish Literature
     This study compares two on-line texts reporting the same news. This study is meant to find out a possibility of the both news alignments seen from the angle of critical discourse analysis of Sara Mills which looks at the perspective... more
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    • Epigram
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      Renaissance StudiesPolish LiteratureClassical Reception StudiesPetrarchism
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      HumorEpigramInsultsMarcus Valerius Martialis
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Oscar WildeNoir FictionRaymond Chandler
Il presente volume è frutto di ricerche iniziate nel 1999 durante i miei studi all'Università di Roma «La Sapienza» e condotte, con qualche interruzione, nel corso di questi anni.
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTextual CriticismM. Valerius Martialis
Le figure nn. 6-9, effettuate da L. Pedicini, sono riprodotte con autorizzazione della Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli e Caserta prot. 7183 del1'8.4.1998. © Università degli Studi di Cassino Via G. Marconi lO-Cassino ISBN... more
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«The tale of Niobe had a wide-ranging and long-lasting literary afterlife, but Ovid’s version in the sixth book of the ‘Metamorphoses’ (6, 146‑312) is perhaps the most celebrated example in Latin literature of an attempt to describe... more
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      MythologyClassicsAugustan PoetryTranslation Studies
This paper examines some epigrams of Ausonius’ Bissula, underscoring the literary dimension in which the biographical relationship between the poet-patronus and his young slave-alumna is rewritten in these verses. The girl is seen as an... more
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      Latin LiteratureM. Valerius MartialisLate Antique Latin PoetryAusonius
Every Company has to implement a role of working hours based on Labor Regulation (UU No.13/2003). If a labor works morethan working time limit than the Company has to pay working overtime. This 3 hours overtime only implemented in a... more
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    • Epigram
In Marziale xi 96, conservato solo da una famiglia di codici, il poeta rimprovera uno schiavo germanico che impedisce a un fanciullo romano di dissetarsi a una fonte dell'aqua Marcia. Alcuni studiosi considerano il componimento... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureTextual CriticismM. Valerius Martialis
The Influence of Brand Image Towards Consumer Buying Decision in Drinking Water In Packaging Brand of Le Minerale (Case Study at State Polytechnic of Jakarta Department of Business Administration). This research aims to understand the... more
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    • Epigram
Dopo un rapido sguardo all’epistola dedicatoria in prosa all’amico Assio Paolo e ai carmi introduttivi del libellus per Bissula, la schiavetta sveva di Ausonio (Biss. praef., 1 e 2), il presente contributo prende in esame i primi due... more
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      Latin LiteratureRoman ElegyLate Antique Latin PoetryAusonius
More than 100 empirical studies document that subtitling a video improves comprehension of the video. Standard subtitling practices have long been governed by the constraints of the field. In spite of the increased awareness of the need... more
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    • Epigram
Epigr. 37 Sh. B., a ferocious attack against Domitian, guilty of having put discredit on his gens, is the only poem in the whole corpus of Martial preserved exclusively by indirect tradition, within Juvenal's scholia vetustiora. It is... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureM. Valerius MartialisFlavian Literature
The article offers some new insights into the signifi cance and function of Byzantine panagiaria, small-scale containers for the bread sanctifi ed in honor of the Virgin in a rite known as the Elevation of the Panagia. This rite, it is... more
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      PerformanceEucharistOralityPersonal Piety
Periodico annuale: Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Cassino nr. 75/03, del 9-6-2003 Direttore responsabile: Oronzo Pecere Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2013 presso Tipografia Tuderte s.r.l. Loc. Torresquadrata, 202 I-06059 Todi... more
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      Latin LiteratureTextual CriticismManuscript StudiesM. Valerius Martialis
Cet article analyse les Fables de 1668 à la lumière d’une double tradition, l’art de la pointe et les traités de civilité, dont les Fables font affleurer les potentialités politiques. La rhétorique du trait d’esprit, dans le premier... more
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      Courts17th-Century Studies17th Century French Literature (Literature)Court Culture
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      Renaissance HumanismPoemsNeolatin LiteratureEpigram
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      MythologyHellenistic LiteratureGreek MythGreek and Latin Epigram
An "Alexandrian" encomiastic epigram in honor of Augustus (Supplementum Hellenisticum 982), "Aevum Antiquum" 11 (1998), 255-344 Contents: 1) Papyrological evidence. Hypothesis on the period and on the circumstances of the composition... more
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      PhilologyClassicsGreek LiteratureRoman History
Abstract This article presents some 40 hitherto unpublished inscriptions from the Bolu museum, most of which stem from Klaudiupolis, though in some cases the provenance remains unclear. Two inscriptions were found on the coast near... more
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      BithyniaEpigraphyInscriptionsMuseum of Bolu
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    • Epigram
ABSTRACT: We sketch out an itinerary of the development of the epigram from the autonomous compositions of witty character, festive or satirical, carried out in imitation of the Greek Anthology and the latin classics or neo-latin poets... more
