Digital Arts
Most cited papers in Digital Arts
From a small community of pioneering artists who experimented with artificial intelligence (AI) in the 1970s, AI art has expanded, gained visibility, and attained socio-cultural relevance since the second half of the 2010s. Its topics,... more
The aim of this article is to theorize how materials can play an active, constitutive, and causally effective role in the production and sustenance of cultural forms and meanings. It does so through an empirical exploration of the Museum... more
This chapter examines digital virtual environments as a site for art and proposes a formal aesthetics for art in digital virtual environments. The study arises from the author's decades-long practice producing art in virtual environments... more
Scent has a long history of being treated as the medium for art. Its aesthetic, affective and evocative aspects enrich the art experience. Yet when it comes to the digital era, it seems to become the minority among the artworks. As... more
Procedural, parametric and generative computer-supported techniques in combination with mass customization and automated fabrication enable holistic manipulation in silico and the subsequent production of increasingly complex... more
I first encountered EVA London in 1995 through my establishment of the Virtual Library museums pages (VLmp), part of the World Wide Web Virtual Library. In 2003, I was invited back as a keynote speaker on the subject of website... more
What constitutes an affect cycle in digital networks? How is it enacted and what are the conse- quences for individuals, for digital data and for the society that comprises both? Further, what is the relationship between affect and... more
This paper introduces three approaches to using Evolutionary Computation (EC) in Music (namely, engineering, creative and musicological approaches) and discusses examples of representative systems that have been developed within the last... more
Scholars of critical race studies, urban history, and information and communications technologies (ICTs) share an interest in the relationship between spatial and racial disparities, including the quality of basic infrastructure, degrees... more
This article argues that the computer automation of perspective and rendering in Google Earth has far-reaching consequences for the relationships between representations of the earth, its ecology and cultural responses to climate change.... more
The smart e-bike monitoring system (SEMS) is a platform for the real-time acquisition of usage data from electrically-assisted bikes (also called pedelecs or e-bikes). It is autonomous (runs off the bike battery), replicable (open source... more
Aesthetic techniques are increasingly used by marketeers to create enticing digital products. In this paper, I work with the aesthetic experiences of one audience group to consider the psychological impact of living in a culture where... more
This article presents two case studies of marginalized youth experimenting with digital music production in flexible education settings. The cases were drawn from a 3-year study of alternative assessment in flexible learning centres for... more
The multimodal autobiographical composition offers students a way to position themselves as authors and address the tensions of identity within school settings. S chools designated as STEM (science, technology, engineering, and... more
The digital revolution has already left its footprint in the cultural industry by not only introducing new aesthetics and art forms, but also by crucially transforming the practices of museums, libraries, archives, and cultural... more
This photo-essay sutures and structures a massive pool of images emerging out of an art-project conducted by the author, CAMP Studio, Mumbai, and Kenneth Cyrus (cinematographer), in the context of Response, CIMA 25th Anniversary show,... more
HEWILLNOTDIVIDE.US, a participatory project by the artist collective LaBeouf, Rönkko & Turner, invited people to make statements against division following the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. Their declarations in a courtyard in Queens,... more
STEAM-generated learning situates art + design practices as a powerful engine for educational reform and at the center of initiatives toward more meaningful collaboration across disciplines.
This paper describes three interactive artefacts created for a children’s exhibition intended to encourage creativity and allow educational opportunities to emerge naturally through playful exploration. We describe five sensibilities that... more
An interactive artwork takes on the shape of an event. An artist does not make a final, completed piece of art, instead produces an area of activity for the receivers, whose interactive actions bring to life an artwork-event. Regardless... more
The Everywhere Museum of Everything is a research and action proposal founded on the array of aestheticised online content, which can be purposefully and critically curated in order to create a meaningful territory of contemporary online... more
Pelo Futuro do Passado é uma instalação audiovisual interativa que provoca uma (re)conexão dos quatro elementos primordiais com a consciência e a ética, o questionamento do mundo, a sociedade e a vida, através de um processo de interação.... more
This paper examines the use of the blockchain to create limited editions of digital art with a particular focus on the business models of two companies: Monegraph and Ascribe. For some, blockchain technologies suggest an opportunity for... more
This article discusses digital three-dimensional animations by Miao Xiaochun and Lu Yang. The two artists’ works are commonly based on the expressive possibilities of digital software and virtual space, such as non-naturalistic rendering... more
During the last two decades, the emergence of fresh categories within new media art has posed unprecedented challenges to museums, motivating the creation of new institutions specifically designed to house and display works of this type.... more
Still and video panoramas provide exciting opportunities for individual users to take virtual journeys through a wide range of environments. The opportunity they provide for the basis of interactive storytelling has not been substantially... more
This paper offers a contribution to an emerging culturally orientated discourse regarding mixed reality interaction. It seeks to define syncretic, or hybridized agency, particularly in social mixed reality data transfer artworks. Recent... more
Departing from the discourse on whether a specific (social, ethical) responsibility is attached to the creation and manipulation of algorithms, this article questions the prerequisite of having an identity of algorithms to which that... more
This is a pre-print of an article (author's original draft) accepted for publication in Theory, Culture and Society, special issue 'Transversal Posthumanities', forthcoming 2018.
Playfulness is a vague and ambiguous term. While it is easy to realize that a specific situation is playful, the concept itself is hard to grasp. Situations shift in and out of playfulness, leaving the term with hazy borders. This essay... more
In the participatory performance event Surrender Control (2001, Tim Etchells), the audience is asked to submit to a distant authority that will dictate their thoughts and behaviour through the medium of SMS. Subscribing to the event, one... more
With a growing number of embedded digital experiences in arts and heritage settings, creating a broad global field, this article focuses on the use of mobile phones in the engagement of humans with the cultural heritage of public spaces,... more
It is undeniable that digital technologies transformed contemporary artistic practice and cultural production. Particularly in the field of the performing arts, technology changed the relationship with the public... more
This chapter explores the emergent field of mobile augmented reality (AR) art as articulated on smartphones and tablets, and the impact of these new technologies on participatory art practices. Examples for analysis are drawn from recent... more
We introduce photogrowth, an evolutionary approach to the production of non-photorealistic renderings of images. The painting algorithm -inspired by ant colony approachesis described and explained, giving emphasis to its novel aspects:... more
In this paper, I wish to examine corporeality in the virtual realm, through the usage of the (non)-physical body of the avatar. Two sister art installations created in the virtual world of Second Life®, both of which are meant to be... more
Hazan S. (2006) 'A crisis of authority: old lamps for new'
in Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage,
Ed. Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderdine
MIT Press.
in Theorizing Digital Cultural Heritage,
Ed. Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderdine
MIT Press.
This paper outlines the design process of the project "Seven Mile Boots", a wearable art piece. Using the Seven Mile Boots, a user can travel seven miles in one step and traverse virtual social spaces of communication. The piece was often... more