Elizabethan drama
Recent papers in Elizabethan drama
The largest gatherings in human history prior to the advent of electronic amplification were all effectively limited by the loudness and intelligibility of the human voice. Various accounts throughout history depict single orators... more
Commentary of two poems-epistles where Donne is related to Thomas Nashe as the enemy of Gabriel Harvey, in confirmation of DINS theory as stated in Ver, begin (2015) and Sex & Fun in The Faerie Queene (2019).
b e g i n n i n g i n sixteenth-century England, a distinct criminal culture of rogues, vagabonds, gypsies, beggars, cony-catchers, cutpurses, and prostitutes emerged and Xourished. This community was self-deWned by the criminal conduct... more
Louvain-la-Neuve, éditions Academia, collection “Proximités Littératures”, avant-propos, “Sous le signe de Saturne”
In this essay, the magical handkerchief given by Othello to his wife Desdemona will be discussed through a deconstructive approach. The handkerchief in 'Othello' is the only prop that acts as a catalyst to increase the turmoil within... more
The article explores the disruptive social contexts and inter-racial relationships in Thomas Dekker’s Lust’s Dominion (c.1599–1600) [Collier found out about its original performance date, which was in February 1600, and that it was first... more
Shakespeare, Sexuality and Gender of 2 6
This essay argues that Marlowe's Edward II engages with English history and politics through a metadiscussion of the rhetorical, linguistic and aesthetic foundations of vernacular culture. The play's frequent referencing of Latin, Italian... more
Elizabeth's curly red hair provides a clue for identifying her offspring. Robert Devereux, who was sired by the dark-haired Robert Dudley, had curly auburn hair. The Third Earl of Southampton, to be discussed more fully in Part III, had... more
İlk defa ortaya çıkışı gibi kelime anlamı da tartışmalı olan tragedya bir tiyatro türü olarak binlerce yıldır seyircilerin beğenisine sunulmaktadır. Birçok dilde ortak olan ve felaket anlamına gelen ‘trajedi’ kelimesi de bu oyun türünden... more
This paper is about the themes of magic, metamorphosis and symbolism in Shakespeare's The Tempest and also provides some background knowledge of magic, how it was perceived during Elizabethean and Jacobean times and how the play uses... more
Madness is a recurring theme in many of Shakespearean plays and sonnets. Shakespeare's tragedies feature many mad characters. In Othello, for example, the main character, Othello is maddened by Iago while Hamlet in Hamlet pretends to be... more
William Shakespeare has developed the plot of his play Macbeth through the effective use of transitions<br> to the major characters. Among them, the character that is most prone to regular transitions in life is the<br>... more
https://academic.oup.com/oaj/article-abstract/44/1/23/6460077 The casket scene in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice is the supreme audio–visual manifestation of the cultic and erotic power of Elizabethan portraiture. Bassanio chooses the... more
This essay talks about the relationship between an original text and how the different adaptations to the screen differ between them, always keeping the accuracy with the play.
Προσωπική ανάλυση των χαρακτήρων, της πλοκής και άλλων κοινωνικοπολιτιστικών στοιχείων του θεατρικού έργου Οθέλος του Σαίξπηρ, στα πλαίσια του μαθήματος Ιστορία και δραματολογία παγκόσμιου θεάτρου Ι. Υπεύθυνη καθηγήτρια Γεωργοπούλου... more
Renaissance drama in England reached its peak "from the accession of Elizabeth in 1558 to the death of James in 1625". The drama that developed during this period (primarily that of Shakespeare) drew freely from the morality play... more
Didone, esule regina fenicia, fonda Cartagine, accoglie Enea, profugo da Troia, se ne innamora follemente e, abbandonata, si toglie la vita per aver tradito la fedeltà alla memoria del marito Sicheo. Questa è la storia che racconta... more
Study guide for students in advanced high-school and college classes through graduate school, interpreting the play through the lenses of Robert Ornstein's mirrored readings FAUSTUS as comedy and FAUSTUS as tragedy.
