Recent papers in Diglossia
Diglossia and the socialisation process The author discusses the concept of diglossia in the sociolinguistic aspect, but also in the cognitive one, assuming the significance of the opposition between the language of primary socialisation... more
Mission Statement of the Journal
Please note the focus on hard data
Please note the focus on hard data
In the Republic of Macedonia lives a multicultural population, which speaks different languages. The Macedonian language is the official language in the Republic of Macedonia that is why every citizen learns that language and knows to... more
This paper presents preliminary research observations on diglossia features (in the Fergusonian sense) and bilingualism of the Turkish-speaking community of Western Thrace, as well as contact-relevant linguistic variables that may be... more
This is the PEC (Prueba de Evaluación Continua) II of the academic year 2019-2020 of the subject "Variación y cambio lingüístico en lengua inglesa" at the UNED.
of paper presented at the 6 th Global Reggae Studies Conference, 13-16 February 2019, The University of the West Indies, Mona
Des représentations diglossiques à la reconnaissance d'une langue à part entière : les remises en question d'une île multiculturelle à l'illettrisme inquiétant. Nous aborderons la question de la quête d'identité réunionnaise, d'abord en... more
The switching between Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Iraqi Arabic fulfils a definite structural goal in Fuad Tekerli’s short tales.
Pubblicato nel 2002 dallo scrittore egiziano ʿAlāʾ al-Aswānī, Palazzo Yacoubian è uno dei romanzi più rappresentativi della società egiziana alla vigilia delle Primavere arabe. Lo studio di Lucia Avallone ne analizza forma e contenuto,... more
The article makes an introduction to the modern linguistic landscape in the city of Chennai, India. The author discusses the coordination of language varieties, their status, and particular characteristics of their speakers. Special... more
In the past decade, Latinised Arabic (LA), a popular form of writing spoken Arabic online, has made the transition from online applications such as internet chat and text messaging to offline mediums. No longer exclusive to computer... more
The full article can be found by following this link: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13629387.2016.1150183 Below are some excerpts: The start of the 1980s marks Djebar’s return—after a decade-long absence—both to writing in... more
Le suisse allemand constitue la langue la plus volontiers parlée en Suisse alémanique, son usage est généralisé à tous les domaines, à tous les supports et à toutes les classes sociales ; la frontière que constituait traditionnellement... more
E’ risaputo quanto sia difficile determinare con esattezza le condizioni sufficienti per assicurare l’inversione della deriva linguistica. Nonostante ciò, l’introduzione della lingua locale o di minoranza nel sistema scolastico è... more
One of the most distinctive features of the Arabic language is the occurrence of diglossia (Al-Batal, 1995). Diglossia involves the use of two varieties of the same language by the same society for different functions. The principle... more
La entrevista se dio el jueves 22 de junio a las 4 p. m. en el Centro de Estudiantes de Literatura (Celit), ubicado en la Facultad de Letras de la UNMSM. A continuación, presentamos los fragmentos de la entrevista que hemos considerado... more
Findings from a mixed method; quantitative and qualitative assessment of156 studies and conceptual papers reviewed revealed the following: 1- There are positive effects to incorporating teaching Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) using... more
Aproximación a la figura del escribano real en el reino de Navarra durante los siglos XVI y XVII. El texto repasa la historia lingüística de este territorio, en el que convivieron romance y vascuence en una situación de diglosia.... more
This is an introductory textbook to Arabic sociolinguistics. It is intended for graduate students pursuing their studies in Arabic sociolinguistics but without an adequate knowledge of English or other International languages to be able... more
Verb conjugation in Modern Standard Arabic and Moroccan Darija
LIT Der Arbeitskreis "Gesellschaft und individuelle Kommunikation in der Vormoderne" (GIK) veröffentlicht seit 1996 die Forschungsbeiträge deutsch-französischer Kolloquien über historische Probleme der Interaktion vom 8. zum 16.... more
A lo largo del trabajo se tiene como objetivo la formación básica e informada de los lectores (de hablantes, alumnos y personas interesadas) como agentes revitalizadores que se encuentren iniciando un proceso o que busquen enriquecer sus... more
Le concept de diglossie fait partie des notions centrales en sociolinguistique. Revenir sur ce sujet peut donc paraître superflu. Néanmoins, lorsqu’on tente de cerner la question, le concept n’est pas toujours aussi limpide qu’on le... more
"Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is one of the worldwide best-selling stories of all times. Unflagging popularity of the story in countries all around the world resulted in it being translated into a great number of... more
Organized with the assistance of an international advisory committee of medievalists from several disciplines, Medieval Latin: An Introduction and Bibliographical Guide is a new standard guide to the Latin language and literature of the... more
Quiconque a observé le fonctionnement des langues dans la société s'est tôt ou tard avisé du fait que leur extension ne recouvrait pas tout à fait celle des cultures qu'elles exprimaient, autrement dit, qu'il n'y avait pas de coïncidence... more
Εισαγωγή Η διγλωσσία, αποτελεί διαχρονικό φαινόμενο και παρουσιάζει στη σύγχρονη εποχή πρωτόγνωρη αύξηση, γεγονός που οφείλεται σε οικονομικούς, κοινωνικούς, εκπαιδευτικούς, πολιτιστικούς και πολιτικούς λόγους. Ως όρος είναι δύσκολο να... more
The sociolinguistic term “diglossia” is one of very few international scientific terms whose origin can be traced to a Greek living in modern Greece. Since Ferguson published his seminal article fifty years ago, several scholars have... more
Overview of diglossia and societal bilingualism, including a short critical analysis of queer linguistics that argues for dis-invention of languages. To appear in: Darquennes, J., Salmons, J., and Vandenbussche, W. (Eds.) (2018). Language... more
S i, en tant que structure politique, la francophonie est basée sur la communauté de langue, en tant que système littéraire, elle est traversée de part en part par la problématique de la différence linguistique. L'unité revendiquée cache... more
Gli anni che stiamo vivendo sono caratterizzati sempre più da cambiamenti sociali e culturali, dovuti in particolare alla globalizzazione mondiale, la quale ha completamente rivoluzionato il ventesimo e il ventunesimo secolo. In tale... more
Relazione del corso di Pianificazione linguistica e lingue pianificate (Prof. Federico Gobbo), erogato dall'Università degli Studi di Torino (Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze linguistiche, a.a. 2016/17). Tra bilinguismo e diglossia.... more
Desde los tiempos de la Reconquista y la subsiguiente expansión castellana por el mundo, el español ha entrado en contacto con numerosas lenguas 1 . También hoy las migraciones de comunidades hispanohablantes provocan situaciones de... more
A draft of a forthcoming chapter in the book Language Policy and Political Issues in Education (Encyclopedia of Language and Education, 3 rd edition), edited by Teresa McCarty and Stephen May, published by Springer. Abstract Language... more
NB: Second proofs, which differ from the published versions in small details (mainly typos).