Economic and Business Journalism
Recent papers in Economic and Business Journalism
This study investigates the perceptions of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) students and professional journalists regarding the quality of curriculum and training sessions that they received at the University and afterwards by looking at... more
Critique de la raison journalistique. Les transformations de la presse économique en France Liber 384 pages Date de parution 24/09/2004 Disponible en version numérique E-Pub 18.99 € TTC EAN 9782021284294 26.40 € TTC, EAN 9782020679220 Le... more
This study explores the influence of multi-platform structural newsroom features and individual innovative values on journalistic cross-channel and cross-sectional working procedures. According to results of an online survey of print and... more
GUERRA, Josenildo Luiz. O percurso interpretativo na produção da notícia. São Cristóvão: Editora UFS; Aracaju: Fundação Oviêdo Teixeira, 2008. O livro está esgotado. Por isso, disponibilizo versão em PDF. Dois objetivos básciso são... more
The study was set to determine and analyze the factors that affect the growth of tailoring and dressmaking enterprises in Eldoret. The tailoring and dressmaking enterprises studied were appraised with respect to the characteristics of the... more
Citar como: Vara Miguel, Alfonso (2004). “Naturaleza y retos actuales de la información económica”. En C. Sanz, J. Sotelo y Á. Rubio (coords.), Prensa y periodismo especializado II (pp.101-109). Guadalajara: Editores de Henares. | [แจกฟรี - ตัวอย่าง] คู่มือเขียนแผนธุรกิจภาคการผลิต (Business Plan)
뉴스미디어의 디지털 수익 모델은 많은 연구자들의 관심사다. 이 논문에서는 이들 디지털 수익 모델을 소프트웨어 연구의 관점에서 비교했다. 비교 사례로 구 뉴스미디어를 대표하는 뉴욕타임스와 신 뉴스미디어를 대표하는 버즈피드를 선택했다. 사례 선택은 전세계 뉴스미디어 가운데 디지털 전략에서 가장 도드라진 성과를 보이면서도 산업적으로도 성공하고 있다는 평가를 받고 있다는 근거에 기반해 이뤄졌다. 디지털 시대 수익 모델은... more
Al-Tufi is one of the maslahah figures. al-Tufi defines maslahah based on two things, in urf and shar'i, while in urf is a factor that leads to goodness and benefits. Like trading that brings profit. While according to shar'i maslahah is... more
Financial Literacy is an incredibly significant aspect of life these days. Post the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, Financial Literacy's purpose and relevancy are more than ever. This paper draws a comparison study between the level of... more
This study aims to determine How is the contribution, growth, effectivity level of parking retribution towards district own source revenue of Malang Regency in 2010-2014 and how realization of forecasting trends parking fees of Malang... more
This paper analyses the effects of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Zambia. It focuses on two main areas of FDI: This first area looks at the competition effect of Foreign Direct Investment FDI to domestic businesses in the host... more
This study reviewed the present situation of the Mabalacat City College (MCC) as an existing organization. It described how the organization operates and manages its everyday activities and how the organization handles and aligns its... more
Sosyal medya platformu Twitter son yıllarda yeni bir habercilik anlayışının ve yeni bir haberci kavramının ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. İnternet gazeteciliği ile daha dinamik ve hızlı yol alan haberler, sosyal medya ile bu hızını... more
Neste livro, Jornalismo e Tecnologias digitais: produção, qualidade e participação, os autores, em sua maioria, ligados ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, procuram explorar os desafios do... more
This manual informs readers of 101 ways that globalists aim to depopulate and enslave humanity. This open-access book constructs an original D-Day Apex Diagram that uses structure and purpose to show how the Deep State pursues a dark... more
In a sharp sight, the present business world is continually depending on the e-business (electric business) in creating a nation like Bangladesh in light of the fact that the underline moto of creating nation is to digitalized everyday... more
The report has been generated after the consultation from the managers of ABC Company who is the franchisees of McDonald's in London. The ABC Company employs a large number of ground level staff from the immigrant community mainly from... more
Information is power and the most critically sought commodity in today’s world. Those that control the information are usually seemed to be the most powerful in our contemporary society. Therefore, for the past thirty years, there has... more
There is now general agreement in the US that the traditional model for American journalism—the advertising-dependent newspaper—is increasingly unsustainable. But beyond that basic observation consensus falls apart. There is little... more
Information dissemination is very paramount in any developing activity. When a skilled person transfers what he knows to other people, through communication, the willing recipients of that information will more likely become knowledgeable... more
Dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas UTS Mata kuliah Pengantar Ilmu Ekonomi I
What kind of journalism that effective use in Indonesia? I would like to say that literary journalism is the best way to promote Indonesia.
The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and lean start-up template can be used as aid for developing a new, or analyzing and mapping an existing business model of a company. It is a visual chart with elements describing a firm... more
DESEMBER 2013 i ANALISIS RASIO KEUANGAN PADA PT TOKO GUNUNG AGUNG TBK Disusun untuk memenuhi syarat memeroleh Nilai Big Quiz I dan Big Quiz II Mata Kuliah Manajemen Keuangan SHYEN RIESCA POERNOMO 121210046 PROGRAM STUDI AKUNTANSI FAKULTAS... more
How well do you know yourself? You can learn to make healthy choices intentionally rather than to unconsciously repeat unhealthy patterns. This course is highly recommended for mental strengthening.
Bangladesh, sebuah negara berkembang di Asia Selatan yang dikenal karena berbagai dinamika. Baik dinamika ekononomi maupun politiknya. Menarik untuk diteliti bagaimana sistem politik dan dinamika politik di Bangladesh? Bagaimana pula... more
Advertising is currently the main source of income for digital media. The crusade by big media organizations to establish pay walls, in various forms, is not inconsistent with the fact that digital advertising is the main source of income... more
A complete list of resources about journalist's craft, skills, techniques and tools gathered by Media Managers Club from 2014.
Con el título Oportunidades y riesgos del periodismo hiperconectado, la XXV edición del Congreso Internacional SEP, celebrada en Bilbao (Bizkaia Aretoa, UPV/EHU, 30-31 de mayo de 2019) ha buscado ofrecer un foro especializado para que... more
Drawing on data collected at the economics newsdesk of De Standaard, a quality newspaper in Belgium, this book examines the situated practices of print journalists in their roles as knowledge mediators and creators. How do reporters make... more
Since 2009, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has used the term "the mafia of power" to critize and villify a perceived alliance of business and political elites in Mexico, dominant since the era of President Carlos Salinas (1988-94).... more
a practical approach to expressing anger in a healthy way
Since 1960, when Nigeria got its political independence Nigerians have always been ‘dis’united along socio-cultural and political identity divides. This creates a fertile ground for the propagation of hate speech and disinformation. In... more
Abstract: Conflict occurs between people in all kinds of human relationship and in all social settings. Because of the wide range of potential differences among people, the absence of conflict usually signals the absence of meaning full... more
In 2011, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s current affairs program Four Corners televised an exposé of the treatment of Australian cattle in Indonesian abattoirs. The program prompted the immediate suspension of the Australian... more
" The Influence of Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rates, External Debt, and Export in Foreign Exchange Reserves Indonesia ". The main purpose this research is to measure the significant level of Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rates, External... more
The article examines the problem of parallel media realities that are created by the different types of media. Analyzed mostly are the print and online business publications, which are compared with the tabloids. Based on the visual turn... more