
Educational Technologies Research Papers -
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
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      Creative WritingEntrepreneurshipManagementPsychology
In this chapter we describe how educators can use internet-connected video game systems to support student learning. Specifically, we explain how teachers can leverage the private and party chat functions in the cur- rent models of the... more
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      TechnologyEducational TechnologyTeachers' professional developmentEducational Technologies
The purpose of this research is the analysis using meta-analysis of studies in the field of Educational Technology in Turkey and in the field is to demonstrate how to get to that trend. For this purpose, a total of 263 studies were... more
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      Computer GraphicsComputers in Graphic DesignGeometry Processing (Computer Science)Geometric modeling (Computer Science)
This research aims to investigate English students' perceptions of using WhatsApp in paragraph writing class in one public university. Paragraph writing class is a part of language disciplines which may get some benefits from the... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeaching English as a Second LanguageTeacher EducationLearning and Teaching
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      MusicCommunicationTeaching and LearningEducation
Educational technology has emerged as a necessary tool for classrooms in the developing world. Educational technology is the considered implementation of appropriate tools, techniques, or processes that facilitate the application of... more
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    • Educational Technologies
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
Educational technology has emerged as a necessary tool for classrooms in the developing world. Educational technology is the considered implementation of appropriate tools, techniques, or processes that facilitate the application of... more
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    • Educational Technologies
ABSTRACT Due to shorter innovation cycles, increasing competitive pressure and the need for more flexibility in an uncertain business environment, we need more efficiency and effectiveness in education and training. Computers provide an... more
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      Distributed ComputingManagement Information SystemsEducational TechnologyComputer Science Education
The present study explored the effectiveness of GeoGebra in enhancing students’ active learning, performance and interest to learn mathematics. Much emphasis was put in teaching and learning exponential and logarithmic functions. The... more
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      MathematicsEducationEducational TechnologyMathematics Education
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
Sharply rising global use of mobile information communications technology (ICT) and a relative lack of informed pedagogic e-leadership of ICT in education coupled with fierce international competition for achievement and a trend towards... more
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      Educational TechnologyEducational LeadershipLeadershipEducational Research
Abrahamson, D., & Lindgren, R. (in press). Embodiment and embodied design. In R. K. Sawyer (Ed.), The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences (2nd Edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
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      Educational TechnologyScience EducationMathematics EducationEmbodiment
Offering clear strategies rooted in research and expert recommendations, First Aid for Teacher Burnout empowers teachers to prevent and recover from burnout while finding success at work. Each chapter explores a different common cause of... more
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      EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationTeacher Research
Antero Garcia and T. Philip Nichols explore how classrooms and schools must reframe their conceptions of technology from a focus on tools that serve specific purposes to a focus on platforms and their ecologies. In doing so, they argue,... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital LiteracyInstructional TechnologyMedia Education
The rapidly changing knowledge and skill requirements in the engineering profession require that engineers educated mainly in the scientific principles of a broad engineering discipline need to develop new skills and aquire more specific... more
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      Educational TechnologyDistance EducationEngineering EducationTeaching Strategies and Styles
The history of development in Africa is littered with all sorts of experiments and projects centred on new technologies often presented as a panacea to the problems of health, education, or agricultural production.The failure of some of... more
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      EducationTelevision StudiesAfricaMedia Education
This paper describes a guide for developing a prototype of an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA) to aid in the teaching-learning process of children that are visually disadvantaged. The recommendations put forth by experts that... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceEducational TechnologiesTecnología EducativaInteligencia artificial
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
Online learning often requires learners to be self-directed and engaged. The present study examined students’ self-regulatory behaviors in online video-based learning environments. Using an experimental design, this study investigated the... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningDistance EducationSelf-regulated Learning
Digital technology does not directly affect learning unless the student is given no options. The educational value of technology springs from how students use it to change what they're doing. In 1987, Chickering and Gamson asked which... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearning DesignDigital Media & LearningUniversal Design for Learning
The purpose of this study is to find out the level of cyberloafing behaviors of the students in information technologies (IT) classrooms; and to examine the relationship between cyberloafing behaviors and the psycho-social perceptions,... more
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      Computer ScienceEducationEducational TechnologyCyberpsychology
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
We discuss research on both physical manipulatives and virtual manipulatives to provide a framework for understanding, creating, implementing, and evaluating efficacious manipulatives—physical, virtual, and a combination of these two. We... more
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      Educational TechnologyMathematics EducationMath Education in Early Childhood EducationEducational Technologies
There can be no doubt that technology has transformed the way education is delivered to people across the globe. We now live in an interconnected world where the traditional concept of formal learning, taking place in a single physical... more
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      Educational TechnologyE Learning Management SystemOnline LearningLearning Management Systems
« Troubles Dys : une solution compensatoire numérique efficace au service des activités d'apprentissage », La nouvelle revue de l'adaptation et de la
scolarisation 2014/1 (N° 65), p. 257-265.
