
Eduardo Viveiros de Castro Research Papers -
Cet ouvrage invite à une lecture critique de la philosophie de Gilles Deleuze en reconstituant le système perspectiviste qui le sous-tend. La thèse qui est défendue est qu'on ne peut comprendre le « perspectivisme » deleuzien qu'au regard... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeIntentionalityDeleuzeIntersubjectivity
Assim como Oswald de Andrade afirmou: “Só a antropofagia nos une. Socialmente. Economicamente. Filosoficamente.” O intuito desta comunicação é, em primeiro lugar, analisar e explorar o potencial filosófico da antropofagia enquanto... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroDecolonial ThoughtFilosofíaBrasil
Esta entrevista foi realizada durante o 3o Forum International de Philosophie Politique et Sociale, que ocorreu entre os dias 8 e 16 de julho de 2011 na Université de Toulouse 2 Le Mirail (França).
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      AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEduardo Viveiros de CastroGeofilosofia
This essay is an acknowledgment of the work of the Paraguayan ceramist, of Guarani descent, Virginia Yegros (1940-2015). Through some images of his pieces, the intention is the elaboration of a plastic and symbolic analysis of his work... more
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      ParaguayWomen ArtistsEduardo Viveiros de CastroPottery
Tradução de Latour, B. "Perspectivism: Type or Bomb?" in: Anthropology Today, guest editorial, April 2009, vol. 25, n° 2, pp. 21-22.
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      AnthropologyAnthropology Of NatureBruno LatourEduardo Viveiros de Castro
In emblematic works of Brazilian literature, one finds significant traces of approaches to reality that gained prominence in anthropology as important alternatives to modern naturalism. One of these approaches is Amerindian perspectivism,... more
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      Modernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Jacques DerridaGeorges BatailleJulia Kristeva
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistory of IdeasGenealogy
Ar įmanoma pasaulį išlaisvinti iš žmogaus diktato? Kokiais būdais galime tikrovę apmąstyti, išmokus tiek metafizikos, tiek XX a. postmodernizmo pamokas? Galiausiai, ar užčiuopti tam, kas iš tiesų egzistuoja, mums visada pakanka tik... more
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      PlasticityGiorgio AgambenCatherine MalabouSpeculative Realism
En este artículo propongo leer “La agonía Rasu-Ñiti” de José María Arguedas como un texto cosmopolítico. Es decir, que expresa una política Quechua basada en una lógica relacional no-humana. El danzante de tijeras Rasu-Ñiti afirma que es... more
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      Indigenous StudiesIndigenous EpistemologiesIndigenous LiteratureIndigenous ecological knowledges and practices
En la siguiente tesis, para optar por el grado de Licenciado en Literatura, se hace un análisis de la novela "Rosa Cuchillo" de Óscar Colchado Lucio desde los aportes de Gilles Deleuze y Féliz Guattari, Eduardo Viverios de Castro y... more
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      Gilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariEduardo Viveiros de CastroLiteratura LatinoamericanaLiteratura peruana
O artigo propõe uma articulação entre os conceitos de devir e de literatura menor, de Deleuze & Guattari, e certos desenvolvimentos da antropologia contemporânea, sobretudo a de Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, a fim de elucidar como estes... more
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      AnthropologyGilles DeleuzeFelix GuattariGilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari
Fire is a fundamental element for the human psyche according to many important psychoanalysts. In the history of the human species, as in the history of the individual the presence of fire is striking and defines symbols, myths and habits... more
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      Biological AnthropologyHumanitiesEduardo Viveiros de CastroVilém Flusser
This article aims at contributing to the contemporary reception of Heidegger’s thought in eco-philosophical perspective. Its point of departure is Heidegger’s claim, in his Bremen lectures and The Question Concerning Technology, that... more
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      AnthropologyOntologyEnvironmental PhilosophyMartin Heidegger
The paper attempts to read Deleuze and Guattari's geophilosophy as a conceptual tool able to produce a theoretical alternative to the so-called Anthropocene, i.e. the supposed new geological era at the same time driven and threated by the... more
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      Political EcologyContinental PhilosophyContemporary French PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
No artigo, o autor realiza uma exposição histórica sobre as abordagens teóricas que permeiam as etnografias realizadas na Amazônia, expondo que até a década de 70, mais ou menos, haviam sido realizadas em torno de cinquenta etnografias... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroEtnologia Indígena
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      AnthropologyClimate ChangePolitical EcologyScience Fiction
