
Dutch Studies Research Papers -
Existe-t-il un État aussi familier et en même temps aussi méconnu que les Provinces-Unies à l’époque moderne ? Qui n’a jamais entendu parler des navires chargés d’épices de retour d’Asie, des hôtels particuliers le long des canaux... more
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      17th Century Dutch RepublicDutch HistoryDutch East India CompanyDutch Studies
In deze bijdrage wordt beknopt uitgelegd hoe het zit met "geworden" en "geweest" in de voltooide tijden van passieve zinnen.
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsLinguisticsDutch
Hugo Claus (1929-2008) behoort tot de meest gelauwerde en bestudeerde auteurs in het Nederlandse taalgebied. Vanaf de jaren 1960 verschenen tientallen studies, waarin diverse aspecten van Claus' werk belicht worden. Een onderwerp waar... more
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      Literary StylisticsFlemish LiteratureHugo ClausDutch Studies
Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden gereproduceerd en/of vermenigvuldigd zonder schriftelijke toestemming van de redactie.
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      Military HistoryPrisoners of WarDutch StudiesNapoleonic History
Presentation about slavery in Suriname by the Surinamese author Cynthia McLeod, introduction by Jeroen Dewulf.
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      Latin American Literature (Literature)Gender StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryEighteenth Century History
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      Maritime HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryHistory of Anglo-Dutch Relations
Tegen veler verwachting in is na 1945 een joodse gemeenschap in Nederland blijven bestaan. Die is in de loop van de decennia echter wel ingrijpend veranderd. Naast interne joodse ontwikkelingen speelde daarbij een belangrijke rol de... more
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      Jewish StudiesSecularizationDutch HistoryDutch Studies
This is a dutch version of my french article with some corrections. Please do not mentions without permission
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      Maritime HistoryNaval WarfareNaval HistoryDutch
Chapter 8 Chapter  ‘Bewogen jaren. Zwolle in de Tweede Wereldoorlog’ [ A moving episode. Zwolle in World War II - A study of local experiences in the Netherlands under German occupation, 1940-1945 ] ISBN 90-400-9740-2
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      Local HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World WarDutch History
Een voorvechter van tolerantie, gewetensvrijheid en alles wat Nederlands is, strijdend tegen de machtsbeluste Spaanse koning. Dat is het beeld dat we hebben van Willem van Oranje, onze Vader des Vaderlands. Een ideaalbeeld uit de... more
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      European History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySpanishEarly Modern History
This article critically evaluates the recent developments in Dutch policy formation regarding Roma minorities from the perspective of the increased attention paid to their position at European level. First, the author discusses the... more
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      European StudiesSocial PolicyPolitical ParticipationRace and Ethnicity
In reaction to Thomas Vaessens' De revanche van de roman, this article emphasises the importance of popular culture to contemporary novels in Dutch. Applying Jim Collins' account of 'popular literary culture' in the us to recent Dutch and... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureMedia StudiesCultural Sociology
A first exploration of the fate of soldiers from the Kingdom of Holland who were taken prisoner of war in Russia in 1812.
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      Military HistoryPrisoners of WarDutch StudiesNapoleonic History
The German invasion of the Netherlands on the 10th of May 1940 was not only a tragedy for the Dutch people; it was also a tragedy for Dutch literature. In a few weeks time, the intellectual leaders of an entire generation would disappear.... more
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      Jewish StudiesPropagandaWar StudiesFascism
Evenals Indonesië is Nederland een postkoloniaal land. Wat betekent dat? Dat de koloniale periode voorbij is, zeker, al is dat in Caribisch Nederland niet altijd even duidelijk. Dat veel Nederlanders koloniale ‘wortels’ hebben en dat de... more
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      MulticulturalismMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
Ali Kavani (Farsi translation) got his MA degree in History from the University of Tehran in 2002. In 2003, he finished the Advanced Masters Program of the TANAP programme at Leiden University. In 2008, he got his PhD from the University... more
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      Iranian StudiesHistory of IranIranian HistoryDutch
Inhoudsopgave: Voorwoord 3 Wat is hijama 4 tm 6 Misverstand nr. 1: Hijama is een Islamitische geneeswijze. 7 tm 8 Misverstand nr. 2: Vrouwen die nog niet in de overgang zijn mogen zich 9 niet behandelen met hijama! Misverstand nr. 3: Je... more
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      Islamic MedicineDutch StudiesCUPPING THERAPYWet Cupping Therapy
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      Contemporary HistoryPolish HistoryBiographySecond World War
Review (in Dutch) of Mieke Bal's study "Reading Rembrandt" (1994)
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      Dutch LiteratureMieke Bal17th century Dutch ArtDutch Studies
Chapter 2, 'Bewogen jaren. Zwolle in de Tweede Wereldoorlog' [A moving episode. Zwolle in World War II - A study of local experiences in the Netherlands under German occupation, 1940-1945 ]
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      Local HistoryLocal GovernmentHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World War
A short biography in Dutch, used for the English translation, published at the website of the Leiden Collection, New York.
