Economic policy
Recent papers in Economic policy
Globalisation forces all countries to become more competitive by shifting capital and labour to new economic sectors. However, while it is widely accepted today that proactive industrial policies are needed for such structural change,... more
Journal of Economic Perspectives-Volume 13, Number 3-Summer 1999-Pages 3-22 ... I n the 1960s, Africa's future looked bright. On the basis of... more
Public enterprises have been an integral part of the involvement of the state in the economy for most of the 20th century. After 1980, privatization has been the dominant trend until the 2008-2010 economic crisis when new nationalizations... more
Following a period of almost obsessive academic attention in the 1980s, in the early 1990s the concept of corporatism fell from favor, as its explanatory powers appeared to wane and the Keynesian welfare systems under which it had... more
This paper analyses the determinants of transport costs for intra-Latin American trade over a period of six years (1999-2004). The data refer to yearly disaggregated (SITC 5 digit level) maritime trade flows on 277 trade routes. With this... more
Debt-equity ratios do not tend to increase after financial Financing Choices liberaiization, but there is a shift from long-term to short-Evidence firom Emerging Econom.-nies term debt. Globalization has uneven effects fo-firms with
Introduction In the middle 3-4 months of 1994 interested observers and an expectant electorate were treated to regular accounts of progress in finalising the RDP White Paper (WP). Originally scheduled for release in mid-July, the WP was... more
The process of Europeanization implies a confluence of resources and outputs by the EU member states. This is mainly due to both structural economic harmonisation and institutional system-building. This paper deals with welfare... more
Spatial price dispersion varies because of climatic fluctuations, marketimperfections, economic growth or economic policies. These variations areoften neglected in poverty studies.In this paper, we propose a simple simulation formula to... more
This paper presents and evaluates two interpretations of the eastern German labour market. These interpretations are called `wage gap’ and `innovation gap’. The former follows standard neoclassical thinking and regards high eastern German... more
This review of adjustment experience suggests that sharp devaluation of the exchange rate is probably ineffective in countries exporting primary goods. To encourage investment, adjustment packages must do more to ensure a stable... more
This study uses a firm-level panel data set from Romania to examine whether the nationality of foreign investors affects the degree of vertical spillovers from FDI. Investors' country of origin may matter for spillovers to domestic... more
En septiembre de 2007 se hizo evidente una grave crisis financiera en los países desarrollados debido a graves errores de política económica. Aun contra su propia ideología, los gobiernos no han escatimado medidas para reducir sus... more
Seaports provide multiple services to ships, cargo, and passengers. These services can be performed by a combination of public and private initiatives. Usually, the role of public sector institutions is to regulate and supervise private... more
Land reform is one way in which the 'new' South Africa set out to redress the injustices of apartheid and, by redistributing land to black South Africans, to transform the structural basis of racial inequality. During the first decade of... more
This paper examines the relationship between relative income and mortality. Our research is motivated by recent literature that posits that, holding individual income fixed, those whose income are low relative to the incomes of those in a... more
Outlines agenda of the nation's most powerful corporate lobbies as pursued in the 50 state legislatures in the years following Citizens United
this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Policy Research Working Papers are available online at... more
All rights reserved June 2009 The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. The World Bank Group encourages dissemination... more
This paper examines the struggle economists in interwar Australia faced in coming to terms with new ideas on economic philosophy and whether they, in fact, registered upon Commonwealth economic policy. After being unusually great in 1931,... more
To control supply and demand rice and increase income to farmer, Government assigned a rice purchasing policy. This study apply 2SLS model with time series data 1971-2009 to simulate and forecast the impact of rice purchasing policy on... more
When there are widespread bank failures, deposit insurance agencies such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) …nd it di¢ cult to sell failed banks at attractive prices. Thus, the deposit insurance fund su¤ers higher... more
In Latin America, indigenous peoples constitute a marginalized group that is using the courts, increasingly, as one means by which to pursue and defend its rights. In part, this is a result of the juridifi cation of its collective rights... more
This paper aims to evaluate the relevance of different types of macroeconomic general equilibrium modelling for measuring the impact of economic policy shocks on the incidence of poverty and on the distribution of income. In the... more
The recent revitalization of concern for environmental quality has generated many questions about the interaction between trade and the environment. Most of these questions have to do with the impact of environmental regulation on trade... more
The economic policies developing countries should follow to sustain economic growth and development. P.y. R_mmch. ad^ BEMl Affai Conr4ea dau ¶hum IPRE Wodaini Papmi dimbaar hetiunipafw d inv u m d cao azuuthbceech nge ot ideas among Ban... more
Recent trends in sentencing in England and Wales are discussed and related to the debate concerning the relationship between unemployment and imprisonment. The shift towards a more punitive justice system are traced to the abandonment of... more
Celem badania 1 jest zebranie i synteza pogl dów teoretyków polityki gospodarczej w zakresie wybranych cz ci podstaw przedmiotu. Po ponad dziesi ciu latach transformacji systemowej i ugruntowaniu si pogl dów na temat prowadzenia polityki... more
Although the inadequacy of GDP to measure economic welfare is widely accepted theoretically, it is still used as the key indicator for economic policy. This article's aim, therefore, is to give some empirical evidence to the theoretical... more
This chapter critically questions the ‘naturalisation’ of recourse to the market, namely, the process by which market devices and financial techniques were established and became unchallenged and uncontroversial technical issues. The... more
Putting data on children into macroeconomic debate can be achieved in a variety of ways. Economic policy is about improving the lives of people and the most basic data of all concerning children -demographic data -can be used to underline... more
Reformprozess. Dieser ist notwendig, da die Ölreserven zur Neige gehen, wodurch die Leistungsbilanz stark negativ geworden ist. Gleichzeitig ist die Unterbeschäftigung hoch und das Pro-Kopf-Einkommen stagniert. Subventionen und Zahl der... more
Few studies have examined the impact of international migration and remittances on poverty in the developing world. This paper fills this lacuna by constructing and analyzing a new data set on international migration, remittances,... more
In this paper we use the rich set of unit-level data from the most recent Egyptian household surveys (1995 -1996 and 1999 -2000) to assess changes in poverty and inequality between 1995 and 2000. The study analysis is based on the new... more
The paper reveals the mechanism of anti-inflationary policy of the John Major's conservative government in the UK in the 1992-1997. The author zeroed in on the political and economic innovations, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of... more
The establishment of British colonial administration brought the introduction of cash crops economy to Nigeria-as elsewhere in Africa. In line with the British colonial policy of providing raw materials for the industries of the... more