Il restera difficile à qui, comme moi, a été élevé dans les livres imprimés, et bon an mal an par eux, d'en être libéré sans l'être par un livre. Seul un livre, et un livre unique peut encore libérer de l'attachement à cette épistémè... more
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      Postcolonial StudiesEduardo Viveiros de CastroDecolonial ThoughtPhilosophie
Bruno Latour y Eduardo Viveiros de Castro dieron el impulso inicial para la investigación explícitamente ontológica en arqueología. Su impacto en los arqueólogos, sin embargo, ha sido muy diferente. Lo que yo llamo los "arqueólogos... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroTeoría ArqueológicaKaren BaradArqueología Simétrica
ABSTRACT: This assay aims to make a brief review of 24/7 Late capitalism and the end of sleep by Jonathan Crary considering the thesis that every time the capitalist society tries to eliminate the dream/sleep and that the only... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariHannah ArendtLatin American Cultural Studies
O artigo busca, a partir de uma análise das imagens do poema Cobra Norato, de Raul Bopp, estabelecer algumas relações com a teoria do Perspectivismo Ameríndio, do antropólogo Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, e também com a noção de... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroAby WarburgOswald de AndradePerspectivismo Amerindio
Futuros menores usa las palabras y las imágenes como dispositivos filosóficos para pensar sobre el tiempo y el espacio. A partir del análisis de cuentos, novelas, ensayos, libros de viaje, ficciones teóricas, experiencias... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual StudiesPosthumanismEcocriticism
Ensayo-crónica de la serie "Amazoneando" (Cosmografías literarias II). Literaturas amazónicas.
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      Indigenous LiteratureContemporary animismTravel LiteratureEduardo Viveiros de Castro
In his Cartesian Meditations (1929), Edmund Husserl proposes a monadological solution to the epistemological problem of transcendental solipsism. At the basis of intersubjectivity lies the lived body (Leib). After the famous bracketing of... more
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      EmbodimentGilles DeleuzeEdmund HusserlDeleuze
This book attempts to ascertain the conceptual stakes of the analytic continental divide by examining the work of F.H. Bradley and connecting aspects of his work to contemporary philosophy.
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      William JamesT.S. EliotBritish IdealismLater Wittgenstein
El perspectivismo amerindio sobrevino y evolucionó tan rápido que muchos de mis colegas sienten que apenas se distrajeron un instante y que al volver a mirar en torno percibieron que toda la antro­pología latinoamericana había cambiado y... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeBruno LatourEduardo Viveiros de CastroMarilyn Strathern
Discussion of the genealogies of the triple 'turns' to ontology in STS, anthropology and philosophy, their similarities and differences, and points of critique and problematisation.
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      Cultural StudiesSocial TheoryAnthropologyOntology
While the recent proliferation of sociological engagements with postcolonial thought is important and welcome, central to most critiques of Eurocentrism is a concern with the realm of epistemology, with how sociology comes to know its... more
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      Critical TheorySociologySocial MovementsSocial Theory
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyGalician StudiesActor Network Theory
A longitudinal review of the anthropological literature will show that usage of the concept of "ontology" has increased dramatically: Drawing on Google Scholar one can see that between 1960 and 1990 there were only eight articles... more
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      AnthropologyOntologyEpistemologyActor Network Theory
Publicado na revista Lugar Comum, nº 52: Imaginando com o cinema de ficção científica um cenário de expansão da precarização da vida humana e o esgotamento das expectativas de... more
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      BricolageGilles Deleuze and Felix GuattariClaude Lévi-StraussHuman-Nonhuman Assemblages
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      MetaphysicsGilles DeleuzeBaruch SpinozaEduardo Viveiros de Castro
Abstract (en) This thesis attempts to examine elements of the strategy of emancipation from Deleuze and Guattari’s perspective of the minority. It is about showing how the "becoming-minoritarian" developed in A Thousand Plateaus works... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyPolitical PhilosophySocial Sciences
The intention of this article is to propose a generalization to the Black Hole (BH) model, prioritizing an understanding from graphic intuitions. To promote the model presented here (based on the use of quaternions) I will try to convince... more
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      AnthropologyMetaphysicsCosmology (Anthropology)General Relativity