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      Educational TechnologiesTICETroubles Des ApprentissagesTroubles Spécifiques Des Apprentissages
As in other nations, in Australia, socioeconomic, educational, cultural and geographical factors collide with institutionalised curriculum and resourcing practices to produce disadvantage with respect to formal education participation and... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital TechnologyTeachers' professional developmentEducational Technologies
Slide presentate durante gli interventi "Una 'scaena' digitale per il 'Miles gloriosus'„ (Seminario di Didattica del Latino, UNIPI - 7 novembre 2017; prof.ssa Elena Rossi Linguanti) e "Dal PNSD alla Didattica per Competenze„ (Corso di... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningAssessmentPeer Assessment
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      ICT in EducationDigital TechnologiesEducational TechnologiesICT in teaching and learning English language
This mock research proposal was composed April 2015 as a final project for the UBC MET course etec500 Research Methodologies in Education. The purpose of this proposed study is to identify relationships between targeted professional... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeachers' professional developmentTPACK (Education)Educational Technologies
This study is part of an ongoing doctoral study that seeks to explore the learning connections of higher education learners. Based on the first principle of Deleuze and Guattari‟s (1987) Rhizome Theory, connection, the study was motivated... more
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      Educational TechnologyE-learningMachine LearningHigher Education
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    • Educational Technologies
Le interfacce conversazionali hanno acquisito un ruolo pervasivo in molti settori. Sono i chatbot che supportano nell’acquisto di un prodotto, gli assistenti virtuali utilizzati a scopo terapeutico o i sistemi di dialogo che consentono di... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGreek LiteratureEducational TechnologyThe Internet of Things
On note de plus en plus de jeux éducatifs pour les secteurs de l’éducation et de la formation , et des recherches s’y intéressent. Néanmoins, les données sur leur efficacité pédagogique, restent fragmentaires et les besoins de résultats... more
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      Educational TechnologiesIngénierie De FormationEducation Didactique Professionnelle Et Ingénierie De Formation Appliquée à La Gestion Scolaire
What are educators' motivations for using virtual worlds with their students? Are they using them to support the teaching of professions and if this is the case, do they introduce virtual worlds into the curriculum to develop and/or... more
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      MusicTeaching and LearningNew MediaEducational Technology
This paper presented unified model of the educational process. It is based on 3 models examined from different point of view the educational processes and knowledge acquisition. The role and the place of each model are analyzed as well as... more
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      Educational TechnologyKnowledge ManagementEducational TechnologiesInformation Space
This nationwide study explored the types and frequency of technology used by teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing (d/hh) students to design and deliver instruction, as well as the types and frequency of technology being used by teachers... more
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      Educational TechnologyMobile TechnologyAugmented RealityInclusion
Smart classroom is a technology-based learning that is proposed as a solution to increase the capabilities of students. This mode of teaching and learning make the education system more attractive and interactive, in addition to help... more
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      Educational TechnologyEducational TechnologiesFlipped ClassroomSmart Classrooms
This study investigated the causal relationships between quality of social relationships and smartphone addiction in high school students. The research used exploratory sequential mixed design and was carried out in two stages:... more
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      Social PsychologyEducational TechnologyAddictionInstructional Technology
— E-learning (EL) is the use of Information Technology Communication e.g. Internet, Computer, Mobile phone, Learning Management System (LMS), Televisions, Radios and others to enhance teaching and learning activities. EL has become an... more
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    • Educational Technologies
Within education, concepts such as distance learning, and open universities, are now becoming more widely used for teaching and learning. However, due to the nature of the subject domain, the teaching of Science, Technology, and... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsComputer ScienceTeaching and Learning
In his foreword, George Siemens reminds us that MOOCs are a recent phenomenon that have yet to fulfill their initial expectations and hype and likely never will. He counters that this is inconsequential. While the changes that were... more
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      Instructional Systems TechnologyInstructional DesignInformal LearningEducational Technology
Facebook has become one of the most accessed social media by the students for a variety of purposes. However, there are students who use Facebook as a learning tool, specifically to communicate and collaborate with their classmates and... more
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      FacebookEducational TechnologiesLearning tools
Purpose: This study describes the design of the Basic English 1 and Basic English 2 courses taught in the Foreign Languages School (FLS) of a large public university in Turkey as blended learning in a mostly distance education system.... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationInstructional Systems TechnologyInstructional Design
This article theorizes the functional relationship between the human components (i.e., scholars) and non-human components (i.e., structural configurations) of academic domains. It is organized around the following question: in what ways... more
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      Information TechnologyEducationEducational TechnologyHigher Education
Abstrak: Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat pada abad ini membawa dampak yang sangat signifikan terhadap dunia pendidikan, dimana proses peralihan dari abad industrialisasi ke abad pengetahuan menuntut setiap bidang dalam... more
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      ICTEducational TechnologiesPendidikanTeknologi Pendidikan