Digital Arts
Most downloaded papers in Digital Arts
Resumen Se aborda el fenómeno del individualismo contemporáneo, las transformaciones de la intimidad y la fragilidad de los vínculos humanos. Se muestra cómo las sociedades telemáticas dan lugar a nuevas formas de fuga y ausencia del... more
Procedural, parametric and generative computer-supported techniques in combination with mass customization and automated fabrication enable holistic manipulation in silico and the subsequent production of increasingly complex... more
This thesis is about creative strategies for staging places as performances. To remain viable in the rapidly changing technological and social context, architecture needs to extend its engagement with research, reappraise its fundamental... more
The development of the use of computers and software in art from the Fifties to the present is explained. As general aspects of the history of computer art an interface model and three dominant modes to use computational processes... more
A book with participation of: Lucia Santaella (Forewords) Ana Tereza Brandão Carlos Augusto M. da Nóbrega Carlos Henrique Paulino Carlos Henrique Rezende Falci Casey Reas Cátia Rodrigues Barbosa Celina Figueiredo Lage Débora Aita... more
If the medium of cinema is born of the addition of temporality to images, new trends in digital art such as architectural mapping video projection, audiovisual (A/V) performance, and new forms of immersive scenography are adding the... more
‘Pierre Schaeffer's Typo-Morphology of Sonic Objects’ proposes to present to the English-speaking reader the two accomplished stages of Schaeffer's 1966 solfège, namely typology and morphology, as expounded in Traité des objets musicaux,... more
Sous quelles conditions un territoire est-il construit en regard de la programmation informatique ? Comment reterritorialiser Internet à l'échelle du corps ? Par où l'algorithme pénètre-t-il nos échanges symboliques ? Avec la société i... more
A proposta de criação dos Encontros Fotografia, Cinema e Artes respondeu ao desejo de se estabelecer uma rede de compartilhamento e estimulação à reflexão sobre como as tecnologias digitais têm contribuído para a transformação da... more
What follows here is not a definition of art by decree. Nor is this some kind of art manifesto. We are not saying this is how art should be, or could be, but how it is, if you let go of the prison of aesthetics, and follow an infinitely... more
Stüssy is an internationally renowned fashion label which encapsulates the surf wear trend originating in Orange County, California, and which has largely been adopted by the streetwear and hip-hop scenes.
Essay included in the book Media Art. Towards a New Definition of Arts in the Age of Technology, edited by festival director (and awesome human) Valentino Catricalà, is now out (Pistoia: Gli Ori, 2015). It contains my essay ‘On Cybernetic... more
Algorithmiques, interactives, performatives, responsives, opératoires… A l’ère numérique les images changent de forme et de modes d’existence, elles offrent des possibilités d’action autant qu’elles agissent. Produites par des « machines... more
This dissertation aims to understand in detail the relationship between play and the sense-making process in interactive art encounters. It argues that play and the ludic character observed in such encounters are fundamental dimensions,... more
For millennia, gardens have been a medium with which to redeem nature from its ever-impending chaos. They play a key role in the survival strategies that art and culture can offer during the “age of the human.” Yet not all these... more
My research into Virtual Reality technology and its central property of immersion has indicated that immersion in Virtual Reality (VR) electronic systems is a significant key to the understanding of contemporary culture as well as... more
This article examines the use of the blockchain to create limited editions of digital art with a particular focus on the business models of two companies: Monegraph and Ascribe. For some, the development of blockchain technologies and... more
Resumen: En los últimos años las expresiones narrativas como el cine y la literatura han sufrido grandes cambios en su estructuración; la utilización de la no linealidad como recurso para contar historias le ha aportado un nuevo aire a la... more
RESUMEN: Este trabajo se propone desplegar una mirada metafísico-existencial -y por ello también arquitectónica- sobre el habitar, entendido éste como un acto de resonancias espirituales mediante el cual el hombre afianza su identidad y... more
The desktop publishing revolution of the 1980s and the digital media have forever changed the way information and visual images are created, transmitted, and experienced. For the majority of the countries that use Arabic script these... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
It is a pleasure to be invited to offer a short preface to this second volume in the POCOS series.
Doors, windows, box office windows, skylights, car windows, mirrors, are all frames. The great directors have particular affinities with particular secondary, tertiary, etc. frames. And it is by this dovetailing of frames that the parts... more
A new transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary field that emerges in pedagogics is commented. Arts coupled with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is the STEM with Arts (STEAM). It introduces students and educators to... more
In Your Computer, by Domenico Quaranta, is a collection of texts written by Domenico Quaranta between 2005 and 2010 for exhibition catalogues, printed magazines and online reviews: a pocket version of what the author would save from the... more
A oposição real/virtual é um mero anacronismo do século XX. Somos hoje corpos “ciborguizados” pelos celulares, uma espécie de ponto conexão permanente que nos expande para além do aqui e nos insere em um tempo de eterno agora. Telas de... more
Digital technologies have significantly changed the practices of museums, cultural institutions, libraries, and archives. However, although many museums have adopted digital media in one way or another, few actively collect and preserve... more
Aimed to digital art, it's a volume 1 of 5 issues with techniques, interviews, releases and etc.
Syllabus winter semester 2017/18. HfG Karlsruhe
A critical commentary that presents and contextualizes a film and video making practice spanning three decades. It locates a contemporary visual music practice within current and emerging critical and theoretical contexts and tracks back... more
"Visualizing Art History: Experimental Animation and Its Mentor, Jules Engel" by Janeann Dill, phd, mfa A dictionary begins when it no longer gives the meaning of words, but their tasks. --- Georges Bataille It is most often the... more
Las relaciones de conocimiento en la Biblioteca Digital del Pensamiento Novohispano. DE MIRIAM PEÑA PIMENTEL Y ERNESTO PRIANI SAISÓ, PÁG. 10 •Del mito de "la silla peligrosa" a la leyenda urbana de la aguja escondida y el contagio del... more
My thesis introduces new kinds of understandings of artistic practice taking place in laboratories and engaging with the design, production and critique of technological artefacts.
One way of thinking about the ways in which photography contributed to the experience of fine art, and perhaps to the structure of experience itself, is as the primary driver and a catalyst of modernist aesthetics. According to this view,... more
RESUMEN: La Filosofía, en su sentido radical, acontece dondequiera el hombre cavila sobre sí, donde se queda consternado ante la incomprensibilidad de su estar-aquí, en cualquier lugar que las preguntas por el sentido de la vida emergen... more
Dictionary entry. An overview of Internet art, as art that uses the Internet not only as its tool of production and distribution but also as its source material or medium, and exploits or reflects the Internet’s inherently connective... more