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      Spanish LiteratureEmblem studiesSpanish Golden AgeGreek Anthology
Zusammenfassung Zwei gebildete Männer aus Nikomedeia: Die Epigramme des Basilikos und des Kyrion Seit vielen Jahren sammeln wir im archäologischen Museum von İzmit/Kocaeli Inschriften aus der Zeit der Antike. Die Arbeit wird mit der... more
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Success in war over rival kings or barbarian invaders was one of the marks of legitimation for the Hellenistic rulers. Depictions of, or allusions to, war are quite rare in the surviving Hellenistic court poetry; however, we can have a... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceClassicsGreek Literature
Name is an important part of someone’s life, it is an identity. However, nowadays a name likely does not reflect the owner’s origin or nation. In Indonesian culture context, naming children is a meaningful moment for parents. This... more
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    • Epigram
Sommermonaten des Jahres 1974 meine epigraphischen Forschungen in St?dten der antiken Landschaft Bithynien fortsetzte, fand ich Gelegenheit, auch Herakleia Pontike, heute Eregli, an der S?dk?ste des Pontos Euxeinos zu besuchen. W?hrend... more
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      PantomimeEpigramGrabmalHerakleia Pontike
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      Neo-latin literature18th CenturyEpigramThe Republic of Dubrovnik
This paper can be downloaded for free - Articolo liberamente scaricabile This paper compares a number of epigrams from the Garland of Philip and their likely models in the Garland of Meleager. By such a comparison, this work aims to... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramHellenistic poetry
Greek epigram is not only the briefest but also one of the most enduring and versatile poetic forms. The earliest extant inscribed epigrams date from the eighth century BCE, verse inscriptions forming a small section of the larger... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramEpigram (Classics)Greek Epigram
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      Spanish LiteratureArtRenaissance StudiesEmblem studies
In addition to a great number of printed texts, Ruđer Bošković left behind a significant body of manuscript material which, after moving through the hands of various private owners in Dubrovnik, in 1962 finally reached the Bancroft... more
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      Manuscript StudiesSociety of JesusNeolatin LiteratureEpigram
My PhD dissertation is an exhaustive commentary on the 31 epigrams ascribed to Apollonides. It deals with textual, literary, intertextual, historical, stylistic and metric matters. From a methodological point of view, I employed such a... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramEarly Greek poetry
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      Greek EpigramPataraSmyrnaEpigram
Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui kemampuan berbicara (bahasa Indonesia) mahasiswa lamban belajar (slow learner) Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, jenjang diploma III, program studi manajemen pemasaran, angkatan 2013/2014, yang berjumlah lima... more
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    • Epigram
Özet Nikaia’dan Yeni Bir Ostothek Ve Üzerindeki Epigram Burada tanıtılan ostothek defineciler tarafından İznik’ten (Nikaia) kaçırılırken jandarma tarafından bir baskınla ele geçirilmiş ve Bursa Müzesi’ne götürülmüştür. Ostothek’in... more
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      Comparative LiteratureTranslation StudiesArabic PoetryGenre studies
Короткий предварительный вариант - на сайте "":
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      Rereading and IntertextualityAlexander PushkinStalin and StalinismOsip Mandelshtam
Friedrich von Logau (1605-55): Epigramme Deutsch/Dansk
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      German Baroque LiteratureLiterary translationEpigramFriedrich von Logau
Chapter 10 studies Hellenistic and Roman military epitaphs, and addresses a number of interconnected issues: the unpopularity of epitaphs for individual soldiers in the Greek Anthology; the near absence of inscribed epitaphs in literary... more
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      PhilologyMilitary HistoryClassicsGreek Literature
studies in the classical tradition board of management -comitato direttivo guido arbizzoni, antonio carlini, louis godart, enrico malato, cecilia prete, gianvito resta editor -direttore responsabile: piergiorgio parroni ANNO XXXI XI DELLA... more
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      Latin LiteratureTextual CriticismM. Valerius MartialisMartial 'Epigrams'
This article explores the fate of the Stone of Unctionthe marble slab upon which, according to tradition, the dead body of Christ had been anointed for burialin twelfth-century Byzantium. Focusing upon the Stone's association with Manuel... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine HistoryRelics (Religion)Personal Piety
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      Late Latin LiteratureLate AntiquityEpigram (Classics)Late Antique Latin Poetry
¿Qué puede decir un Lord Canciller de Inglaterra del s. XVI sobre el amor, el vino, los tiranos, el uso de la riqueza, el afecto familiar, las esposas y las amantes, la virtud, el placer, la poesía, la belleza, la estupidez humana, la... more
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureRenaissance HumanismRenaissance
Dieser Aufsatz verfolgt den Sinngehalt des Pseudonyms, unter dem Friedrich von Logaus seine "Sinn-Getichte" erscheinen lässt: "Salomon von Golaw". König Salomo, der als wichtigster Verfasser der alttestamentarischen Weisheitsliteratur... more
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      German LiteraturePoetryIntertextualityGerman 17th Century Literature
aula XXII (secondo piano) ore 9.00 apertura dei lavori: introduce Roberto Nicolai ore 9.30 -11.00 presiede Maria Broggiato Giacomo Teti (Sapienza -Università di Roma): "La scelta di Parmenide. Valore storico e simbolico del bivio in VS 28... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureGreek and Latin EpigramHellenistic poetryEpigram (Classics)