Recent papers in Ecclesiology
As an introduction to ecclesiology, this course seeks to provide a fundamental understanding the Church’s origin, nature, structure, and mission. An overview of the New Testament and historical sources for the theology of the Church will... more
The irrelevancy of "the church" is more than a trivialization of this or that kind of religious group or gathering - it's a widely held supposition both inside and outside circles. Of the several recent efforts to revive relevancy, few... more
This thesis explores a theology of a three-fold form of proclamation of the Word of God, in which "proclamation" is both direct (i.e., sermon and sacraments) and indirect (i.e., witness in acts of love and mission), and seeks to identify... more
The period 550 to 750 was one in which monastic culture became more firmly entrenched in Western Europe. The role of monasteries and their relationship to the social world around them was transformed during this period as monastic... more
A paper on the catholic nature of the Church from the point of view of a Lutheran ecclesiology.
This document (accepted by the Board of Ordained Ministry in 2020) includes some revisions, making it more accessible to the laity. In addition, it may provide some direction for certified candidates in the UMC seeking to be commissioned... more
Post-modern theology is highly suspicious of social theory and its secular origins. After all, the founder who gave us the word “sociology” also coined the term “positivism.” An alternative strategy is that of Bernard Lonergan, a... more
On fait régulièrement appel aujourd'hui à la théologie orthodoxe contemporaine pour corriger ce qui a pu être diagnostiqué comme un déficit pneumatologique, voire même un « christomonisme » de l'ecclésiologie catholique. A contrario,... more
Vorbemerkung enn einem Text attestiert wird, er sei immer noch aktuell, so ist dies eher als Kompliment gemeint: Er war seiner Zeit voraus und enthält viele noch unausgeschöpfte Gedanken. Wer heute den 1972 von Karl Rahner... more
This article appears in _Asian Missions Advance_ 35 (Jan. 2013): 3-7. It describes perhaps the largest "denomination" (which never will become due to their theological conviction) in Asia, perhaps double the combined membership of all... more
ISBN 978-606-37-0372-0 Acest amplu proiect de cercetare, pe care autorul îl propune cititorilor săi, dorește surprinderea unei perioade controversate din punct de vedere istoric și zbuciumate din punct de vedere eclezial, respectiv... more
Ephesians 2:11–22 is often thought to promote a tertium genus (“third race”) ecclesiology that entails the belief that the Torah has been abolished. If the Torah is abolished, this leads to the view that torah observance is rendered... more
Estas páginas suponen por tanto una visita guiada, una invitación a la lectura, una puerta de entrada a los mismos textos conciliares, que pueden ser plenamente comprendidos por el lector o la lectora contemporáneos. Comienzan por el... more
Paper delivered at the American Academy of Religion, Atlanta 21 th-24th November 2015, at the seminar 'What is point of Synods?' organized by the Ecclesiological Investigations Group. The theology and the practice of synodality in... more
Exegetical commentary on the third epistle by John
This paper seeks clarity on an issue that has plagued many churches with doubt and discord: that of women’s role within the local church. It is limited only to that issue, and does not discuss the often related topic of women’s role... more
List of useful references for those studying Pentecostal ecclesiology.
Updated June 2018.
Chapter on "Ecclesiology" will follow in Routledge Handbook of Pentecostal Theology (2019?)
Updated June 2018.
Chapter on "Ecclesiology" will follow in Routledge Handbook of Pentecostal Theology (2019?)
The church of Jesus Christ is a multidimensional mystery. It is a mystery first of all because it participates in the mystery of the Trinity, the mysteries of salvation and of Jesus' incarnation and redemptive work, and the mystery of... more
A 50 anni dalla promulgazione della costituzione dogmatica Lumen Gentium, il documento più importante del Concilio Vaticano II dal punto di vista dottrinale, è forse possibile cominciare a recepirne senza timori la novità e le... more
Nota bene: I no longer hold the second thesis defended here, at least in the way in which it is stated. The change in my position is not substantial, but terminological. The same acts of papal teaching (e.g. Ordinatio sacerdotalis) that I... more
Cristina Lledo Gomez seeks to bring a more realistic model of motherhood into theological discourse, focusing on the motherhood of the church. she argues that the image of mother church needs to reflect the realities of mothering in... more
The theological virtues namely, faith, hope, and love (cf. 1 Cor. 13:13) are implicit in the affirmation of Mysterium Fidei. Christian understanding of faith is therefore the unity of knowing, hoping, and loving and are reciprocally... more
Book Review Tom Nettles, Ready for Reformation: Bringing Authentic Reform to Southern Baptist Churches. Nashville: Broadman & Holman, 2005. 140 pp.
The Article is about the question of the apostolic succession in the present catholic-lutheran ecumenical dialog. It tries to summarise what does the Catholic Church teach about the episcopal succession and what is the real problem in the... more
The article reflects on the theologian’s identity today through the prism of him/ her “being grounded in the Church”. The author analyses the faith of the theologian (sensus fidei) in the context of belonging to the faith of the Church... more
In this essay, my aim is to extend the discussions in that seminar and to reflect on how applying the perspectives, postures, and practices of ethnography might help academic theologians and pastors better understand the world we live in... more
This article deals with the missional self-understanding of the so-called Danish folk church (the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark). It argues that especially two important factors have hindered such a self-understanding: first, the... more
How might a more robust understanding of what makes "church" open us up to the new forms of church best suited for what God is doing amid our changing American context?
to Great Britain to discuss the rise of the moral philosophy of Utilitarianism and Positivism. The final major philosopher to be discussed is Friedrich Nietzsche in Chapter 23, and Chapter 24 concludes the work with Evans providing a... more
Thomas M. Kelly is an associate professor of theology at Creighton University. His previous corpus of work includes numerous articles relating to issues of lay ministry, sacramentality, and marriage, and a book regarding the theology of... more
Although the quest for God’s Wisdom is something very personal for Augustine, the paper sets the ecclesiological context of his doctrine. Augustine’s way to the wisdom is not a way accessible to intellectuals only: it is open to anybody... more
Six Essential Elements of a Missionary Encounter. Theologie.Spiritualität.Summaries 1/2021