Resenha de Os Dois Primos Nobres, de William Shakespeare e John Flecther, tradução de José Roberto O'Shea. Publicada na Revista Morus, da UNICAMP.
The Sonneteers and the Elizabethans. The third part of the anthology including examples of Early Modern English Literature starting with a selection of poems by Shakespeare. The anthology is intended as a source of texts for students.... more
Although homosexuality did not face people as a concept in the sixteenth century, such consciousness has already existed for centuries. Homosexual behaviours in Shakespeare's play Twelfth Night or What You Will, which were frequently... more
Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe is one of the remarkable works of literature, though many scholars call it a morality play, there is sufficient evidence that it is basically atheistic. Marlowe led a mysterious life and was twice... more
Literary scholars agree that William Shakespeare used Samuel Daniel’s First Four Books of the Civil Wars as a source for his play Richard II, launching an interaction between the authors that lasted for many years. What has not been... more
The Ottomans were represented in the imagination of Elizabethan drama. However, the Ottoman Sultans were remarkably in demand on Elizabethan stage. Robert Greene's Selimus (1594) shows a real interest in exploring and understanding the... more
Study Guide for students in advanced high school courses through grad school, taking an unChristian but anti-Romantic view of Tamburlaine (seen as a study in macho). Suggests that Tamburlaine in Part I is a proto-Terminator, of whom... more
E' noto come sin dal medioevo si possa notare come l'idea dei due corpi del re 1 fosse accettata come vera e ritenuta, sulle basi di tutta la tradizione politicoreligiosa dei tempi antichi 2 , incontrovertibile.
Here is some work I did on the fascinating Thomas Stukeley - I was doing work on George Peele's Play The Battle of Alcazar (which is important and fascinating for a whole other set of reasons) and then this just grew (and grew!) out of... more
Il volume propone una nuova edizione della prima tragedia di Christopher Marlowe, Dido, Queen of Carthage, e uno studio del fondamentale rapporto tra il drammaturgo elisabettiano e due autori della poesia latina, Virgilio e Ovidio. La... more
Through breaking the traditional boundaries of knowledge fields, interdisciplinarity crosses the border of a specific field of knowledge to other fields.
Tragedy has always been a prominent genre in drama around the world. In fact, to the ancient Greeks, tragedy is a genre so significant that it is associated with religious practices and the religious concept of purification. That is why... more
A modern edition of Nathaniel Giles (1558 - 1633/34) mensural bicinia, "Miserere," on 38 rhythmic proportions from the "Baldwin Commonplace Book" (1594). For a recording and animated score-video see this link:... more
The objective is to present a critical study of discursive practices of ‘othering’. The post colonial critics have referred to Caliban as the ‘other’ and this makes ground for us to delve into the politics of unsaid, or things that have... more
Ver, begin by Ricardo Mena will be recognized as a milestone on the path toward understanding the Elizabethan age and the phenomenon of “Shakespeare” … Here is the most complete, most in-depth rendering to date of the biographical and... more
The Faerie Queene was written by John Donne with the pseudonym "Edmund Spenser" (as stated in Ver, begin, 2015). In this new work I offer a synthesis of DINS theory and a review of this epic poem in a burlesque style, rather Nashe-like.... more
Othello is admittedly one of Shakespeare’s most unusual tragedies. While Shakespearean tragedies are typically about people of elevated social rank, Othello stars a Moorish soldier in the employ of the Venitian state and the ‘white’... more
First, I examine the aspects of the political sovereignty on the Shakespearean stage. In the light of Walter Benjamin’s Origin of the German baroque drama (1928) and of Carl Schmitt’s answer to Benjamin in Hamlet or Hecuba (1956), I show... more
Academia.edu once requested from me an article to publish as an Academia Letter, but I decided not to try to test their scientific objectivity by sending them a brief explanation of my DINS theory, whereby it is offered contemporary... more
This inquiry researches the until this day unexplored subject of Western esoteric scrying practices within the context of Media Studies. This study is the first of its kind; an exciting combination of the highly neglected field of Western... more