English Studies
Recent papers in English Studies
This paper addresses the broad question of how work in sociolinguistics should be related to social theory, and in particular the assumptions about cognition that can underpin that relation. A discursive psychological approach to issues... more
A great article from HBR made into an English lesson for students to improve their skills in the language.
Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory is presented as a cognitive perspective on intelligence which has profound implications for education in general. More specifically, it has led to the application of eight of these frames to... more
Up until now, ‘migration literature’ has primarily been defined as ‘texts written by migrant authors’, a definition that has been discussed, criticised, and even rejected by critics and authors alike. Very rarely has ‘migration... more
Er(r)go …, anglistycznie, czyli zanurzamy się we własne źródło – „Er(r)go” bowiem z anglistyki się wyłoniło – a potem podążamy odnogami, dopływami, odpływami. A więc świadectwa intelektualnych nastrojów z czasów wczesnego naporu cultural... more
These poems, composed in Somali and in English, provide a poetic reflection of the recently emerged debate on the theme of Caddaan Studies which means "White Studies". The criticism and counter-criticism contained in the debate dug so... more
The current use of podcasts, as a new channel to input knowledge, has effectively been promoting listening comprehension which consequently has increased the acquisition of target language. The objective of the present study is to... more
This article examines seventeen children poems by Sylvia Plath written in the years 1960-63, in relation to the poetics of romantic love. Drawing on motherhood studies (Klein, 1975; O’Reilly, 2010; Rich, 1976; Winnicott, 1956, 1965,... more
Az angol turista kalauzt elsősorban olyan magyar anyanyelvűeknek szántuk, akik hosszabb-rövidebb időt szándékoznak angol nyelvterületen eltölteni. Ez természetesen meghatározza a könyv felépítését és hatással van a témák kiválasztására... more
Colloque international "Patrimonialiser la mémoire diasporique", dans le cadre du projet « Pensando Goa », Aix-en-Provence et Marseille 11-12 mai 2018. Le colloque international organisé dans le cadre du projet Pensando Goa (USP), par... more
In his article “What is Neo-Victorian Studies?” (2008), Mark Lewellyn argues that the term neo-Victorian fiction refers to works that are consciously set in the Victorian period, but introduce representations of marginalised voices, new... more
Why Lydia Bennet is the True Feminist Heroine of Pride and Prejudice Frequently overlooked as little more than Elizabeth Bennet’s annoying little sister, Lydia is not always characterized in the most favorable terms: “vain, ignorant,... more
Indian residential schools lasted in Canada for nearly 150 years, with the last one closing in 1996. Canada's recently concluded Truth and Reconciliation Commission has confirmed what Indigenous families have said all along: many... more
This book retraces the formation of modern English Studies by departing from philological scholarship along two lines: in terms of institutional histories and in terms of the separation of literary criticism and linguistics. It is argued... more
The present paper seeks to closely explore Kurt Vonnegut " s Slaughterhouse-Five in terms of Judith Herman " s surveys and categorization of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. It is an attempt to analyze the conflict between the... more
Language editor Dara Weinberg Proofreading Maciej Grabski Website administration Maciej Wieczorek Cover design, layout and typesetting Joanna Matyjaszczyk and Maciej Wieczorek
Book reviews Économie rurale et société dans l'Europe franque (VI e-IX e siècles). Tome 1: Fondements matériels, échanges et lien social. By Jean-Pierre Devroey. Paris: Editions Belin. 2003. 391 pp. + 31 tables and diagrams, 25 b/w... more
The first section of the following account characterizes the status of English and English studies in Finland today, against which the subsequent historical narrative unfolds. The second section looks at the period from the foundation of... more
This thesis analyses the theme of forbidden love as it is captured in William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and F. Scott Fitzgerald’s "The Great Gatsby", comparing its significance in the two tragic story tellings. The theme of... more
A great study done by COURSERA on the Global Skills Index made into an English activity for students to learn and improve their skills in the language.
This study discusses the benefits of remedial teaching to poor performers or 'at risk' students in an English as a Second/Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) classroom. It presents a case of remedial teaching to a group of 21 intermediate level... more
This paper explores the way literary representations of dementia enhance our understanding of what it is like to experience this disease. the light that dementia narratives throw on the particular plight of the sufferer. How does... more
New Straits Times. 15 September 2012.
Although a great paucity exists in scholarly studies on education in Somalia, the scarcity is more evident in the English studies area, particularly English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL) (used... more
Travail d'Initiation à la Recherche en Littérature (L2 Etudes Anglophones). Nous devions choisir une nouvelle d'Edgar Allan Poe et proposer un angle d'attaque pour l'analyser. Mon travail se focalise sur la manière dont Poe brouille la... more
This essay looks at The Pale King's representation of three bureaucratic technologies—paper documents, punch cards and computers—and describes its intertextual relationships with John Barth's 1979 novel LETTERS and the films Blade... more
New Issue of the Polish Journal of English Studies! The Communication of Luxury: A Semiotic Analysis of a Luxury Brand’s Perfume Commercial - Brygida Hurek Evolution of the Mary Sue Character in Works by the Wattpad Social Platform Users... more
Parody is a most iridescent phenomenon: of ancient Greek origin, parody's very malleability has allowed it to survive and to conquer Western cultures. Changing discourse on parody, its complex relationship with related humorous forms... more
In this paper, I discussed how individual apprehension of reality is represented in three periods of the novel, Realism with Charles Dickens, Modernism with Virginia Woolf and Post-modernism with John Barth. My analysis of the novel... more
One of the serious decisions which every administrator may need to make during his/her professional career is to select or reject applicants based on their general language skills or competence. These significant decisions, which may be... more
... French penitential, Waddington's Manual de Pechiez, whence it was trans. ... 25 See The Wanderer, ed. TP Dunning and AJ Bliss (London, 1969), 111, rejecting Willi Erzgraber's suggestion that... more
En 1976, le phénomène punk surgit à Londres, semble remettre en cause certains des codes sociaux et des normes culturelles la société britannique, et est le sujet d’une « panique morale ». La même année, en Irlande du Nord, 297 personnes... more
The article attempts to elaborate upon the swirling nature of what is constituted as “self” and “identity” in a contested area of postcolonial discourses, outlining relevant literatures and theories relating to postcolonial identities.... more
There is a sudden rise in the number of PhD aspirants in these parts of the country. This may be because many universities in Gujarat and elsewhere offering the PhD Entrance Test (PET) in a quick succession. It may also be due to the UGC... more