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      Art HistoryItalian StudiesDutchRenaissance Rome
Chapter 7  ‘Bewogen jaren. Zwolle in de Tweede Wereldoorlog’ [ A moving episode. Zwolle in World War II - A study of local experiences in the Netherlands under German occupation, 1940-1945 ] ISBN 90-400-9740-2
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      Local HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World WarOccupation and Resistance in WW2
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the translating and subtitling of a short Dutch documentary film for youth. Concretely it was the 97th part of the program BioBits. This film is about genes and their role in evolution. The translation... more
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      Translation StudiesSubtitlingAudiovisual Translation (subtitling)Case Study
Chapter6,  'Bewogen jaren. Zwolle in de Tweede Wereldoorlog [A moving episode. Zwolle in World War II - A study of local experiences in the Netherlands under German occupation, 1940-1945 ]
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      Local HistoryJewish HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World War
The historical agency of the small- and medium-sized historical actors, the so-called Lesser Powers, remains much neglected in the historiography of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic period. The reason for this is that hitherto historians... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesFrench RevolutionHistory of The Netherlands
This year marks the quadricentenary of the first confirmed European arrival in Western Australia. On 25 October 1616, Dutch skipper Dirk Hartog and his crew landed at the northern tip of the island now named Dirk Hartog, in Shark Bay.... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesArchaeology
Wstęp wprowadza do trzeciego tomu Biblioteki Werkwinkla - czasopisma wydawanego przez Zakład Studiów Niderlandzkich i Południowoafrykańskich Wydziału Anglistyki UAM. Książka autorstwa Anna Sikory-Sabat pt. "Teksty kultury niderlandzkiej w... more
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      Dutch LiteratureDutch Studies16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish Art
This article focuses on the Frisian narrative De itinere frisonum, while comparing it with other evidence available in order to explain the behaviour of the Frisian fleet's actions in the Iberian Peninsula during the Fifth Crusade. It... more
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      German HistoryPortuguese HistoryCrusadesPilgrimage
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      PortraitsPortraitureHistory of CollectionsBaroque art and architecture
Periodica voor Neerlandistiek
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      History of HungaryDutchEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryDutch Literature
Conceptual Metaphor Theory’s central idea that metaphor is a figure of thought rather than a figure of language has led to the examination of non-verbal and multimodal manifestations of metaphor. Over the past twenty years, the verbal... more
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      Cultural StudiesVisual CultureAdvertisingIranian Studies
Éste artículo tiene como objeto hacer una re-exposición de la teoría política de Baruch Espinosa (1632-1677) a la luz de su ontología –entendida ésta como una ontología materialista. Por lo tanto, se hará una interpretación materialista... more
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      LawConstitutional LawCivil LawComparative Politics
The academic discipline known as translation studies is already queer, and has been since its very inception; conceived by openly gay scholar and activist James S. Holmes to work between the borders of academic categorization, translation... more
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      Gender StudiesQueer StudiesTranslation StudiesGender and Sexuality
A paper on Multicultural Politics, Politicians and Intersectionality avant le mot (ZMV-Vrouwen) in Dutch 1980s Politics
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      MulticulturalismIntersectionalityDutch PoliticsDutch History
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      Cultural StudiesPopular MusicHip-Hop StudiesDutch Studies
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of JapanHistory of ScienceJapanese History
The manuscript introduced in this article is a hitherto unknown composite volume containing Dutch practical science, which is now part of Oxford, bod, ms Ashmole 189. The manuscript consists of 85 folios of astrology and medicine in... more
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      History of MedicineMedieval StudiesMagicManuscript Studies
Presentation at the History and Philosophy of Science Workshop, May 25, 2022
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Science17th-Century Studies
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      Dutch StudiesDutch language and cultureWest Frisian Language
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      PhilologyIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Since 9/11, political debate over immigration in Europe is often posed as a question of Islam’s distance from Europe’s putatively Judeo-Christian ethical tradition—and therefore a matter of neither explicitly racial nor religious animus.... more
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Discussion of the perspectival elements of Rembrandt's small panel of presumably 1629 in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston
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      PerspectiveDutch StudiesSimon StevinSebastiano Serlio
Wetenschappelijk gefundeerd overzichtswerk Met dit boek beschikken we eindelijk over een wetenschappelijk gefundeerd overzichtswerk van de taalsituatie in Vlaanderen, zodat de kennis die tot nog toe in afzonderlijke publicaties beschreven... more
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      LanguagesLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and Change
Dutch Jewry was a meeting place between Jews of various origins: Marranos from Spain and Portugal, Ashkenazi refugees from Germany, and Jews from Poland and Lithuania. In the new setting and with the advancement of time and general... more
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      Modern HistoryJewish StudiesYiddish LanguageJewish History
Chapter 1, 'Bewogen jaren. Zwolle in de Tweede Wereldoorlog' [A moving episode. Zwolle in World War II - A study of local experiences in the Netherlands under German occupation, 1940-1945 ]
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      Local HistoryPolitical HistoryHistory of The NetherlandsSecond World War
This dissertation examines modernist twentieth-century applications of the pipe organ and the carillon in the United States and in the Netherlands. These keyboard instruments, historically owned by religious or governmental entities,... more
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      American StudiesMusicologyNew MediaEthnomusicology
History and the future of the Dutch coin finds database NUMIS
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMonetary Economics
The emergence of the bystander in the Netherlands, before, during and afer the war; a reconsideration of the concept and notes on the Dutch debate Remco Ensel and Evelien Gans, ‘ The Dutch Bystander as Non-Jew and Implicated Subject’.... more
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      Jewish StudiesSecond World WarHolocaust StudiesWorld War II
Symposium: Rembrandt Conservation Histories

All presentations are held in the Auditorium of the Rijksmuseum
November 7, 2018 – November 9, 2018
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      Dutch Studies16th and 17th century Dutch and Flemish ArtRembrandt van Rijn