Texto de palestra apresentada no I Congresso Nacional de Literatura e Intersemiose. Publicado como capítulo no livro Abordagens intersemióticas: artigos do I Congresso Nacional de Literatura e Intersemiose, org. Ermelinda Maria Araújo... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroPoesia BrasileiraPoesia brasileira moderna e e contemporânea
Metafisiche cannibali corona un percorso tematico di lungo termine all'interno della ricerca teorica ed etnografica di Eduardo Viveiros de Castro. Il testo è composto in parte da articoli e saggi già pubblicati in precedenza, letture... more
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      PosthumanismShamanismGilles DeleuzeEduardo Viveiros de Castro
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesPolitical PhilosophyHistory of Ideas
The thesis argues that much of the discussion about animism and totemism (ethnographic entry points of extrahuman agencies in anthropology), rather than including and discussing such an issue, has eventually deactivated it. Other... more
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      Human-Nonhuman AssemblagesEduardo Viveiros de CastroAgencyPhilippe Descola
TULISAN ini adalah suatu refleksi awal mengenai posisi, peran dan juga prospek manusia dalam Kapitalisme. Istilah 'manusia' di sini hendak diberi penekanan, sehingga dalam mengujarkannya diharapkan pembaca memberikan kehati-hatian khusus.... more
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      AutonomiaOperaismoEduardo Viveiros de CastroWorkerism
The paradigm according to which the cosmos is ordered by the demiurge is characterized in the Timaeus as ‘Animal Itself’, while παράδειγμα in the vision of Er from the Republic denotes the patterns of lives chosen by individual humans and... more
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      OntologyCritical Animal StudiesPlato and PlatonismHenadology
Distribution électronique pour Presses Universitaires de France. © Presses Universitaires de France. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays.
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      AnthropologyOntologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyContemporary French Philosophy
This paper examines the notion of “pluriverse”, which has increasingly been used in the past few years in several strands of critical humanities associated with the so-called "ontological turn": science and technology studies (Bruno... more
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      OntologyPostcolonial StudiesActor Network TheoryPoststructuralism
Kai 2016 metais pasirodė Déborah Danowski ir Eduardo Viveiros de Castro knygos "Pasaulio pabaigos" angliškas leidimas, jau kurį laiką vykstanti realistų polemika įgavo naują skambesį. Atvirai kritikuodami Meillassoux ir akseleracionistų... more
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      AnthropologyImaginationMeillassouxBruno Latour
Si bien las preocupaciones por el ser, lo que existe y las cualidades ontológicas del cosmos no son nuevas en antropología, en las últimas dos décadas somos testigos de un verdadero " giro ontológico " que focaliza en los modos en que... more
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      OntologyEduardo Viveiros de CastroAmerindian PerspectivismOntological Turn
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      AnthropologyOntologySocial AnthropologyContemporary French Philosophy
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      HermeneuticsOrtega y GassetPaul RicoeurMichel Foucault
This article juxtaposes Viveiros de Castro’s theory of ‘perspectivism’ with carved stone monoliths from the Peruvian site of Chav ́ın de Huantar to explore the interactions between humans, animals, and things in Pre-Columbian material... more
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      Eduardo Viveiros de CastroAmerindian PerspectivismChavinPeruvian Archaeology
Dans cet article, nous discutons la pertinence d’une interprétation psychosociale de la notion de « perspectivisme ». Nous nous focalisons sur l’hypothèse, formulée par Aparecida Vilaça dans le cadre d’un projet dirigé par Tanya Luhrmann,... more
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      Perspective TakingEduardo Viveiros de CastroEthnopsychologyAmerindian Perspectivism
"El perspectivismo amerindio es una corriente antropológica fundada por el etnólogo brasileño Eduardo Viveiros de Castro y especializada en el estudio de mitos amazónicos. Aunque se trata de una corriente ampliamente citada por la... more
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      AnthropologyEduardo Viveiros de CastroAmerindian PerspectivismAntropología
In a world that can appear to have been cosmologically unified by centuries of globalization, the claim that anthropology’s most urgent mission is to expose heterogeneous ontologies has a confounding ring. It has been heard as a call for... more
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      Comparative ReligionSociologyAnthropologyPhilosophy
Riassunto: Il saggio analizza una serie di prese di posizione antropologiche – quelle di Lévi-Strauss, Geertz, Clifford, Appadurai, Latour, Viveiros de Castro, Descola in particolare – che hanno al centro il rapporto... more
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      Cultural SemioticsStructuralism/Post-StructuralismNature CultureBruno Latour